
Mohamed F. M. Abdelfattah, dósent

Deild:Tæknisvið / Verkfræðideild 
Aðsetur:School of Technology, Department of Engineering 


Biography about me : Work and Education

Name: Mohamed Abdelfattah
Publication Names: “MF Abdel-Fattah” & “Mohamed F. Abdel-Fattah”
Education: Ph.D., MS & B.Sc. in Electrical Power Engineering 
Associate Professor, Electrical Power Engineering
Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland
Email:, Tel. + 354-5996555
Google Scholar:
ORCID identifier:     

I have research and teaching experiences spanning more than 24 years, in Egypt, Finland and Iceland, in the area of ​​electrical power engineering, power systems protection, and smart grids.

I have research and teaching experiences spanning more than 23 years, since I started my work with Zagazig University in Egypt, as a teaching / research assistant, in 1996. This is followed by teaching and research work experiences in Finland and Iceland, in the area of electrical power engineering, power systems protection and transients. I have very long experience in teaching different fundamental and advanced courses in electrical engineering and power systems and protection.My research experience is mainly related to the development of the transient-based protection (TBP) utilizing the fault transient components, arcing fault investigations and self-extinction and the development of the self-healing capability for smart distribution grids.

My experience includes about 13 years of postdoctoral experience, including 5 years at RU. I have a long history of teaching experience, research publications that include 8 good journal papers and 29 conference papers. I also have many international scientific activities (such as invited professor, presentations and conference activities). I already supervised master´s and doctoral students.

Currently, I am an associate professor, electrical power engineering, with the School of Technology at Reykjavik University, Iceland, since 2020. I joined Reykjavik University as an assistant professor (2014-2020). At Reykjavik University, I designed many courses, developed it and currently teach some of it. These courses include undergraduate courses such as power systems, electrical circuit analysis and electrical circuit design and MSc courses, in electrical power engineering, such as smart grids, power electronics and integrated project in protection. Currently, I am teaching three courses: smart grids (MSc), power systems, and electric circuits. I also taught other courses such as integrated project in protection, power electronics, electric machines and electric circuit design.In parallel with teaching, I am developing my research in smart grids and power system protection areas.

I was working at Aalto University in Finland before moving to Iceland. I joined Aalto University for about 7 years (2007-2014), as a post-doctoral researcher / lecturer (PhD), with power systems group. I started by two years postdoc, followed by research work within the “smart grids and energy markets (SGEM)” project. My work was related to the development of the self-healing capability of the smart distribution networks, including the investigation into the earth fault properties, the self-extinction property of arcing earth faults under different neutral treatment conditions and the development of the transient-based protection techniques. At Aalto University, I designed and developed many courses and I was lecturing 5 courses related to electric power systems.

I received my bachelor´s (BSc) degree in 1995. This was followed by master (MSc), in 2000, and doctoral (PhD), in 2006, degrees research, in parallel with teaching and supervision of many students in Egypt. Besides my position as a faculty member at Zagazig University, Egypt, I also worked part-time for electrical engineering company as a “technical problem-solver,” and a “technical trainer” for a considerable time.

This experience has extended to continuous post-doctoral research and teaching for about 7 years, at Aalto University, Finland, and currently as an assistant professor at Reykjavik University, Iceland, since September 2014.



2020-Currently: Associate Professor
2014-2020: Assistant Professor PhD
Reykjavik University, Iceland
- Teaching courses for BSc Electrical Engineeing and MSC Electrical Power programs.
- Reseaching in the area of protection of electrical power systems and smart-grids. 
2007–2014 Post-Doctoral (Teaching and Research)
Aalto University, Finland
Department of Electrical Engineering (Power Systems Group)
- Teaching and developments of many "Electrical Power Systems" courses, including new "Protective rElaying and Distribution Automation" course.
- Research work started by Post-Doc, for two years, and followed by work in the Smart-Grids project, for about five years, including self-healing networks, self-extinction of arcing faults and transient-based protection techniques for earth-fault detection in medium voltage distribution networks (urban and rural MV Finnish networks (10 and 20 kV).
2001–2006 Doctoral Degree Study (Ph.D.)
Zagazig University, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Power Engineering.
Thesis Topic: Protection of Electrical Power Systems (500 kV transmission lines).
Thesis Title: "Ultra High-Speed Distance Protection System with Adequate Digital Backup Stage-Theory and Hardware".
1997–2000 Master Degree Study (M.Sc.) 
Zagazig University, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Power Engineering.
Thesis Topic: Protection of Electrical Power Systems (220 kV transmission lines)
Thesis Title: "Digital Protection - Integrated Distance Relay"
1990–1995 Bachelor Degree Study (B.Sc.)
Zagazig University, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Power Engineering.
Grade: Excellent with distinction and first class honors
Bachelor Graduation Project, Grade: Excellent
Project Topic: Protection of Electrical Power Systems  (220 kV transmission lines)
Project Title: "A Distance Relay with Variable Quadrilateral Characteristics"



2020-Currently: Associate Professor
2014-2020: Assistant Professor PhD
Reykjavik University, Iceland
School of Science and Engineering.
2007-2014: Lecturer/Researcher PhD (Post-Doctoral)  
Aalto University, Finland
School of Electrical Engineering,
Department of Electrical Engineering (Power Systems Group)
2006-2007: Lecturer PhD/Assistant Professor
Zagazig University, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering (Electrical Power Systems),
Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering
2000-2006: Assistant Lecturer MSc
Zagazig University, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering (Electrical Power Systems),
Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering
1996-2000: Teaching Assistant BSc
Zagazig University, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering (Electrical Power Systems),
Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

Kennsluferill í HR

2025-1T-867-POSYRekstur raforkukerfa
2024-3T-306-RAS1Greining rása
2024-3T-829-GRO1Rannsóknarvinna í meistaranámi I
2024-3T-867-GRIDSmart-Grid and Sustainable Power Systems
2024-1T-868-PROTProtection Philosophy for Smart-Grids
2024-1T-829-GRO1Rannsóknarvinna í meistaranámi I
2023-3T-306-RAS1Greining rása
2023-3T-867-GRIDSmart-Grid and Sustainable Power Systems


My current research activities are mainly related to:

Protection of Electrical Power Systems:
-    Smart wide-area protective schemes
-    Efficient and fast transient-based protection systems
-    Earth-fault detection, diagnosis and location in medium and high-voltage systems, under different network earthing conditions.

Smart-Grids Technology:
-    Intelligent protection systems
-    Self-extinguished arcing faults
-    Self-healing networks, for smart-grids
-    Renewable energy utilization, for smart-grids



Journal Publications:






MF Abdel-Fattah and J. Punt, “An Energy Market Model for Homes with Battery Energy Storage and Solar Photovoltaic Systems: A Case Study,” International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, vol. 8, iss. 5, Nov. 2019, pp. 66-72.



A. Landeros, S. Koziel and MF Abdel-Fattah , “Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Power Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Improvement by Means of Feasibility-Preserving Evolutionary Optimization,” Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 7, iss. 3, May 2019, pp 589–598.

ISI Journal - Ranking Q2 (2019: Rank 986, Full Journal Title: Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Total Cites: 1,220, Journal Impact Factor: 3.090, Eigenfactor Score: 0.002930) ISSN / eISSN: 2196-5625 / 2196- 5420



MF Abdel-Fattah , M. Lehtonen and X. Bingyin, “A New Correlation-Based Earth Fault Indication Algorithm Using Only Transient Current Measurements,” International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) Journal , vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 111-121, May-June 2014.

Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering - best quartile, SJR 2019 : 0.41, Elsevier Database-Scopus CiteScore 2019: 2.6.



MF Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “The High-Temperature Effect on the Breakdown Voltage of an Air-Gap at Atmospheric Pressure with Reference to Paschen Curve,” International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) Journal , Nov-Dec 2013, vol . 8, no. 6, pp. 1876-1881.

Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering - best quartile, SJR 2019 : 0.41, Elsevier Database-Scopus CiteScore 2019: 2.6.




MF Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “Transient algorithm based on earth capacitance estimation for earth-fault detection in medium-voltage networks,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (IET Journal) , Feb. 2012, vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 161–166.

ISI Journal - Ranking Q2 (2019: Rank 1268, Full Journal Title: IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, Total Cites: 9,077, Journal Impact Factor: 2.862, Eigenfactor Score: 0.017520) ISSN / eISSN: 1751-8687 / 1751-8695



MF Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A new transient impedance-based algorithm for earth fault detection in medium voltage networks,” Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (JEPE) , vol. 6, no. 2, Feb. 2012, pp. 240-249 .  

DOI: 10.17265 / 1934-8975 / 2012.02.011

ISSN: 1934-8975 (print) 1934-8983 (online)



MF Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A novel transient current-based differential algorithm for earth fault detection in medium voltage distribution networks,” Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (JEPE) , vol. 6, no. 1, Jan. 2012, pp. 81-89.

DOI: 10.17265 / 1934-8975 / 2012.01.010

ISSN: 1934-8975 (print) 1934-8983 (online)



International Conference / Proceedings Publications:












MF Abdel-Fattah , H. Kohler, P. Rotenberger, and L. Schöler “A Review of the Holonic Architecture for the Smart Grids and the Self-Healing Application,” Proc. of The 2020 21st International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE), Prague, Czech Republic, October 19-21, 2020.

Indexed by Conference Proceedings Citation Index CPCI included in ISI Web of Knowledge and by Scopus database.


Md-Z. Habib, MF Abdel-Fattah , N. Taylor, “A Current-Based Solution for Earth-Fault Location in Resonant-Earthed Medium-Voltage Distribution System,” Accepted at The IET 15th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2020) , 9 - 12 March 2020, The ACC, Liverpool, UK.

Proceedings in IET Inspec, IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex .



MF Abdel-Fattah , J. Punt “Investigations on the Integration of Solar Photovoltaic with Battery Energy Storage for Home Energy System,” The 2019 IEEE 60th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2019), Riga, Latvia , October 7-9, 2019.

DOI: 10.1109/RTUCON48111.2019.8982337

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database and cross-referred in SCOPUS and in Thomson-Reuters Web of Science.



S. Buhlmann, M. F. Abdel-Fattah, “A Review on the High-Altitude Wind Power Kites with the Proposed Control Methods,” The 2019 IEEE 60th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2019), Riga, Latvia, October 7-9, 2019.

DOI: 10.1109/RTUCON48111.2019.8982324

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database and cross-referred in SCOPUS and in Thomson-Reuters Web of Science.



F. Pálsson, M. F. Abdel-Fattah, “Particle Swarm Optimization Method for Solving an Economic Dispatch Problem,” The 2019 IEEE 60th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2019), Riga, Latvia, October 7-9, 2019.

DOI: 10.1109/RTUCON48111.2019.8982308

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database and cross-referred in SCOPUS and in Thomson-Reuters Web of Science.



M. Dall’Agnol, R. Grossele, S. Lyngholm and M.F. Abdel-Fattah, “Electric and Thermal Heating Systems for Use in Household in the South of Europe: A Comparison Study,” The IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2018), Riga, Latvia, November 12-13, 2018.

DOI: 10.1109/RTUCON.2018.8659883

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database and cross-referred in SCOPUS and in Thomson-Reuters Web of Science.



Al. Moses, A. Landeros and M.F. Abdel-Fattah, “Particle Swarm Optimization for Sizing Hybrid Power Systems Incorporating Demand Response,” The IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2018), Riga, Latvia, November 12-13, 2018.

DOI: 10.1109/RTUCON.2018.8659835

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database and cross-referred in SCOPUS and in Thomson-Reuters Web of Science.



R.S.B. Barajas, C.M. Medino and M.F. Abdel-Fattah, “Wind Energy Reserve Power Integration for Improving Icelandic Grid Stability: A Case Study in the Westfjords,” The IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2018), Riga, Latvia, November 12-13, 2018.

DOI: 10.1109/RTUCON.2018.8659897

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database and cross-referred in SCOPUS and in Thomson-Reuters Web of Science.



A. Landeros, S. Koziel, M.F. Abdel-Fattah and G. Gutiérrez-Alcaraz, “Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Voltage Stability Enhancement via Feasibility-Preserving Evolutionary Optimization,” The IEEE 18th Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2018), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 10-11 October 2018.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



Koziel S., Rojas A.L., Abdel-Fattah M.F., Moskwa S. (2019) Power Loss Reduction Through Network Reconfiguration and Distributed Generation by Means of Feasibility-Preserving Evolutionary Optimization. In: Rodrigues H. et al. (eds) EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization. EngOpt 2018. Springer, Cham.

Proceedings e-book in SpringerLink.



V. Omelianov and M.F. Abdel-Fattah, “Energy Storage Systems Integration with Household: A Case Study of Average Ontario Household using Lead Acid Battery,” Proc. of the 7th Saudi Arabia Smart Grid Conference (SASG 2017), December 12-14, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2017.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



M.F. Abdel-Fattah, A.A. El-Alaily and Z.S. El-Razaz, “Fault Resistance Investigations for Faults in Double-Circuit Double-Fed Transmission Lines,” Proc. of the 17th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE), Prague, Czech Republic, May 16-18, 2016, pp. 1-6.

Indexed by Conference Proceedings Citation Index CPCI included in ISI Web of Knowledge and by Scopus database.



M. Lehtonen, O. Siirto and M. F. Abdel-Fattah, “Simple Fault Path Indication Techniques for Earth Faults,” The Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ2014), 11-13 June 2014, Rakvere, Estonia.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “The effect of fault resistance on the earth fault characteristics on unearthed and compensated neutral medium voltage networks,” The 8th International Conference on Power Quality and Supply Reliability (PQ 2012), 11-13 June 2012, Tartu, Estonia.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “Transient techniques for earth fault detection in unearthed and compensated neutral medium voltage distribution networks,” Methods and techniques for earth fault detection, indication and location Seminar, Espoo, Finland, February 2011.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “The effect of network compensation on the transient recovery voltage during earth faults on medium voltage networks,” The EEUG Meeting 2011: European EMTP-ATP Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, 26-28 September, 2011.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah, M. Lehtonen, R. J. Millar and C. J. Kim, “The impact of the distribution network type and configuration on the transient behavior of the fault and neutral points during earth faults,” The International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST2011), Delft, The Netherlands June 14-17, 2011.

Paper #: 11IPST031



C. J. Kim, T. O. Bialek, M. Lehtonen, and M. F. Abdel-Fattah, “Location of underground cable transitory faults,” The International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST2011), Delft, The Netherlands June 14-17, 2011.

Paper #: 11IPST062



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “Investigations on the behavior of the fault current and neutral point voltage during earth faults in unearthed and compensated neutral medium voltage distribution network,” The 6th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies (ECT 2011), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 2011.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah, “Transient-based protection (TBP) - an efficient concept for transient and unconventional hidden faults detection,” The Second International Conference of Energy Engineering (ICEE-2), Aswan, Egypt, 27-29 December 2010.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “Transient-based protection as a solution for earth-fault detection in unearthed and compensated neutral medium voltage distribution networks,” The 7th international conference: 2010 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability (PQ 2010), Kuressaare, Estonia, June 2010, pp. 1-8.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A probabilistic-based technique using transient RMS currents for earth fault detection in medium voltage distribution networks,” The 10th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2010), Manchester, UK, March/April 2010, pp. 1-5.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “EMTP-ATP Investigations of earth-fault transient simulation in realistic Finnish 21 kV overhead line medium voltage network,” Proceedings of the EEUG Meeting 2009: European EMTP-ATP Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, October, 2009, pp. 142-150.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A novel earth fault detection technique based on extraction of transient superimposed components from the phase currents,” Proceedings of the EEUG Meeting 2009: European EMTP-ATP Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, October, 2009, pp. 151-158.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A new transient current based centralized selectivity algorithm for earth faults in isolated and compensated neutral MV networks,” Proceedings of the 44th International Universities´ Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2009), Glasgow, Scotland, U.K., September, 2009, pp. 1-5.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



N. I. Elkalashy, A. Elhaffar, M. F. Abdel-Fattah, N. Tarhuni and M. Lehtonen, “Windowed standard deviation-based transient feature extraction for earth fault protection in MV networks,” The 44th International Universities´ Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2009), Glasgow, Scotland, U.K., September, 2009, pp. 1-4.


Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



A. Elhaffar, N. I. Elkalashy, N. Tarhuni, M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “Evaluation of probabilistic-based selectivity technique for earth fault protection in MV networks,” IEEE PowerTech-2009 Conference, Bucharest, Romania, June-July 2009.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A novel transient current-based differential algorithm for earth fault detection in medium voltage distribution networks,” The International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2009), Kyoto, Japan, June 2009.

Paper #: 09IPST099



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A new transient impedance-based algorithm for earth fault detection in medium voltage networks,” The International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2009), Kyoto, Japan, June 2009.

Paper #: 09IPST098)



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A simple transient-based wide-area selectivity technique for earth-faults in isolated and compensated neutral medium voltage networks,” The 4th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies (ECT 2009), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 2009.



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “A Transient fault detection technique with varying fault detection window of earth modes in unearthed MV systems,” Power Quality and Supply Reliability, 6th international conference (PQ 2008), Pärnu, Estonia, August 2008.

Proceeding in IEEE Xplore database.



National Seminar Publications:



M. F. Abdel-Fattah and M. Lehtonen, “Transient techniques for earth fault detection in unearthed and compensated neutral medium voltage distribution networks,” Methods and techniques for earth fault detection, indication and location Seminar, Espoo, Finland, February 2011.





M. F. Abdel-Fattah, “Ultra high-speed distance protection system with adequate digital backup stage - theory and hardware,” Doctoral (Ph.D.) (monograph) Thesis, Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, 2006.



MF Abdel-Fattah , “Digital protection - integrated distance relay,” Master (M.Sc.) (monograph) Thesis, Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, 2000.



Graduation Project Report:


MF Abdel-Fattah et al., “A distance relay with variable quadrilateral characteristics,” Bachelor (B.Sc.) Graduation Project Report, Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, 1995.