
Álfgeir Logi Kristjánsson, lektor

Deild:Samfélagssvið / Sálfræðideild 


2010 Karolinska Institutet. Doctor of Medical Science (PhD) í félagslækningum (social medicine).
2004 University of Edinburgh. Master of Science (MSc) í félagslegri aðferðarfræði.
2003 Háskóli Íslands. Bachelor of Arts (BA) í félagsfræði.
1997 Stúdentspróf frá Hamrahlíðarskóla.



July 2012 to date: Assistant Professor at West Virginia University, School of Public Health, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Morgantown, WV, USA.

September 2010 to June 2012: Post-doctoral fellow at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York, NY, USA, Department of Health and Behavior Studies.

September 2010 to date: Research Fellow at the Karolinska Institute, Department of Public Health Sciences, Health Promoting Behavior Research Group. Stockholm, Sweden.

September 2009 to date: Senior Data Coordinator at the Icelandic Center for Social Research and Analysis (ICSRA), Reykjavik, Iceland.

October 2009 to June 2011: Program director for the Master of Public Health (MPH) Program in the School of Health and Education at Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland.

August 2008 to June 2011: Assistant professor of Public Health in the School of Health and Education at Reykjavik University and Research director at The Centre for Social Research and Analysis at Reykjavik University emphasizing youth research.

March 2006 to August 2008: Adjunct in the School of Health and Education at Reykjavik University and Social Researcher at The Centre for Social Research and Analysis at Reykjavik University.

January 2005 to March 2006: Researcher in the new found School of Health and Education at Reykjavik University. Social Researcher at The Centre for Social Research and Analysis at Reykjavik University.

2004: Social Researcher with MVA limited in Edinburgh, Scotland. Tutor in sociology at the University of Edinburgh.

2003: Tutor in SPSS computer program during postgraduate studies at the University of Edinburgh. Assistant researcher on writing a textbook in Sociology.

2002: Tutor in SPSS during 2nd and 3rd years of studies at the University of Iceland. Assistant Researcher on a project on Electronic Surveillance.

2001-2002:  Along with academic studies, and during the summer months, a Treatment Officer in Arvellir treatment centre for young people with behavioral difficulties and drug problems.


Kennsluferill í HR

2025-1E-604-BSC2BSc rannsóknarverkefni II
2024-3E-746-ADA2Applied Data Analysis 2
2024-3E-504-BSC1BSc rannsóknarverkefni I
2024-1E-604-BSC2BSc rannsóknarverkefni II
2023-3E-736-ADANApplied Data Analysis
2023-3E-504-BSC1BSc rannsóknarverkefni I
2023-1E-604-BSC2BSc rannsóknarverkefni II



Adolescent Development and Health, Health Behaviors. Community Health Interventions

Viðurkenningar og styrkir


2016-2018    Ann E. Casey Foundation. West Virginia Health Sciences and Technology Academy Replication Proposal for Packaging, Evaluation, and Business Structuring. Amount: $200,000 (2/1/2016-1/31/2017). Role: Co-Investigator (10% fte.). PI: Ann Chester.

2015-2020    European Research Council (ERC). A Multilevel Analaysis on the Effects of Stress on Biology, Emotions, and Behavior Throughout Childhood (ERC-CoG-2014 – 647860, LIFECOURSE). Amount: 1,999,188.00 ($2,149,897.00) (June 1. 2015 – May 31. 2020). Role: Co-Investigator (20% fte., consulting to the Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analaysis at Reykjavik University, Iceland). PI: Inga Dora Sigfusdottir.

2014-2019    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Project AWARE LEA. WV McDowell County evaluation (Subcontracted from Marshall University). Amount: $150,000.00 (Oct 1. 2014-Sep 30. 2019). Role: Co-Principal Investigator (5% fte.).

2014-2019    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Grant # 1 SM061873. (Prime Award # GRTAWD04021500003266). Project AWARE SEA (Advancing Wellness and Resilience in Education)- State Educational Agency Program. (Subcontracted from Marshall University). Amount: $435,435.00 (Oct 1. 2014-Sep 30 2019). Role: Co-Principal Investigator (20% fte.).

2014-2016    Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Evaluation of the Management of Domestic Violence within the West Virginia Home Visitation Program. Amount: $387,390.00 (Sep. 30. 2014 – Sep. 29. 2016). Role: Co-investigator (10% fte.). PI: Christiaan Abildso.

2015-2016    Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Father Involvement Initiative. Evaluator for the West Virginia Bureau of Health’s home visitation program’s efforts to increase the participation rate of father’s.  Amount: $387,390.00 (Mar. 1. 2015 – Sep. 30. 2016). Role: Co-PI (20% fte.).

2014-2019    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Project LAUNCH Evaluation. Amount: $495,430.00 (Sep 30. 2014 – Sep. 29. 2019). Role: Co-investigator (5% fte.). PI: Tom Bias.

2015             WVU Program to stimulate competitive research (PSCoR). Adolescents’ Beliefs About and Regulation of Positive Affect (in preparation for an R15 application to NIH). Amount: $20,868 (Jan 1. 2015 – Dec 31. 2015). Role: Co-Investigator (1.1% fte.). PI: Amy Gentzler.

2014-2016    Sisters Health Foundation (formerly Sisters of St. Joseph Charitable Fund) (# f2014-hl-30). The Integrated Community Engagement (ICE) Collaborative in Wood County, WV. Amount: $ 70,000 for operational costs (Nov 1 2014 – Nov 1. 2016). Role: Principal Investigator (0% fte.).

2014-2016    WV National Center of Excellence in Womens Health (CoEWH) (# 2W873). Evaluation grant for the Women on Wellness (WoW) Program. Amount: $ 45,627 (August 15, 2014 – August 15, 2016). Role: Principal Investigator (12.5% fte).

2013-2014    The Highmark Foundation (# LN1021038.01). Intervention grant for the McDowell CHIOCES project. Amount: $ 204,000 (Oct 2013 - Sep 2014). Role: Co-Investigator (10% fte.). PI: Eloise Elliott.

2013             The Highmark Foundation (# LN1021038). Planning Grant for the McDowell CHIOCES project. Amount: $ 75,000 (jan-may 2013). Role: Co-Investigator (0% fte). PI: Eloise Elliott.

2012-2014    Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís). Project grant. Title: Multilevel Analysis of Risk and Protective Factors for Risky Behaviours in Adolescents. Amount: 5.4 million ISK per year for 3 years. Role: Co-Investigator. PI: Inga Dora Sigfusdottir.

2011-2013    Alvogen Pharmaceuticals (Iceland). Starting support for the SoBio study (in preparation for NIH grant applications and the European Research Council starting grants). Amount: $ 60.000 per year for 3 years. Role: Co-Investigator. PI: Inga Dora Sigfusdottir.

2006-2016.   Collaborative support from the Icelandic Ministry of Education for surveillance surveys on adolescent substance use and health behaviors. Amount 2.2-3.0 million ISK per year.

2010             The Icelandic Center for Research fund (Rannís) (# 100236). Equipment grant for the develpment of resesarch infrastructure in the School of Health and Education at Reykjavik University. Amount 5.000.000 ISK.

2007-2010.   The Icelandic Centre for Research fund (Rannís) (#70070007). Grant for PhD studies in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Karolinska Institute. Amount: 2.200.000 ISK.

2009             Erasmus grant for a research seminar in longitudinal models. Amount: 200.000 ISK.

2007             The Margrét Björgúlfsdóttir in memoriam fund: Support for PhD studies in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Karolisnka Institute. Amount: 300.000. ISK.

2003             The Student Innovation Fund (summer project). Project: Fear of Crime.

2002             The Student Innovation Fund. Project (summer project): Electronic Surveillance in the Work Place.

2002             The Student Innovation Fund. Project (summer project): Anabolic Steroid Use in Icelandic Sports.



Editorial Board Member

Adolescent Research Review

Health Education & Behavior

Journal of Caffeine Research

Journal of Youth and Adolescence


Ad-hoc reviewer

For 35 peer-reviewed journals


Peer-reviewed publications

50.    Dyer, A., Kristjansson, AL., Mann, MJ., Smith, ML., Allegrante, JP (2017). Sport Participation and Academic Achievement in High School Students: A longitudinal study. American Journal of Health Behavior, 41, 179 – 185.

49.    Ragnarsdottir, LD., Kristjansson, AL., Thorisdottir, IE., Allegrante, JP., Valdimarsdottir, HB., Gestsdottir, S., Sigfusdottir ID. (2017). Cumulative Risk over the Early Life Course and its Relations to Academic Achievement in Childhood and Early Adolescence. Preventive Medicine, 96, 36 – 41.

48.    Mann, MJ., Kristjansson, AL., Smith, ML., Sigfusdottir, ID. (in press). The Influence of Negative Life Events and Problem Behavior on Grades in Early Adolescence: Pathways to Academic Risk in Middle School. Research in Middle Level Education.

47.    Sigfusdottir, I.D., Kristjansson, A.L., Thorlindsson, T., Allegrante, J.P. (in press). Stress and adolescent well-being: The need for an interdisciplinary framework. Health Promotion International.

46.    Allar, I., Jones, E., Taliaferro, A., Elliott, E., Kristjansson, A.L., Bulger, S. (in press). Involving Families and Communities in CSPAP Development Using Asset Mapping. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance.

45.    Mann, MJ., Smith, ML., Kristjansson, AL (2016). Energy drink consumption and substance use risk in middle school students. Preventive Medicine Reports, 3, 279 – 282.

44.    Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Thorlindsson, T., Mann, MJ., Sigfusson, J., Allegrante, JP. (2016). Population trends in smoking, alcohol use, and primary prevention variables among adolescents in Iceland, 1997-2014. Addiction, 111, 645-652.

43.    Mann, M.J., Haley, P., Smith, M.L., & Kristjansson, A.L. (2016).  REAL Girls at Chico Junior High: Enhancing Relevance in Clinical Preparation Experiences.  In P.B. Howell, J. Carpenter & J. Jones (Eds.), Clinical Preparation at the Middle Level: Practices and Possibilities (pp. 205-231).  Charlotte, NC: IAP.

42.    Kristjansson, A.L., Mann, M.J., Sigfusdottir, I.D. (2015). Licit and illicit substance use by adolescent e-cigarette users compared to conventional cigarette smokers, dual users, and non-users. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57, 562-564.

41.    Owens, S., Kristjansson, AL., Hunte, HE. (2015). A Differential Item Functional Analysis by Age of Perceived Interpersonal Discrimination in a Multi-racial/ethnic Sample of Adults. Ethnicity & Disease, 25(4), 479-486.  

40.    Kristjansson, A.L., Sigfusdottir, I.D. (2015). E-cigarette use and relations to tobacco and alcohol use among adolescents. BMC Medicine, 13: 103.

39.    Kristjansson, AL., Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., Taliaferro, AR., Neal, W. (2015). Needs Assessment of Child and Adolescent Physical Activity Opportunities in Rural West Virginia: The McDowell CHOICES planning effort. BMC Public Health, 15: 327.

38.    Kristjansson, AL., Mann, MJ., Sigfusdottir, ID., James, JE. (2015). Mode of daily caffeine consumption among adolescents and the practice of mixing alcohol with energy drinks: Relationships to drunkenness. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76(3), 397-405.

37.    Mann, MJ., Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Smith, M. (2015). The Role of Community, Parent, Peer, and School Factors in Adolescent Bullying Behavior and Victimization: Implications for School-based Intervention. Journal of School Health, 85, 477-486.

36.    James, JE., Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID. (2015). A Gender-Specific Analysis of Adolescent Dietary Caffeine, Alcohol Consumption, Anger, and Violent Behavior. Substance Use & Misuse, 50(2), 257-267.

35.    Mann, M.J., Smith, M.L., Kristjansson, A.L. (2015). Improving Academic Self-Efficacy, School Connectedness, and Identity in Struggling Middle School Girls: A Quasi-Experimental Study of the REAL Girls Program. Health Education & Behavior, 42(1), 117-126.

34.    Jones, E., Elliot, E., Bulger, S., Taliaferro, AR., Kristjansson, AL., Neal, W., Allar, I. (2014). Feasibility Study of Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs in Appalachian Communities: The McDowell CHOICES Project. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33(4), 467-491.

33.    Hohwü, L., Gissler, M., Sjöberg, A., Biehl, AM., Kristjansson, AL., Obel, C. (2014). Prevalence of overweight in 2 to 17 year-old children and adolescents whose parents live separately: A Nordic cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 14:1216.

32.    Taehtinen, RE., Sigfusdottir, ID., Helgason, AR., Kristjansson, AL. (2014). Electronic Screen Use and Selected Somatic Symptoms in 10-12 Year Old Children. Preventive Medicine, 67, 128-133.

31.    Mann, M.J., Kristjansson, A.L., Sigfusdottir, I.D., Smith, M.L. (2014). The Impact of Negative Life Events on Young Adolescents: Comparing the Relative Vulnerability of Middle Level, High School, and College-Age Students. Research in Middle Level Education Online, 38(2), 1-13.

30.    Eidsdottir, S.T., Kristjansson, A.L., Sigfusdottir, I.D., Garber, C.E., Allegrante, J.P. (2014). Association between higher BMI and depressive symptoms in Icelandic adolescents: the mediational function of body image. European Journal of Public Health, 24(6), 887-991.

29.    Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Mann, MJ., James, JE. (2014). Caffeinated Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Common Physical Complaints in Icelandic Children Aged 10-12 Years. Preventive Medicine 58, 40-44.  

28.    Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Sigfusson, J., Allegrante, JP. (2014). Self-Generated Identification Codes in Longitudinal Prevention Research with Adolescents: A Pilot Study of Matched and Unmatched Subjects. Prevention Science, 15, 204-112.

27.    Kristjansson, A.L., Sigfusdottir, I.D., Allegrante, J.P. (2013). Adolescent substance use and peer use: A multilevel analysis of cross-sectional population data. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 8:27.

26.    Kristjansson AL, Sigfusson J, Sigfusdottir ID, Allegrante, JP (2013). Data collection procedures for school-based surveys among adolescents: the Youth in Europe Study. Journal of School Health, 83, 662-667.

25.    Kristjansson, A.L., Sigfusdottir, I.D., Frost, S.S., & James, J.E. (2013). Adolescent Caffeine Consumption and Self-reported Violence and Conduct Disorder. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 1053-1062.

24.    Eidsdottir, ST., Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Garber, CE., Allegrante, JP. (2013). Secular trends in overweight and obesity among Icelandic adolescents: Do parental education levels and family structure play a part? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 41, 384-391.

23.    Yang, F., Helgason, A.R., Sigfusdottir, I.D., Kristjansson, A.L. (2013). Electronic Screen Use and Mental Well-being of 10-12 year old children. European Journal of Public Health, 23(3), 492-498.

22.    Sigfusdottir, I.D., Kristjansson, A.L., Agnew, R. (2012). A Comparative Analysis of General Strain Theory. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40, 117-127.

21.    Matthiasdottir, E., Jonsson, S.H., Kristjansson, A.L. (2012). Body Weight Dissatisfaction in the Icelandic Adult Population: A Normative Discontent? European Journal of Public Health, 22, 116-121.

20.    Thorisdottir, I.E., Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Allegrante, JP. (2012). The landscape of overweight and obesity in Icelandic adolescents: Geographic variation in body-mass index between 2000 and 2009. Journal of Community Health, 37: 234-241.

19.    Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Allegrante, JP., James, JE. (2011). Adolescent Caffeine Consumption, Daytime Sleepiness and Anger. Journal of Caffeine Research, 1(1), 75-82.

18.    Gunnlaugsson, G., Kristjansson, A.L., Einarsdottir, J., Sigfusdottir, I.D. (2011). Intra-familial conflict and Emotional Well-being: A Population Based Study Among Icelandic Adolescents. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35, 372-381.

17.    Kristjansson, A.L., Sigfusdottir, I.D., Karlsson, T., Allegrante, J.P. (2011). The Perceived Parental Support (PPS) Scale: Validity and reliability in the 2006 Youth in Europe substance use prevention survey. Child Indicators Research, 4, 515-528.

16.    James, JE., Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID. (2011). Adolescent Substance Use, Sleep, and Academic Achievement: Evidence of Harm Due to Caffeine. Journal of Adolescence, 34, 665-673.

15.    Sigfusdottir, ID., Kristjansson, AL., Gudmundsdottir, ML., Allegrante, JP. (2011). Substance use prevention through school and community-based health promotion: A transdisciplinary approach from Iceland. Global Health Promotion, 18(3), 23-26.

14.    Sigfusdottir, ID., Kristjansson, AL., Gudmundsdottir, ML., Allegrante, JP. (2010). A collaborative community approach to adolescent substance misuse in Iceland. International Psychiatry, 7(4), 86-88.

13.    Kristjansson, AL., James, JE., Allegrante ,JP., Sigfusdottir, ID., Helgason, AR. (2010). Adolescent substance use, parental monitoring, and leisure time activities: 12-year outcomes of primary prevention in Iceland. Preventive Medicine, 51, 168-171.

12.    Eidsdottir, ST., Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Garber, CE., Allegrante, JP. (2010). Trends in Body Mass Index among Icelandic Adolescents and Young Adults from 1992 to 2007. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7, 2197-2207.

11.    Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., James, J., Allegrante, JP., Helgason, AR. (2010). Perceived Parental Reactions and Peer Respect as Predictors of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Use. Addictive Behaviors, 35, 256-259.

10.    Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Allegrante, JP. (2010). Health Behavior and Academic Achievement among Adolescents: The Relative Contribution of Dietary Habits, Physical Activity, BMI and Self-Esteem. Health Education & Behavior, 37(1), 51-64.

9.      Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Allegrante, JP., Helgason, AR. (2009). Parental Divorce and Adolescent Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Use: Assessing the Importance of Family Conflict. Acta Pædiatrica, 98, 537-542.

8.      Sigfusdottir, ID., Thorlindsson, Th., Kristjansson, AL., Roe, KM., Allegrante, JP. (2009). Substance use prevention for adolescents: The Icelandic Model. Health Promotion International, 24(1), 16-25.

7.      Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Allegrante, JP.. Helgason, ÁR. (2009). Adolescent Health Behavior, Contentment in School, and Academic Achievement. American Journal of Health Behavior, 33(1), 69-79.

6.      Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID. (2009). The Role of Parental Support, Parental Monitoring and Time Spent With Parents in Adolescent Academic Achievement in Iceland: A Structural Model of Gender Differences. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(5), 481-496.

5.      Sigfusdottir, ID, Kristjansson, AL, Thorlindsson, Th, Allegrante, JP. (2008). Trends in prevalence of substance use among Icelandic adolescents, 1995-2006. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 3:12.

4.      Kristjansson, AL., Sigfúsdóttir, ID., Allegrante, JP., Helgason, ÁR. (2008). Social correlates of cigarette smoking among Icelandic adolescents: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 8:86.

3.      Eidsdottir, STH., Kristjansson, AL., Sigfusdottir, ID., Allegrante, JP. (2008). Trends in Physical Activity and Participation in Sport Clubs among Icelandic Adolescents. European Journal of Public Health, 18(3), 289-293.

2.      Sigfusdottir, ID., Kristjansson, AL., Allegrante, JP. (2007). Health Behavior and Academic Achievement in Icelandic School Children. Health Education Research, 22(1), 70-80.

1.      Kristjansson, AL. (2007). On Social Equality and Perceptions of Insequrity: A Comparison Study Between Two European Countries. European Journal of Criminology, 4(1), 59-86.