
Catherine Elisabet Batt, aðstoðarkennari

Deild:Samfélagssvið / Viðskipta- og hagfræðideild 


Kennsluferill í HR



2015 -

PhD research on Budgeting and Uncertainty



2014 - 2015 ICEMAC 2 or Management accounting in Iceland
Today, Management accounting and control (MACC) systems are one of the primary information functions in the company. Use of state of the art methods for cost accounting, budgeting, management reporting, internal control and performance measurement has enabled companies to use accounting information to their advantage in the marketplace and for lowering costs. Evidence suggests that efficient and effective registration, processing and reporting of accounting information to decision makers means shorter decision times, more qualified decisions, more effective control of operations, improved coordination and better management of company assets. Improved management accounting and control is thus a crucial part of improved management practices and ultimately improved business performance.
Although the effects of the external environment on the design of MACC systems has  been researched in various countries, few academic studies of MACC in general and changes in MACC design in particular have been carried out in Iceland. One of the most comprehensive studies was carried out in 2008 by Reykjavik University. This study, called ICEMAC, mapped the state of MACC practices and design in over 65% of the largest companies in Iceland using a comprehensive web based survey tool (Rikhardsson et al., 2012). ICEMAC focused on the following MACC elements:
1.    Cost accounting: Cost accounting frameworks including variability accounting, contribution margin accounting and full cost accounting.
2.    Planning and budgeting: Budgeting practices in use, the budgeting process and uses of budgeting information.
3.    Internal control and risk management: Ensuring quality of accounting information, risk management and planning, safeguarding data and use of internal control frameworks.
4.    Performance measurement: Use of performance measurement frameworks, performance indicators and performance reporting systems.




2022 Peter Cleary; Martin Quinn; Pall Rikhardsson; Catherine Batt / Exploring the Links between IT Tools, Management Accounting Practices and SME Performance Perceptions of CFOs in Ireland. Accounting, Finance & Governance Review, 23.5.2022 2021 Martin Quinn; Peter Cleary; Catherine Batt; Pall Rikhardsson / Accounting and Information Systems in Irish Family SME: Professionalisation Effects.Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, Nr. 3, 2021, s. 454-476 Catherine Batt; Pall Rikhardsson; Thorlakur Karlsson / Exploring the Impact of Organizational Context on Budgeting Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, 2021, s. 134-151 Leif Christensen; Pall Rikhardsson; Carsten Rohde; Catherine Batt / Finanskrisens indvirkning på islandske og danske bankers ledelsesstyringssystemer Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, Vol. 90, Nr. 5, 2021, s. 16-29 Pall Rikhardsson; Carsten Rohde; Leif Christensen; Catherine E. Batt / Management Controls and Crisis: Evidence from the Banking Sector. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 34, Nr. 4, 6.2021, s. 757-785 2020 Catherine Batt / Budgeting and the Impact of Context. Developments and Perspectives Reykjavík : Reykjavík University 2020, 251 s. Catherine Batt; Peter Cleary; Martin R. W. Hiebl; Marin Quinn; Pall Rikhardsson / The Digitalization of Family Firms: A Research Agenda. A Research Agenda for Family Business: A Way Ahead for the Field. . red. /Andrea Calabrò. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2020, s. 247-260 (Elgar Research Agendas) 2018 Leif Christensen; Pall Rikhardsson; Carsten Rohde; Catherine E. Batt / Changes to Administrative Controls in Banks after the Financial Crisis Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, Vol. 15, Nr. 2, 2018, s. 161-180 2016 Pall Rikhardsson; Carsten Rohde; Leif Christensen; Catherine Elisabet Batt / Financial Crisis and Changes in Management Controls in Banks London: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. CIMA 2016, 11 s. (CIMA Executive Summary Report, Nr. 1, Vol. 12) Pall Rikhardsson; Carsten Rohde; Leif Christensen; Catherine Elisabet Batt / Organizational Change and the Role and Use of Management Controls: Evidence from the 2008 Economic Crisis and the Banking Industry. Paper presented at Nordic Accounting Conference 2016, 2016