
Guðbrandur Steinþórsson, Dósent, emerítus

Deild:Tæknisvið / Tæknifræðideild 
Aðsetur:Nauthólsvík, Venus, 3. hæð 
Viðtalstímar:Eftir samkomulagi 


Cand.polyt. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet.


2005-:   Reykjavik University, associate professor, subjects: Structural mechanics and structural design
2002-2005: Technical University of Iceland, associate professor,
1990-2002: Icelandic College of Engineering and Technology, rektor
1981-1990: Icelandic College of Engineering and Technology, Head of Department, Civil and structural engineering.
1981-:  Own consultancy in the field of structural analysis and design, especially in larger and complex structures..
1974-1980: Icelandic College og Engineering and Technology, Part-time lecturer in structural mechanics and reinforced concrete design.
1972-1980: Hönnun ltd., Consulting Engineers. Civil Engineer. Among projects participated in: Sigalda Hydroelectric Project, structural design og powerhouse, from 1973 to 1977.

Kennsluferill í HR

2025-1BT LOK1010Lokaverkefni
2025-1BT LOK1012Lokaverkefni
2024-3BT LOK1010Lokaverkefni
2024-1BT LOK1012Lokaverkefni
2024-1BT SST2013Steinsteypuvirki II
2023-3BT LOK1012Lokaverkefni
2023-1BT LOK1012Lokaverkefni


Byggingaverkfræði, burðarþol


1992-: Occasional serving on the Bench at the District Court in Reykjavik in cases concerning disputes on construction and property affairs.
1990-: Have occasionally served as assesor for the law courts in cases concerning constriction projects.
1990-1994: Icelandic representative on subcommitte CEN250/SC1 on Structural Eurocodes, Basis of Design and Actions on Structures.
1987-1995: Member (On behalf of the College) of the Icelandic Council on Building Codes. Two years as member of the board.


1988-1990: Steinsteypuvirki (Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, in Icelandic). Published as a manuscript at the College of Engineering and Technology. Used as teaching material and is to date used as a reference work by many practicing civil engineers. Covers all important aspects of the design of reinforced concrete, basic and more advanced theory as well as guidance to practical design.