
Guðrún Arnbjörg Sævarsdóttir, prófessor

Deild:Tæknisvið / Verkfræðideild 
Aðsetur:Nauthólsvík, Venus, 3. hæð 
Sími:   GSM: 8988667 

Sækja ferilskrá / CV : Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir


BSc. í eðlisfræði, Háskóli Íslands

MSc. í eðlisfræði, Háskóli Íslands

Dr. Ing. í efnisverkfræði, NTNU, Þrándheimi  Noregi



Tækni og verkfræðideild Háskólans í Reykjavík frá desember 2008

Framkvæmdastjóri Orku og tækniskóla Keilis  2008

Dósent í Varma og straumfræði við véla og iðnaðarverkfræðiskor HÍ 2006-2008

Vinna að rannsóknarverkefnum hjá Háskóla Íslands 2002-2008

Kennsluferill í HR

2024-3T-863-EIIPOrka í iðnaðarferlum
2023-3T-863-EIIPOrka í iðnaðarferlum

Kennsla utan HR

Kennsla við HÍ:

Orkufrek framleisluferli, MSc véla og iðnaðarverkfræðiskor haust 2002, 2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

Varma og varmaflutningsfræði BSc. námskeið véla og iðnaðarverkfræðiskor vor 2006, 2007, 2008

Orkuferli, framhaldsnámskeið í varmafræði við véla og iðanaðrverkfræðiskor vor 2007, 2008

Sveiflufræði BSc. námskeið véla og iðnaðarverkfræðiskor vor 2006

Efnisfræði BSc námskeið umhverfis og byggingarverkfræðiskor haust 2002 og 2005

Rafsegulfræði BSc. námskeið í eðlisfræðiskor að hluta vor 2003, 2004, 2005.

Önnur kennsla:

Rafkerfi og hönnun ljósbogaofna -  hluti af endurmenntunarverkefni Íslenska Járnblendifélagsins 2007

RES – sumar 2008



 Peer reviewed journal publications:

·      Padamata, S.K., Singh, K., Haarberg, G.M. Saevarsdottir, G. Wettable TiB2 Cathode for Aluminum Electrolysis: A Review. J. Sustain. Metall. (2022).

·      Kristjan Leosson, Sai Krishna Padamata, Rauan Meirbekova, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Sveinn Hinrik Gudmundsson,“ Analysis of dissolved titanium concentration and phase transformation in molten AlTi alloy using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy“, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 106387

·      SK Padamata, A Yasinskiy, V Yanov, G Saevarsdottir, „Magnetron Sputtering High-Entropy Alloy Coatings: A Mini-Review“, Metals 12 (2), 319, 2022,

·      Chauhan, V., Saevarsdottir, G., Tesfahunegn, Y. A., Asbjornsson, E., Gudjonsdottir, M., Computational study of two-phase flashing flow in a calcite scaled geothermal wellbore, Geothermics, V97, December 2021.

·      Saevarsdottir, G., Magnusson, T. & Kvande, H. Reducing the Carbon Footprint: Primary Production of Aluminum and Silicon with Changing Energy Systems. J. Sustain. Metall. (2021).

·      Tesfahunegn, Y.A., Magnusson, T., Tangstad, M. et al. The Effect of Electrode Movements on Electrical Characteristics of a Submerged Arc Furnace. JOM (2021).

·      Awayassa, G. Saevarsdottir, R. Meirbekova, G.M. Haarberg,“ Electrochemical Production of Al-Si Alloys in Cryolitic Melts in a Laboratory Cell“, April 2021 • © 2021, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Volume 168, Number 4, Focus Issue on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids II, 2021 J. Electrochem. Soc. 168 046506O.

·      O. Awayassa, G. Saevarsdottir, R. Meirbekova, G.M. Haarberg,“ Electrochemical production of Al-Mn alloys during the electrodeposition of aluminium in a laboratory cell Electrochemistry Communications, Volume 125, April 2021, 106985

·      Finger, D.C., Saevarsdottir, G., Svavarsson, H.G. et al. Improved Value Generation from Residual Resources in Iceland: the First Step Towards a Circular Economy. Circ.Econ.Sust. (2021).

·      O. Awayassa, G. Saevarsdottir, R. Meirbekova, G.M. Haarberg, „Electrodeposition of aluminium-titanium alloys from molten fluoride-oxide electrolytes“, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol 123, February 2021, 106919,

·      P. Manolescu, C. Duchesne, J, Tessier G. Saevarsdottir, “Estimation of Net Carbon Consumption in Aluminum Electrolysis Using Multivariate Analysis”, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, Volume 6, No 4. J. Sustain. Metall.(2020) 6:739-750, DOI 10.1007/s40831-020-00310-6

·      Y. A. Tesfahunegn, T. Magnusson, M. Tangstad and G. Saevarsdottir, “Comparative Study of AC and DC Solvers based on Current and Power Distributions in a Submerged Arc Furnace”, Metall Mater Trans B 51, 510–518 (2020).

·      Vijay Chauhan, Maria Gudjonsdottir, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, “Silica particle deposition in superheated steam in an annular flow: Computational modeling and experimental investigation”, Geothermics 86(July 2020).

·      Saevarsdottir, G., Kvande, H. & Welch, B.J. “Aluminum Production in the Times of Climate Change: The Global Challenge to Reduce the Carbon Footprint and Prevent Carbon Leakage”, JOM (2020) 72: 296.

·      Vijay Chauhan, Maria Gudjonsdottir, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, “Computational modeling and experimental investigation of aqueous potassium carbonate droplets in superheated steam flow”, Heat Mass Transfer (2019).

·      Vijay Chauhan, Maria Gudjonsdottir, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, “Silica schrubbing from superheated steam using aqueous potassium carbonate solution: An experimental investigation”, Geothermics 80(2019) 1-7.

·      Y.A. Tesfahunegn, T. Magnusson, M. Tangstad, G. Saevarsdottir, ‘‘Effect of electrode shape on the current distribution in submerged arc furnaces for silicon production- A modelling approach,’’ J. South. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. 118 (6) 2018: 595-600

·      Rauan Meirbekova, Geir Martin Haarberg, Jomar Thonstad, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, "INFLUENCE OF PHOSPHORUS ON CURRENT EFFICIENCY IN ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYSIS AT DIFFERENT CURRENT DENSITIES", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, volume 164(2017), issue 7, E161-E165.

·      Rauan Meirbekova, Geir Martin Haarberg, Gudrun Saevarsdottir: “Influence of Sulfur Species on Current Efficiency in the Aluminum Smelting Process" for the Aluminium Reduction Technology Symposium.”, Metallurgical Transactions B, April 2016, Volume 47, Issue 2pp 1309–1314

·      Maria Gudjonsdottir, Halldor Palsson, Jonas Eliasson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir,”Calculations of relative permeabilities from field data and comparison to laboratory measurements”, Geothermics Vol 54 March 2015.

·      Maria Gudjonsdottira, Halldor Palsson, Jonas Eliasson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, “Calculation of relaive permeabilities of water and steam from laboratory measurements”, Geothermics, Volume 53, January 2015

·      Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Halldor Pálsson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Ryuichi Itoi and Pall Valdimarsson, Experimental and CFD Simulation of Heat Efficiency Improvement in Geothermal Spas, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Energy Journal, April 2013.

·      Steindór Hjartarsona, Guðrún Sævarsdóttirb, Kristinn Ingasonc, Bjarni Pálssond, William S. Harveyb "Utilization of the Chloride Bearing, Superheated Steam from IDDP-1", Geothermics Special Issue for the IDDP project – 2013

·      Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Halldor Palsson, Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Ryuishi Ito, Pall Valdimarsson, “Experimental and CFD Simulation of Heat Efficiency improvement in Geothermal Spas” Energy journal 2013.

·      Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Ryuichi Itoi, Pall Valdimarsson, Hikari Fujii, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, "Flash cycle optimization of Sabalan geothermal power plant using exergy concept",  Geothermics Journal 2012.

·      Pai-chun Tao, Hlynur Stefansson, William Harvey, Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Potential use of geothermal energy sources for the production of lithium-ion batteries”, Renewable Energy Journal 2012

·      Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Ryuichi Itoi, Pall Valdimarsson, Hikari Fujii, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, "Flash cycle optimization of Sabalan geothermal power plant using exergy concept",  Geothermics Journal 2012

·      De Carli M., Donà M., Galgaro A., Jóhannesson G.A., Marinetti S., Sævarsdóttir G.A., Analytical and Numerical Models for Determining Geothermal Energy Potential: A Case Study in India. Ashdin Publishing Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications Vol. 2 (2012), Article ID R120309, 5 pages doi:10.4303/jfrea/R120309

·      Martin Fleer, Odd-Arne Lorentsen, William Harvey, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Halldor Palsson “Exhaust gas of aluminium reduction cells provides heat recovery potential” Aluminium international today, ISSN 1475-455X, Vol. 23, Nº. 2, 2011 ,PP. 28-30

·      G. Sævarsdottir, H. Palsson, M. Þ. Jonsson, J.A.Bakken,”Electrode Erosion due to High Current Electric Arcs in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, Steel research international: Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, Jun 2006. pp.385-391

·      G.A.Sævarsdottir, J.A.Bakken, V.G. Sevastyanenco, Liping Gu," High-Power AC Arcs in Metallurgical Furnaces", Journal of High Temp. Material Processes, Sep. 2001. pp. 21-44

·      G.Sævarsdottir , H.L.Larsen & J.A.Bakken, "Modelling of industrial AC-Arcs", Journal of High Temperature Material Processes, Vol 3. No.1,1999, pp. 1-15.


Other peer reviewed papers:

·       Saevarsdottir G., Awayssa O., Meirbekova R., Haarberg G.M. (2022) Direct Production of Aluminum Manganese and Silicon Alloys in Aluminum Reduction Cells: A Laboratory Test. In: Eskin D. (eds) Light Metals 2022. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham.

·       Haarberg G.M., Awayssa O., Saevarsdottir G., Meirbekova R., Xu W. (2022) Direct Production of Aluminum Titanium Alloys in Aluminum Reduction Cells: A Laboratory Test. In: Eskin D. (eds) Light Metals 2022. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham.

·       Hoover H., Saevarsdottir G., Tangstad M. (2022) Electrical Resistivity of Transformed Carbon Materials in the Silicon Furnace. In: Steenkamp J.D., Gregurek D., Reynolds Q.G., Alvear Flores G., Joubert H., Mackey P.J. (eds) Furnace Tapping 2022. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham.

·       H Kvande, G Saevarsdottir, BJ Welch, „Direct and Indirect CO2 Equivalent Emissions from Primary Aluminium Production“, Light Metals 2022, 998-1003,

·       Vijay Chauhan, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Yonatan A Tesfahunegn, Einar Asbjornsson, Maria Gudjonsdottir, „Hydrodynamic Characterisitics of Two-phase Fluid Flow Affecting Calcite Deposition Rate in a Geothermal Wellbore“, Stanford Geothermal Workshop 2022,

·       YA Tesfahunegn, T Magnusson, M Tangstad, G Sævarsdottir, The Effect of Electrode Movements on Inductive Reactance in a Submerged Arc Furnace, Infacon XVI, Available at SSRN 3932418, 2021

·       H Haraldsson, YA Tesfahunegn, M Tangstad, G Sævarsdottir, Modelling of Electric Arcs for Industrial Applications, a Review, Infacon XVI, Available at SSRN 3927158, 2021

·       G Sævarsdottir, H Kvande, T Magnusson, Greenhouse gas emissions from silicon production-development of carbon footprint with changing energy systems, Infacon XVI, Available at SSRN 39260881, 2021

·       M Tangstad, H Hoover, G Sævarsdottir, Electrical Resistivity of Partially Transformed Silicon Carbide Made from Coal, Infacon XVI, Available at SSRN 3922184                    2021

·       Chauhan Vijay, Saevarsdottir Gudrun, Gudjonsdottir Maria, Two-phase fluid flow and phase transition characteristics affecting calcite deposition rate in a geothermal wellbore, WGC 2020,

·       Vijay CHAUHAN, Maria GUDJONSDOTTIR, Gudrun SAEVARSDOTTIR, Application of Aqueous Salt Solutions with High Boiling Point Elevation for Scrubbing Particulate and Acid Gas Impurities from Superheated Geothermal Steam, WGC 2020

·       Vijay CHAUHAN, Gudrun SAEVARSDOTTIR, Yonatan TESFAHUNEGN, Einar ASBJORNSSON, Maria GUDJONSDOTTIR, Computational Study of Two Phase Flow with Flash Boiling in Geothermal Wells, WGC 2020

·       Maria GUDJONSDOTTIR, Alberto MERETO, Gudrun SAEVARSDOTTIR, Vijay CHAUHAN, Thermoeconomic Analysis of Geothermal Power Cycles. A Case Study of IDDP-1, WGC 2020

·       Welch B., Bao J., Akhmetov S., Navarro P., Saevarsdottir G., Kvande H. (2021) Balancing the Modern Challenge of Operating Aluminium Smelters—Minimizing Energy Consumption, Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Maximizing the Productivity of Assets. In: Perander L. (eds) Light Metals 2021. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham.

·       Meirbekova, R. and Awayssa, O. and Haarberg, G.M. and Saevarsdottir, G.,”Adapting Modern Industrial Operation Parameters in a Standardized Laboratory Cell for Measuring Current Efficiency for Aluminium Deposition: Unexpected Challenges and Lessons Learned” Light Metals 2020, Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, 2020 | book, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36408-3_86”

·       Tesfahunegn, Y.A. and Magnusson, T. and Tangstad, M. and Saevarsdottir, G.,” The Effect of Side Arcs on Current Distributions in a Submerged Arc Furnace for Silicon Production”, Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, TMS2020, 2020 | book-chapter, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36556-1_16”

·       Awayssa, O. and Meirbekova, R. and Saevarsdottir, G. and Audunsson, G.A. and Haarberg, G.M., “Current Efficiency for Direct Production of an Aluminium–Titanium Alloy by Electrolysis in a Laboratory Cell”, Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, TMS2020 | book, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36408-3_63”

·       Saevarsdottir, G. and Kvande, H. and Welch, B., “Reducing the Carbon Footprint: Aluminium Smelting with Changing Energy Systems and the Risk of Carbon Leakage”, Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, Light Metals 2020, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36408-3_98”

·       Y. A. Tesfahunegn, T. Magnusson, M. Tangstad and G. Saevarsdottir, “Dynamic Current and Power Distributions in a Submerged Arc Furnace”, In proceedings TMS19, March 10-14 2019, San Antonio, Texas.

·       L.B. Haraldsson, M. S. Gudjonsdottir, G. Valgardsson and G. Saevarsdottir,, “Feasibility of a district heating system in Fjardabyggd, using waste heat from Alcoa Fjardaal”, In Proceeding TMS19, March 10-14, 2019, USA.

·      Thermodynamic Analysis of Superheated Geothermal Steam Scrubbing Using Aqueous Potassium Carbonate Solution, Vijay Chauhan1, Maria Gudjonsdottir1, Gudrun Saevarsdottir1, In proceedings GRC2018,  14-17 October, 2018, Reno, USA.

·      Effect of electrode shape on the current distribution in submerged arc furnaces for silicon production – A modelling approach by Y.A. Tesfahunegn*, T. Mangusson†, M. Tangstad‡, and G. Saevarsdottir*, In proceecings, InfaconXV, Cape Town, South Africa, 25-28 February 2018.

·      “Effect of Carbide Configuration on the Current Distribution in Submerged Arc Furnaces for Silicon Production – A Modelling Approach” Y.A. Tesfahunegn*, T. Mangusson†, M. Tangstad‡, and G. Saevarsdottir*,  In Proceeding TMS18, March 11-15th, Phoenix, USA.

·      On the use of multivariate statistical methods to detect, diagnose and mitigate abnormal events in aluminium smelters, P. Manoescu, C. Duschesne, J. Tessier and G. Saevarsdottir,  Light Metals proceecings at TMS18, March 11-15th Phoenix USA.Y. A. Tesfahunegn, T. Magnusson, M. Tangstad and G. Saevarsdottir: Effect of Carbide Configuration on the Current Distribution in Submerged Arc Furnaces for Silicon Production – A Modelling Approach, In proceedings, TMS2018, Phoenix March 2018.

·      Waste heat recovery from aluminum production, Miao Yu1,2, Maria S. Gudjonsdottir, Pall Valdimarsson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, In Proceeding TMS18, March 11-15th, Phoenix, USA.

·      Y.A Tesfahunegn, T. Magnusson, M. Tangstad, G. Saevarsdottir, ‘’ The effect of frequency on current distributions inside submerged arc furnace,’’ IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Reykjavik, Iceland, August 8-10, 2018

·      Y.A Tesfahunegn, T. Magnusson, M. Tangstad, G. Saevarsdottir, ‘’ The effect of pitch circle diameter of electrodes on current distributions inside submerged arc furnace,’’ IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Reykjavik, Iceland, August 8-10, 2018

·      Y.A Tesfahunegn, T. Magnusson, M. Tangstad, G. Saevarsdottir, ‘’Dynamic current distribution in the electrodes of submerged arc furnace using scalar and vector potentials,’’ In: Shi Y. et al. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2018. ICCS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10861. Springer, Cham, p 518-527

·      Y. A. Tesfahunegn, T. Magnusson, M. Tangstad and G. Saevarsdottir:” Effect of Electrode Shape on the Current Distribution in Submerged Arc Furnaces for Silicon Production- A Modelling Approach”, In proceedings, INFACON XV, South Africa, Feb. 2018

·      Petre Manolescu, Carl Duchesne, Jayson Tessier, and Gudrun Saevarsdottir:”On the use of Multivariate Statistical Methods to detect, diagnose and mitigate abnormal events in aluminium smelters”, In Proceedings Light Metals, TMS2018, Phoenix March 2018

·      Miao Yu, Maria S. Gudjonsdottir, Pall Valdimarsson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir: “Waste heat recovery from aluminum production”, In Proceedings, TMS2018, Phoenix March 2018

·      Rauan Meirbekova; Geir Martin Haarberg; Thor A. Aarhaug, Gudrun Saevarsdottir:”INVESTIGATION OF SODIUM SULFATE ADDITIONS INTO CRYOLITE-ALUMINA MELTS ”, In proceedings for TMS 16.

·      Chauhan V, Harvey  WS, Saevarsdottir G. Chlorine mitigation for geothermal power plants using venturi scrubbers, ECRES – 4th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, Istanbul, TURKEY, 28-31 August 2016: 333-339.

·      Chauhan V, Gudjonsdottir M, Saevarsdottir G. Modelling deposition in superheated steam flow with silica in dispersed phase, GGW 2106.

·      Maria A, Gudjonsdottir M, Chauhan V, Saevarsdottir G. Thermoeconomic analysis of geothermal power cycles for IDDP-1 chloride mitigation, GGW 2016. 

·      Rauan Meirbekova; Geir Martin Haarberg; Julius Brynjarsson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir: ”EFFECT OF OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS ON THE BEHAVIOR OF PHOSPHORUS AND SULFUR IN ALUMINUM REDUCTION”, In proceedings for TMS 15.

·      Rauan Meirbekova, Geir Martin Haarberg, Jomar Thonstad, Thor Aarhaug, and Gudrun Saevarsdottir: "Behavior of Sodium Sulfate in Cryolite-Alumina Melts and Formation of Sulfurous Gases" , Accepted for Electrochemical Transactions and presented at: ECS Meeting in Phoenix (October 11-15, 2015).

·      Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Steindor Hjartarson, Kristinn Ingason, Bjarni Palsson, William Harvey: “Utilization of Chloride Bearing High Enthalpy Geothermal Fluid”, In proceedings for World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, April 2015.

·      Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Pai-Chun Tao, Hlynur Stefansson1, William Harvey:” Potential use of Geothermal Heat in Lithium- Ion Battery Production”, In proceedings for World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, April 2015.

·      Rauan Meirbekova, Jomar Thonstad, Geir Martin Haarberg, Gudrun Sævarsdóttir, “Effect of current density and phosphorous species on current efficiency in aluminium electrolysis at high current densities”, In Proceedings for TMS14

·      Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Petre Manolescu, Thordur Magnusson, Kristinn Sigurjonsson, «Circulating Currents in the Delta Connection, Feasibility of Skew Tapping in the Operation of Submerged Arc Furnaces», In proceedings: Infacon 13, June 9-13 2013, Almaty Kazakhstan,

·      Maria Gudjonsdottir, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Halldor Palsson and Jonas Eliasson, “Measurements of relative permeabilities for water and steam”, Stanford Geothermal Workshop, Stanford California, February 2013.

·      Rauan Meirbekova, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Geir Martin Haarberg, Joseph Prince Armoo, “Effect of current density and phosphorus impurities on the current efficiency for aluminium deposition in cryolite-alumina melts in a laboratory cell”, In proceedings TMS annual meeting, March 2013, San Antonio USA.

·      Gudrun Saevarsdodttir, Pai-chun Tao, Hlynur Stefansson, William Harvey, "Potential use of geothermal energy sources for the production of lithium-ion batteries", Renewable Energy Journal 2012.

·      Chun Chin, Joshua Gunderson, Joe Stippel, Matt Fishman, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, William Harvey, “Managing Sustainable Design for Geothermal Plants: the Engineer’s Perspective”, accepted for presentation at the World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden.

·      Pai-chun Tao, Hlynur Stefansson, William Harvey, Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Potential use of geothermal energy sources for the production of lithium-ion batteries”, accepted for presentation at the World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden.

·      Maria Gudjonsdottir, Jonas Eliasson, Halldor Palsson, William Harvey, Gudrun Saevarsdottir: "Assessing relative permeabilities of two phase flows of water and steam in geothermal reservoirs", 2010 GRC:

·      Heimir Hjartarson, Halldor Palsson and Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Waste heat utilization from a Submerged Arc Furnace producing Ferro Silicon”, accepted for publication  INFACON12 2010, 

·      G. Saevarsdottir and J. A. Bakken, ”Current Distribution in Submerged Arc Furnaces for Silicon metal / Ferrosilicon Production”, accepted for publication. INFACON12 2010,

·      Martin Fleer, Odd-Arne Lorentsen, William Harvey, Halldor Palsson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, “Heat recovery from the exhaust gas of aluminium reduction cells” TMS annual meeting 2010

·      Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Halldór Pálsson, Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Ryuichi Itoi, “Open Heat Exchanger for Improved Heat Efficiency in Geothermal Spas”; World Geothermal Congress 2010 – Accepted

·      G. Saevarsdottir and J. A. Bakken, ”Current Distribution in Submerged Arc Furnaces for Silicon metal / Ferrosilicon Production”, To be published at INFACON12 2010

·      Heimir Hjartarson, Halldor Palsson and Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Waste heat utilization from a Submerged Arc Furnace producing Ferro Silicon”, To be published at INFACON12 2010

·      G. Sævarsdóttir, H. Pálsson, M.Þ.Jónsson and J.A.Bakken, “Electrode Erosion in Submerged Arc Furnaces”,   in proceedings INFACON XI, New Delhi,  India, feb 2007. - Fyrirlestur

·      H. Palsson, G. A. Saevarsdottir, M. T. Jonsson and J. A. Bakken, “Thermal effects on carbon based electrodes close to a high current electric arc”, in proceedings INFACON XI, New Delhi,  India, feb 2007. - Fyrirlestur

·      G. Saevarsdottir, T. Magnusson and J. A. Bakken “Electric arc on a coke bed in a submerged arc furnace”,  in proceedings INFACON XI, New Delhi,  India, feb 2007. - Fyrirlestur

·      A.Sævarsdottir, M.Th Jonsson and J.A.Bakken, “Arc-Electrode Interactions in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, in proceedings INFACON X, Cape Town, South Africa,  feb. 2004. – Fyrirlestur

·      Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, “High Current AC Arcs in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, Dr. Ing. thesis from the Department of Material Science and Electrochemistry at the Norwegian University of Science and Engineering, May 2002, IME-report 2002:36.

·      G.A. Sævarsdottir, J.A.Bakken, V.G.Sevastyanenco, Li Ping Gu, "Arc Simulation Model for Three-Phase Electro-Metallurgical Furnaces, INFACON 9, June 2001, Quebec City, Canada. In proceedings, pp.253-263 –Fyrirlestur.

·      G.A. Sævarsdottir, J.A. Bakken. V.G. Sevastyanenko, Liping Gu, "Modelling of AC Arcs in Submerged-Arc Furnaces for Production of Silicon and Ferrosilicon", 58th Electric Furnace Conf., Orlando, USA, Nov. 12-15, 2000, Proc., pp 607-616. Iron & Steel Society, Warrendale, PA, USA. – Fyrirlestur – Grein valin úr ráðstefnuriti  til birtingar í tímaritinu Iron and Steelmaker.

·      J.A. Bakken and G.A. Saevarsdottir, "High-Power AC Arcs in Metallurgical Furnaces" (invited topical lecture), 6th European Conf. on Thermal Plasma Processes (TPP-6), Strasbourg, May 30-June 2, 2000. Refereed proc. "Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials 2001", Begell House, pp 149-171.-Fyrirlestur.

·      G.Sævarsdottir, H.L.Larsen & J.A.Bakken, "Modelling of AC Arcs in Three-Phase Submerged  Arc Furnaces", INFACON 8, Beijing, June 7-10, 1998. Proc. p.317-322. –Fyrirlestur.

·      G.Sævarsdottir, M.Thoresen & J.A.Bakken, "Improved Channel Arc Model for High-Current AC Arcs",  5th European Conf. on Thermal Plasma Processes (TPP-5), St.Petersburg, July 13-16, 1998. –Fyrirlestur.

·      Bakken, J.A., Sævarsdottir, G., Larsen, H.L. and Gu Liping: Modelling of AC arcs in Three-phase industrial furnaces. “2nd Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology, Minsk, Belarus, Sept. 15-19, 1997. In Proceedings, pp 74-77. Inst. of Molecular and Atomic Physics, N. A. N. Belarus, Minsk. Invited topical lecture.



Other publications:

·      S.J. Nasrabady, H. Palsson, G.A. Sævarsdottir, “Open heat exchanger for improved heat efficiency in geothermal spas”, The 11th International symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland.

·      Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Gudrun Saevarsdottir and Pall Valdimarsson, “Exergy analysis of double flash geothermal power plant, Sabalan, Iran”, 2008 CTSI Clean Technology and Sustainable Industries Conference and Trade Show, June 1-5, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

·      Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, Halldór Pálsson og Magnús Þ. Jónsson, ´Orkulosun og varmaflutningur í ljósbogaofni´, Orkuþing 2006.

·      Halldór Pálsson, Guðrún Sævarsdóttir og Magnús Þ. Jónsson HÍ     ´MOR - Miðstöð Orkurannsókna, verkfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands’, Orkuþing 2006.

·      H. Palsson, G. Sævarsdottir,  M.Þ.Jonsson, J.A.Bakken,”The effect of an electric arc on carbon based electrodes.”, accepted for ISPC-17 in June 2005.

·      G.A.Sævarsdottir, M.Th Jonsson and J.A.Bakken, “A novel approach to cathode/anode modelling for high current AC-arcs”, in proceedings ISPC-16,Taormina,  june 2003, 7 pages pdf. - Fyrirlestur - Best paper award.

·      G.A. Sævarsdottir, J.A. Bakken. V.G. Sevastyanenko, Liping Gu, "Modelling of AC Arcs in Submerged-Arc Furnaces for Production of Silicon and Ferrosilicon", 58th Electric Furnace Conf., Orlando, USA, Nov. 12-15, 2000, Proc., pp 607-616. Iron & Steel Society, Warrendale, PA, USA. -

·      G. Sævarsdottir & J.A.Bakken, "Simulering av lysbuer i en tre-fase ovn", Norsk Metallurgisk Selskap 24. Sommermøte, Oslo, 7-8. mai 1998. 

·      Sævarsdottir,G.,Larsen, H.L. and Bakken J.A.: Simple model for AC arcs in electro-metallurgical furnaces. 13th Int. Seminar on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-13), Beijing, China, August 18-22, 1997. In Proceedings, pp 308-313. Peking University Press, Beijing..



·      Saevarsdottir, G., 2013. Electric and Thermal Operations of Furnaces for Ferroalloys Production. In: Gasik, M. (Ed.), Handbook of Ferroalloys: Theory and Technology. Elsevier Ltd., Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 139–175.

·      Saevarsdottir, G., 2013. Electric and Thermal Operations of Furnaces for Ferroalloys Production. In: Gasik, M. (Ed.), Handbook of Ferroalloys: Theory and Technology. Elsevier Ltd., Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 139–175.

·      EFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS IMPURITIES ON THE CURRENT EFFICIENCY FOR ALUMINIUM DEPOSITION FROM CRYOLITE-ALUMINA MELTS IN A LABORATORY CELL, Gudrun Sævarsdottir1, Rauan Meirbekova, Joseph P. Armoo, and Geir Martin Haarberg*, Wiley Book on Molten Salts 2013.



·            Guðrún Sævarsdóttir,” Modelling of gas flow for different concentrations of Methane gas in Helium for the PPM reactor”,  Sintef F9090, Jan 2009.

·            Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Jón Hálfdanarson, „Líkan af varmamyndun við uppkeyrslu á ljósbogaofni“, unnið fyrir Íslenska Járnblendifélagið, Febrúar 2008.

·            Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, „Gagnvirkt rásarlíkan fyrir þrífasa háafls ljósbogaofn, unnið fyrir Íslenska Járnblendifélagið“, Nóvember 2007.

·            Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, “Lumped líkan af varmamyndun í skauti með og án ribba“, unnið fyrir Íslenska Járnblendifélagið, Mars 2007.

·            Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Halldór Pálsson, Magnús Þór Jónsson og Jon Arne Bakken, “Arc electrode interactions”, Technical report, University of Iceland, 2004, 42 bls.

·            Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, Kristján Guðmundsson , Jón Hálfdanarson, “Problematic Electrode Movements at Icelandic Alloys”, Verkefnisskýrsla, Okt 2003.

·            Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, “High Current AC-Arcs in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, NTNU Trondheim, Norges Teknisk - naturvitenskapelige universitet. Dr. Ingeniøravhandling 2002:56, Institutt for materialteknologi og elektrokjemi, IME-rapport 2002:36.

·            G.Sævarsdottir & J.A.Bakken, "Channel Arc Model with a Radial Temperature Distribution and Reverse Cathode Jet", SINTEF Materials Technology report STF 24 A98617, Sept. 1998.

·            G.Sævarsdottir & J.A.Bakken, "The Three-Phase AC Channel Arc Model with Charge Current", SINTEF Materials Technology report STF24 A98538, April 1998 (11 pp).

·            G.Sævarsdottir & J.A.Bakken, "Measurements on a Ferrosilicon Furnace during the melting-down period", SINTEF Materials Technology report STF21 nn, Dec. 1998

·            G.Sævarsdottir & S.E.Olsen, "Production of Ferromanganese Using Hydrocarbons", SINTEF Materials Technology report STF21 F98651, Nov. 1998

Viðurkenningar og styrkir

Ýmsir beinir styrkir frá fyrirtækjum
Styrkur frá Orkusjóði OS 2010
Styrkur frá Samfélagssjóði Alcoa 2010
Styrkur frá UOOR 2010
Styrkur frá UOOR 2008
Styrkur frá GEORG 2009 2nd call
Styrkur fyrir Doktorsnema frá GEORG 2009
Styrkur fyrir Doktorsnema frá orkusjóði LV 2008
2 styrkir frá UOOR 2007
2 Mkr styrkur frá Orkusjóði OS 2006
Rannsóknastöðustyrkur frá Rannís 2004
Verkefnisstyrkur frá Rannís 2002
Best paper award á ISPC 16 ráðstefnunni í Taormína á Ítalíu 2003
Fyrir Íslands hönd á Ólympíuleikana í eðlisfræði 1991


Orkufrek framleiðsluferli, varmafræði, varmaflutningur og streymi í orkuferlum, termískt rafgas og ljósbogar.

Tengsl við atvinnulíf

Verkefnisstjórn,  Alcoa – Vísir verkefnið
Rannsóknaverkefni tengd Alcoa, Norðurál og Norsk Hydro
Rannsóknarverkefni tengd OR, Landsvirkjun og Norm-x
Formaður stýrihóps VOR, vettvangs orku og stóriðjurannsókna - verkfræðistofnun HÍ 2006 til 2008
Ráðgjafi hjá SINTEF í Noregi frá 2007.
Fyrir hönd verkfræðideildar í samráðsnefnd HÍ og Ísor frá 2007
Ráðgjafi hjá Íslenska Járnblendifélaginu frá 2002.


On the evaluation committee for the Icelandic Research Council 2008, 2009

Referee for Metallurgical Transactions B 

Referee and Session Chair for the Infacon conference

Referee and Session Chair TMS annual Meeting 

Teach a part of a course on the production of Silicon for Solar Cells at NTNU in Norway,

GEORG – Geothermal Research Group – Board member 

REYST – Board of directors

Sat on the academic council of Reyst, 2009 

Board member Engineering Association

In the Ethic Rule Committee of the Engineering Association

Taught a course on electric furnace circuits for ELKEM




Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, “High Current AC Arcs in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, Dr. Ing. thesis from the Department of Material Science and Electrochemistry at the Norwegian University of Science and Engineering, May 2002, IME-report 2002:36


Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, ”The effect of Argon/Chlorine Gas Purging on the Agglomeration of TiB2 Particles in Aluminium Melts. MSc Thesis, University of Iceland, 1996.


Journal Papers:


Steindór Hjartarsona, Guðrún Sævarsdóttirb, Kristinn Ingasonc, Bjarni Pálssond, William S. Harveyb "Utilization of the Chloride Bearing, Superheated Steam from IDDP-1", Accepted for Geothermics Special Issue for the IDDP project – 2013


Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Halldor Pálsson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Ryuichi Itoi and Pall Valdimarsson, Experimental and CFD Simulation of Heat Efficiency Improvement in Geothermal Spas, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Energy Journal, Accepted April 2013


Pai-chun Tao, Hlynur Stefansson, William Harvey, Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Potential use of geothermal energy sources for the production of lithium-ion batteries”, Renewable Energy Journal 2012


Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Ryuichi Itoi, Pall Valdimarsson, Hikari Fujii, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, "Flash cycle optimization of Sabalan geothermal power plant using exergy concept",  Geothermics Journal 2012


De Carli M., Donà M., Galgaro A., Jóhannesson G.A., Marinetti S., Sævarsdóttir G.A., Analytical and Numerical Models for Determining Geothermal Energy Potential: A Case Study in India. Ashdin Publishing Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications Vol. 2 (2012), Article ID R120309, 5 pages doi:10.4303/jfrea/R120309


Martin Fleer, Odd-Arne Lorentsen, William Harvey, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Halldor Palsson “Exhaust gas of aluminium reduction cells provides heat recovery potential” Aluminium international today, ISSN 1475-455X, Vol. 23, Nº. 2, 2011 ,PP. 28-30


G. Sævarsdottir, H. Palsson, M. Þ. Jonsson, J.A.Bakken,”Electrode Erosion due to High Current Electric Arcs in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, Steel research international: Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, Jun 2006. pp.385-391


G.A.Sævarsdottir, J.A.Bakken, V.G. Sevastyanenco, Liping Gu," High-Power AC Arcs in Metallurgical Furnaces", Journal of High Temp. Material Processes, Sep. 2001. pp. 21-44,,0c4bb49272de39f7,4031017e169a0037.html


G.Sævarsdottir , H.L.Larsen & J.A.Bakken, "Modelling of industrial AC-Arcs", Journal of High Temperature Material Processes, Vol 3. No.1,1999, pp. 1-15.



Other refereed papers:


G. Saevarsdottir, P. Manolescu, Th. Magnusson and K. Sigurjónsson, Circulating Currents in the Delta Connection, Feasivilty of Skew Tapping in the Operation of Submerged Arc Furnaces. In proceedings, Infacon 13 conference, June 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


Michele De Carli1, Mirco Donà, Antonio Galgaro, María S. Guðjónsdóttir, Guðni A. Jóhannesson, Sergio Marinetti, Gudrun A. Saevarsdottir, Analytical and numerical models for determining geothermal energy potential, European Geothermal Congress 2013, Pisa Italy 3-7 June 2013.


Rauan Meirbekova1,2, Gudrun Saevarsdottir1, Geir Martin Haaberg2, Armoo Joseph Prince2 “EFFECT OF CURRENT DENSITY AND PHOSPHORUS IMPURITIES ON THE CURRENT EFFICIENCY FOR ALUMINUM DEPOSITION IN CRYOLITE-ALUMINA MELTS IN A LABORATORY CELL”, In the proceedings for TMS Annual Meeting 2013. San Antonio Texas.


Geir Martin Haarberg, Gudrun Sævarsdottir, Rauan Meirbekova “Effects of current density and phosphorus impurities on the current efficiency for aluminium deposition in cryolite-alumina melts in a laboratory cell”, MS9 conference, Trondheim, June 5-9th 2011


Chun Chin, Joshua Gunderson, Joe Stippel, Matt Fishman, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, William Harvey, “Managing Sustainable Design for Geothermal Plants: the Engineer’s Perspective”, accepted for presentation at the World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden.


Pai-chun Tao, Hlynur Stefansson, William Harvey, Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Potential use of geothermal energy sources for the production of lithium-ion batteries”, World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden. Best Paper Award – invited for Renewable Energy Journal


Maria Gudjonsdottir, Jonas Eliasson, Halldor Palsson, William Harvey, Gudrun Saevarsdottir: "Assessing relative permeabilities of two phase flows of water and steam in geothermal reservoirs", 2010 GRC:


Heimir Hjartarson, Halldor Palsson and Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Waste heat utilization from a Submerged Arc Furnace producing Ferro Silicon”, In proceedings  INFACON12 2010, 


G. Saevarsdottir and J. A. Bakken, ”Current Distribution in Submerged Arc Furnaces for Silicon metal / Ferrosilicon Production”, In proceedings INFACON12 2010,


Martin Fleer, Odd-Arne Lorentsen, William Harvey, Halldor Palsson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, “Heat recovery from the exhaust gas of aluminium reduction cells” TMS annual meeting 2010

Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Halldór Pálsson, Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Ryuichi Itoi, “Open Heat Exchanger for Improved Heat Efficiency in Geothermal Spas”; World Geothermal Congress 2010


G. Saevarsdottir and J. A. Bakken, ”Current Distribution in Submerged Arc Furnaces for Silicon metal / Ferrosilicon Production”, INFACON12 2010


Heimir Hjartarson, Halldor Palsson and Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Waste heat utilization from a Submerged Arc Furnace producing Ferro Silicon”, INFACON12 2010


G. Sævarsdóttir, H. Pálsson, M.Þ.Jónsson and J.A.Bakken, “Electrode Erosion in Submerged Arc Furnaces”,   in proceedings INFACON XI, New Delhi,  India, feb 2007. - Fyrirlestur


H. Palsson, G. A. Saevarsdottir, M. T. Jonsson and J. A. Bakken, “Thermal effects on carbon based electrodes close to a high current electric arc”, in proceedings INFACON XI, New Delhi,  India, feb 2007. - Fyrirlestur


G. Saevarsdottir, T. Magnusson and J. A. Bakken “Electric arc on a coke bed in a submerged arc furnace”,  in proceedings INFACON XI, New Delhi,  India, feb 2007.


G. A.Sævarsdottir, M.Th Jonsson and J.A.Bakken, “Arc-Electrode Interactions in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, in proceedings INFACON X, Cape Town, South Africa,  feb. 2004.


Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, “High Current AC Arcs in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, Dr. Ing. thesis from the Department of Material Science and Electrochemistry at the Norwegian University of Science and Engineering, May 2002, IME-report 2002:36.


G.A. Sævarsdottir, J.A.Bakken, V.G.Sevastyanenco, Li Ping Gu, "Arc Simulation Model for Three-Phase Electro-Metallurgical Furnaces, INFACON 9, June 2001, Quebec City, Canada. In proceedings, pp.253-263 –Fyrirlestur.


G.A. Sævarsdottir, J.A. Bakken. V.G. Sevastyanenko, Liping Gu, "Modelling of AC Arcs in Submerged-Arc Furnaces for Production of Silicon and Ferrosilicon", 58th Electric Furnace Conf., Orlando, USA, Nov. 12-15, 2000, Proc., pp 607-616. Iron & Steel Society, Warrendale, PA, USA. – Fyrirlestur – Grein valin úr ráðstefnuriti  til birtingar í tímaritinu Iron and Steelmaker.


J.A. Bakken and G.A. Saevarsdottir, "High-Power AC Arcs in Metallurgical Furnaces" (invited topical lecture), 6th European Conf. on Thermal Plasma Processes (TPP-6), Strasbourg, May 30-June 2, 2000. Refereed proc. "Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials 2001", Begell House, pp 149-171


G.Sævarsdottir, H.L.Larsen & J.A.Bakken, "Modelling of AC Arcs in Three-Phase Submerged  Arc Furnaces", INFACON 8, Beijing, June 7-10, 1998. Proc. p.317-322.


G.Sævarsdottir, M.Thoresen & J.A.Bakken, "Improved Channel Arc Model for High-Current AC Arcs",  5th European Conf. on Thermal Plasma Processes (TPP-5), St.Petersburg, July 13-16, 1998.


Bakken, J.A., Sævarsdottir, G., Larsen, H.L. and Gu Liping: Modelling of AC arcs in Three-phase industrial furnaces. “2nd Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology, Minsk, Belarus, Sept. 15-19, 1997. In Proceedings, pp 74-77. Inst. of Molecular and Atomic Physics, N. A. N. Belarus, Minsk. Invited topical lecture.



Book chapters:


Saevarsdottir, G., 2013. Electric and Thermal Operations of Furnaces for Ferroalloys Production. In: Gasik, M. (Ed.), Handbook of Ferroalloys: Theory and Technology. Elsevier Ltd., Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 139–175.




Conference papers:


Maria Gudjonsdottir, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Halldor Palsson and Jonas Eliasson, MEASUREMENTS OF RELATIVE PERMEABILITIES FOR WATER AND STEAM, PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2013, SGP-TR-198




Steindor Hjartarson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, Halldor Palsson, Kristinn Ingason, Bjarni Palsson “Utilization of acid high enthalpy Geothermal Fluid from IDDP1”PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 30 - February 1, 2012 SGP-TR-194


HARALDUR SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR AUDUNSSON, GUDRUN SAEVARSDOTTIR AND MARIA S. GUDJONSDOTTIR QUANTIFYING WATER SATURATION IN STEEL PIPES USING X-RAYS, PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 30 - February 1, 2012 SGP-TR-194


Geir Martin Haarberg, Rauan Meirbekovaa , Joseph P. Armoob and Gudrun Saevarsdottir, "Current efficiency in a laboratory cell for aluminium deposition in cryolite-alumina melts, the effects of current density,  iron and phosphorus impurities" 10th Australasian Aluminium Smelting Technology Conference -9-14 October 2011, Tasmania, Australia 


Geir Martin Haarberg, Gudrun Sævarsdottir, Rauan Meirbekova "Effects of current density and phosphorus impurities on the current efficiency for aluminium deposition in cryolite-alumina melts in a laboratory cell", MS9 conference, Trondheim, June 5-9th 2011


Chun Chin, Joshua Gunderson, Joe Stippel, Matt Fishman, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, William Harvey, "Managing Sustainable Design for Geothermal Plants: the Engineer´s Perspective", accepted for presentation at the World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden.


Heimir Hjartarson, Halldor Palsson and Gudrun Saevarsdottir “Waste heat utilization from a Submerged Arc Furnace producing Ferro Silicon”, In proceedings INFACON12, 2010.


G. Saevarsdottir and J. A. Bakken, ”Current Distribution in Submerged Arc Furnaces for Silicon metal / Ferrosilicon Production”, In proceedings INFACON12, 2010.


Martin Fleer, Odd-Arne Lorentsen, William Harvey, Halldor Palsson, Gudrun Saevarsdottir, “Heat recovery from the exhaust gas of aluminium reduction cells” In proceedings TMS annual meeting 2010


Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Halldór Pálsson, Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Ryuichi Itoi, “Open Heat Exchanger for Improved Heat Efficiency in Geothermal Spas”; World Geothermal Congress 2010 – Accepted


S.J. Nasrabady, H. Palsson, G.A. Sævarsdottir, “Open heat exchanger for improved heat efficiency in geothermal spas”, The 11th International symposium on District Heating and Cooling, August 31 to September 2 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland.


Saeid Jalilinasrabady, Gudrun Saevarsdottir and Pall Valdimarsson, “Exergy analysis of double flash geothermal power plant, Sabalan, Iran”, 2008 CTSI Clean Technology and Sustainable Industries Conference and Trade Show, June 1-5, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.


Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, Halldór Pálsson og Magnús Þ. Jónsson, ´Orkulosun og varmaflutningur í ljósbogaofni´, Orkuþing 2006.            


Halldór Pálsson, Guðrún Sævarsdóttir og Magnús Þ. Jónsson HÍ         ´MOR - Miðstöð Orkurannsókna, verkfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands’, Orkuþing 2006.


H. Palsson, G. Sævarsdottir,  M.Þ.Jonsson, J.A.Bakken,”The effect of an electric arc on carbon based electrodes.”, accepted for ISPC-17 in June 2005. –póster.


G.A.Sævarsdottir, M.Th Jonsson and J.A.Bakken, “A novel approach to cathode/anode modelling for high current AC-arcs”, in proceedings ISPC-16,Taormina,  june 2003, 7 pages pdf. - Fyrirlestur - Best paper award.


G.A. Sævarsdottir, J.A. Bakken. V.G. Sevastyanenko, Liping Gu, "Modelling of AC Arcs in Submerged-Arc Furnaces for Production of Silicon and Ferrosilicon", 58th Electric Furnace Conf., Orlando, USA, Nov. 12-15, 2000, Proc., pp 607-616. Iron & Steel Society, Warrendale, PA, USA. - Fyrirlestur


G. Sævarsdottir & J.A.Bakken, "Simulering av lysbuer i en tre-fase ovn", Norsk Metallurgisk Selskap 24. Sommermøte, Oslo, 7-8. mai 1998.  –Fyrirlestur.


Sævarsdottir,G.,Larsen, H.L. and Bakken J.A.: Simple model for AC arcs in electro-metallurgical furnaces. 13th Int. Seminar on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-13), Beijing, China, August 18-22, 1997. In Proceedings, pp 308-313. Peking University Press, Beijing. –Fyrirlestur.




Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, “Electric Arcs in Material Processing - Effect of Gas Composition on Arc Characteristics“, The 5th Workshop on Reactive Metal Processing, 2010, D. R. Sadoway and T. H. Okabe


Guðrún Sævarsdóttir1,4, William Scott Harvey1, Martin Fleer2, Heimir Hjartarson3, Halldór Pálsson, “USING THE ENERGY: Potential in utilizing waste heat from industrial processes”, Poster at World Energy Council 2009.




Guðrún Sævarsdóttir,” Modelling of gas flow for different concentrations of Methane gas in Helium for the PPM reactor”,  Sintef F9090, Jan 2009.


Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Jón Hálfdanarson, „Líkan af varmamyndun við uppkeyrslu á ljósbogaofni“, unnið fyrir Íslenska Járnblendifélagið, Febrúar 2008.


Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, „Gagnvirkt rásarlíkan fyrir þrífasa háafls ljósbogaofn, unnið fyrir Íslenska Járnblendifélagið“, Nóvember 2007.


Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, “Lumped líkan af varmamyndun í skauti með og án ribba“, unnið fyrir Íslenska Járnblendifélagið, Mars 2007.


Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Halldór Pálsson, Magnús Þór Jónsson og Jon Arne Bakken, “Arc electrode interactions”, Technical report, University of Iceland, 2004, 42 bls.


Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, Kristján Guðmundsson , Jón Hálfdanarson, “Problematic Electrode Movements at Icelandic Alloys”, Verkefnisskýrsla, Okt 2003.


Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir, “High Current AC-Arcs in Silicon and Ferrosilicon Furnaces”, NTNU Trondheim, Norges Teknisk - naturvitenskapelige universitet. Dr. Ingeniøravhandling 2002:56, Institutt for materialteknologi og elektrokjemi, IME-rapport 2002:36.


G.Sævarsdottir & J.A.Bakken, "Channel Arc Model with a Radial Temperature Distribution and Reverse Cathode Jet", SINTEF Materials Technology report STF 24 A98617, Sept. 1998.


G.Sævarsdottir & J.A.Bakken, "The Three-Phase AC Channel Arc Model with Charge Current", SINTEF Materials Technology report STF24 A98538, April 1998 (11 pp).


G.Sævarsdottir & J.A.Bakken, "Measurements on a Ferrosilicon Furnace during the melting-down period", SINTEF Materials Technology report STF21 nn, Dec. 1998


G.Sævarsdottir & S.E.Olsen, "Production of Ferromanganese Using Hydrocarbons", SINTEF Materials Technology report STF21 F98651, Nov. 1998