Current posts:
§ Professor – School of Law, Reykjavik University, Iceland (2016- ).
§ Visiting Professor (appointed) – Faculty of Law, University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), France (as of 2017- ).
§ Visiting Lecturer – Faculty of Law, University of Lund, Sweden, regularly as of 2010.
§ Ad-Hoc – Judge at the EFTA Court (since 1 July 2022)
§ Ad-Hoc – Judge at the Appellate Court (Landsréttur) (April-June 2022).
§ Member of the Financial Supervisory Board – Icelandic Central Bank (since 1 October 2022)
Previous posts:
§ Director – EFTA Surveillance Authority, Brussels, Belgium May 2017-June 2020.
§ Ad-hoc College Member – EFTA Surveillance Authority, 2014-2017 (not called to serve).
§ Chairman – Appellate body for Telecommunications and Postal Matters: August 2014-August 2015.
§ Legal expert – Special Investigative Commission of the Parliament: January 2009-October 2009.
§ Head of Legal M&A – Actavis Group hf.: October 2005-September 2008
§ Senior Associate – Logos Legal Services: June 2004-October 2005.
§ Officer, Senior Officer and Deputy Director of the Internal Market Affairs Directorate of the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA): August 1999-June 2004.
§ Associate – Lögfræðistofa Suðurnesja (law firm): December 1996-August 1997.
§ Dr. Juris (2014), Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden.
§ Master of Laws (LL.M) (1998), Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden.
§ Cand. Juris degree (1997) (5 years), Faculty of Law, University of Iceland, Iceland.
§ Bar Exam: Admitted to practice before Iceland’s District Courts (April 2002).
- “Meðalhófsregla Evrópuréttarins – saga og þróun” Afmælisrit – Páll Hreinsson sextugur. Fons Juris útgáfa (2023).
- "Samræmd túlkun landsréttar – birtingarmynd í landsrétti" Tímarit lögfræðinga, 1. hefti 72. árg. (2022) p. 17-54. Co-Author Ómar B. Rúnarsson.
- Je t’aime…moi non plus - Ten Years of Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Common Market Law Review Vol. 59 (2022). Co-author: X. Groussot.
- Consistent interpretation in the case-law of the Icelandic Supreme Court, in “The effectiveness and application of EU and EEA law in national courts – Principle of consistent interpretation”, Christian Franklin (ed), (Intersentia, 2018).
- Commentary on Articles 8-13 and 27 EEA in “Agreement on the European Economic Area – A Commentary”, H.H. Fredriksen, H.P Graver, O. Mestad, C. Vedder. (Nomos, 2018)
6. Any news on Protocol 35? (Hvað er að frétta af bókun 35), in “Fullveldi í 99 ár – safn ritgerða til heiðurs dr. Davíð Þór Björgvinssyni sextugum” (HIB, 2017).
- General Principles and the Many Faces of Coherence: Between Law and Ideology in the European Union, in “General Principles of Law – European and Comparative Perspectives”, S. Vogenauer and S. Weatherill (eds.) (Hart Publishing, 2017) Co-authors: X. Groussot and J. Hettner.
- Weak Right, Strong Court - The Freedom to Conduct Business and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Sionaidh Douglas-Scott and Nicholas Hatzis (eds), in “Research Handbook on EU Human Rights Law” (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017). Co-authors X. Groussot and J. Pierce.
- Regulatory Trust in EU Free Movement Law – Adopting the level of protection of the other? in European Papers – a journal on law and integration, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 865-896 (2016). Co-Authors X. Groussot and H. Wenander.
- The Paradox of Human Rights Protection Europe: Two Courts, One Goal? In the anthology: “Shifting Centres of Gravity in Human Rights Protection. - Rethinking Relations between the ECHR, EU and National Legal Orders” O.M. Arnardóttir and A. Buyse (eds), (Routledge, 2016). Co-Authors X. Groussot and Nina-Louisa Arold Lorenz.
- The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Five Years on – The Emergence of a New Constitutional Framework. In the anthology: “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a binding instrument – Five years old and growing” Sybe de Vries, Ulf Bernitz and Stephen Weatherill (eds.), (Hart Publishing, 2015). Co-Author X. Groussot.
- The Proportionality Principle as a Tool for Disintegration in EU Law – of Balancing and Coherence in the Light of the Fundamental Freedoms. Faculty of Law, University of Lund, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7473-925-1 (Dr. Juris Thesis).
- The European Human Rights Culture– a paradox of human rights protection in Europe? (Book) (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2013). Co-authors: Nina-Louisa Lorenz & Xavier Groussot.
- The outer reach of State obligations under deposit guarantee schemes - Case E-16/11 from 28 January 2013, EFTA Surveillance Authority (“ESA”) v. Iceland. 2014, SIEPS (The Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies) Co-author: Ásta Sóllilja Sigurbjörnsdóttir.
- The Reach of EU Fundamental Rights on Member State Action after Lisbon. Co-authors: Xavier Groussot & Laurent Pech: in The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU After Lisbon. Sybe de Vries, Ulf Bernitz and Stephen Weatherill (ed.). (Hart Publishing, 2013).
- The Scope of Application of Fundamental Rights on Member States´ Action - In Search of Certainty in EU Adjudication. Co-Authors: Xavier Groussot & Laurent Pech: in European Legal Method, in multilevel EU legal order. U. Neergaard and R. Nielsen (ed.) (DJØF Forlag, 2012).
- “Balancing as a Judicial Methodology of EU Constitutional Adjudication”. Co-author: Xavier Groussot: in Balancing Fundamental Rights with the EU Treaty Freedoms: the European Court of Justice as ´tightrope´ walker. (Eleven Law Publishing, 2012).
- Implementation of EEA Acts in the field of financial services – Annex VI to the final report of the Special Investigative Committee of the Parliament – 2010.
- Country report on Icelandic laws regarding Citizenship in the EUCITAC research project. Co-author Guðni Th. Jóhannesson. Available at
- „What is Consent? A note on Davidoff and Levi Strauss“. 27 European Law Review, (4)2002 p. 464-472, with Peter Dyrberg.
- Case review for the EFTA and EU Courts 2003. Úlfljótur, 3. tbl. 57. árg. 2004, p. 445-472. With Dóra Sif Tynes.
- Gunnar Thor Petursson and Dora Sif Tynes. Case review for the EFTA and EU Courts 2002. Úlfljótur, 3. tbl. 56. árg. 2003, p. 454-488. With Dóra Sif Tynes.
- Case review for the EFTA and EU Courts 2001. Úlfljótur, 2. tbl. 55. árg. 2002, p. 263-299. With Dóra Sif Tynes and Martin Eyjólfsson.
- Case review for the EFTA and EU Courts 2000. Úlfljótur, 2. tbl. 54. árg. 2001, p. 230-272, with Dóra Sif Tynes and Martin Eyjólfsson.
§ “The Dynamics of the EU Charter" The Institute for European Law, Leuven, Belgium, 17 October 2022.
§ “Lagakennsla í Evrópurétti í ljósi áskorana nútímans" Hátíðarmálþing LD, 29 September 2022
§ “EEA Methodological issues" BERG, research group, Bergen, Norway, 13 September 2022
§ “How the EEA/EFTA-state´s affiliation to the financial markets of the EU came about, and how it worked the first couple of years” Norges si tilknytning til finanstilsynforvaltninga i EU – Utviklinga fram til i dag og vegen vidare. Bergen, Norway, 7-8 September 2022.
§ „Er Evrópuréttur hluti landsréttar?“ Stafræni Háskóladagurinn, 27. febrúar 2021
§ “Hlutverk og áhrif ESA – EES í 25 ár” Reykjavik University, 1 October 2019.
§ “Two pillar – ESA supervisory role” Norway House, 15 November 2019.
§ “Are general principles of EU law and EU fundamental rights respected?” at the Conference European Standardisation for Internal Markets and its Constitutional Challenges, Lund, Sweden, April 2017.
§ “Mutual Trust as Collaborative Law in EU” at the Confernece Collaborative Law in the EU, Paris (Panthéon-Assas), France, March 2017.
§ “Regulatory Trust in EU Free Movement Law – Adopting the level of protection of the other”, presentation at the Regulatory Governance Conference in Tilburg, Holland, July 2016.
§ “The Methodological impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on EU/EEA law”, presentation held at a conference on the Impact of the EU Charter on EU and EEA law, held by the Icelandic Lawyers Association and the School of Law, Reykjavik University, in March 2015.
§ “How to teach primacy?” Presentation held at NNELS Conference in Oslo, 2014.
§ “The scope of application of Fundamental Rights on Member States‘ action: A new constitutional framework” Presentation held at a conference by the Institute of European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford, in Oxford England, see further
§ “The Scope of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - When should it be applied by National Courts?” presentation held at the conference Constitutions of the EU and Nordic States - Multilevel Constitutional Order and Democratic Challenges– held in Reykjavik, September 2012.