1. The effect of alumina on plasma spraying of zirconia microspheres, M.Sc. thesis, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 1996.
2. Annealing properties of Li and Si impurities in GaAs, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Iceland, 2003
Greinar í erlendum ritrýndum tímaritum (ISI Web of Science tímaritum)
1. H.P. Gíslason, K. Leosson, H. Svavarsson, K. Saarinen and A. Mari, Lithium induced vacancy formation and its effect on the diffusivity of Lithium in Gallium Arsenide, Materials Science Forum 258-263, (1997) 1810-1820
2. J. T. Gudmundsson, H. G. Svavarsson and H. P. Gíslason, Lithium-gold-related complexes in p-type crystalline silicon, Physica B 273-274 (1999) 379 - 382
3. H. O. Olafsson, J. T. Gudmundsson, H. G. Svavarsson and H. P. Gislason, Hydrogen passivation of AlxGax-1As studied by surface photovoltage spectroscopy, Physica B 273-274 (1999) 689 - 692
4. H.G. Svavarsson, S. Olafsson, N. Hellgren and U. Helmersson, Electrostatic powder impact deposition (EPID) of Ge on Si and Cu substrate, microstructure and morphology study, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (2000) 1155-1160
5. H. G. Svavarsson, J. T. Gudmundsson, G. I. Gudjonsson and H. P. Gislason, The effect of Si site-switching in GaAs on electrical properties and potential fluctuation, Physica B 308 - 310 (2002) 804-807
6. H. G. Svavarsson, J. T. Gudmundsson, G. I. Gudjonsson and H. P. Gislason, Potential fluctuations and siteswitching in Si-doped GaAs studied by photoluminescence, Physica Scripta T101 (2002) 114 - 118
7. H. G. Svavarsson, J. T. Gudmundsson, and H. P. Gislason, Experimental observation of an impurity band in lithium-diffused and annealed GaAs: Conductivity and Hall effect measurements, Physical Review B 67 (2003) 205213
8. J. T. Gudmundsson, H. G. Svavarsson, S. Gudjonsson and H. P. Gislason, Frequency-dependent conductivity in lithium-diffused and annealed GaAs, Physica B 340-342 (2003) 324 - 328
9. H. G. Svavarsson, J. T. Gudmundsson and H. P. Gislason, Lithium-diffused and annealed GaAs: Admittance spectroscopy study, Physical Review B 69 (2004)
10. D. M. Danielsson, J. T. Gudmundsson and H. G. Svavarsson, The effect of hydrogenation on the minority carrier lifetime in low grade silicon, Phys. Scr. T 141 (2010) 014005
11. H.G. Svavarsson, J. Yoon, S.H. Song and R. Magnusson. Fabrication of large plasmonics arrays of gold nanocups using inverse periodic templates. Plasmonics 6 (2011) 741-744
12. R. Magnusson, H.G. Svavarsson, J. Yoon, M. Shokooh-Saremi and S.H. Song. Experimental observation of leaky modes and plasmons in a hybrid resonance element. Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012)
13. H.G. Svavarsson, J. Yoon, M. Shokooh-Saremi, S.H. Song and R. Magnusson. Fabrication and characterization of large, perfectly periodic arrays of metallic nanocups. Plasmonics 7 (2012) 653-657
14. K. Spilling, A. Brynjolfsdottir, D. Enss, H. Rischer and H.G. Svavarsson. The effect of structural lipids in diatoms. J. Appl. phycol 25 (2013) 1435-1439
15. T. Khaleque, H.G. Svavarsson, R. Magnusson, Fabrication of resonant patterns using thermal nano-imprint lithography for thin-film photovoltaic applications. Optics Express 31 (2013) 631-641
16. H.G. Svavarsson, A. Brynjolfsdottir, S. Einarsson, Adsorption applications of unmodified geothermal silica. Geothermics 50 (2014) 30-34
17. Halldor Gudfinnur Svavarsson, Birgir Hrafn Hallgrimsson, Manoj Niraula, Kyu Jin Lee, KJ, Robert Magnusson, Large arrays of ultra-high aspect ratio periodic silicon nanowires obtained via top-down route Applied Physics A-Mat. Science & Processing 122 (2016)
18. C. Besleaga, L. E. Abramiuc, V. Stancu, A. G. Tomulescu, M. Sima, L. Trinca, N. Plugaru, L. Pintilie, G. A. Nemnes, M. Iliescu, H. G.Svavarsson, A. Manolescu, I. Pintilie. Iodine Migration and Degradation of Perovskite Solar Cells Enhanced by Metallic Electrodes. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7 (2016) 5168-5175
19. H. G. Svavarsson, J.E. Valberg, H. Arnardottir, A. Brynjolfsdottir. Carbon dioxide from geothermal gas converted to biomass by cultivating coccoid cyanobacteria. Environmental Technology 39 (2017)
20. M.T. Sultan, A Manolescu, J.T. Gudmundsson, K Torfason, G.A. Nemnes, I. Stavarache, C. Logofatu, V.S. Teodorescu, M.L Ciurea, H.G. Svavarsson. Enhanced photoconductivity of SiGe nanocrystals in SiO2 driven by annealing. Applied Surface Science 469 (2019) 870-878
21. M. T. Sultan, J. T. Guðmundsson; A. Manolescu; T. Stoica; M. L. Ciurea; H. G. Svavarsson. Enhanced photoconductivity of embedded SiGe nanoparticles by hydrogenation. Applied Surface Science (2019)
22. D. J. Carney, H. G. Svavarsson, H. Hemmati, Alexander Fannin, Jae W. Yoon, R. Magnusson; Refractometric sensing with periodic nano-indented arrays: Effect of structural dimensions. Sensors 19 (2019)
23. M. T. Sultan, J.T. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu, V. Teodorescu, M. L. Ciurea, H. G. Svavarsson; Efficacy of annealing and fabrication parameters on photo-response of SiGe in TiO2 matrix. Nanotechnology 30 (2019)
24. M. T. Sultan, A. V. Maraloiu, I. Stavarache, J. T. Guðmundsson; A. Manolescu, V. S. Teodorescu, M. L. Ciurea; H. G. Svavarsson. Fabrication and characterization of Si1-xGex nanocrystals in as-grown and annealed structures: a comparative study. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10 (2019)
25. M.T. Sultan, J. T. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu, V S Teodorescu, M L Ciurea, H. G. Svavarsson. Obtaining SiGe nanocrystallites between crystalline TiO2 layers by HiPIMS without annealing; Applied Surface Science (2020)
26. I. Stavarache, C. Logofatu, M. T. Sultan, A. Manolescu, H. G. Svavarsson, V. S. Teodorescu, M. L Ciurea. SiGe nanocrystals in SiO2 with high photosensitivity from visible to short-wave infrared; Scientific Reports (2020)
27. M.T. Sultan, J.T. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu and H.G. Svavarsson. Structural and photoluminescence study of TiO2 layer with self-assembled Si1-xGex nanoislands. Journal of Applied Physics; 128 (2020)
28. M. T. Sultan, H. O. Árnason, M. Kateb, A. Manolescu, H. G. Svavarsson, A. Valfells, Enhanced photoemission from surface modulated GaAs:Ge. Nano Select; (2021)
29. Plugaru, R., Fakhri, E., Romanitan, C., Mihalache, I., Craciun, G., Plugaru, N., Arnason, H. O., Sultan, M. T., Nemnes, G. A., Ingvarsson, S., Svavarsson, H. G., Manolescu, A. Structure and electrocal behavior of silicon nanowires prepared from MACE process; Surfaces and Interfaces, 33 (2022)
30. E Fakhri, Rodica Plugaru, Muhammad Taha Sultan, Thorsteinn Hanning Kristinsson, Hákon Örn Árnason, Neculai Plugaru, Andrei Manolescu, Snorri Ingvarsson, Halldor Gudfinnur Svavarsson. Piezoresistance Characterization of Silicon Nanowires in Uniaxial and Isostatic Pressure Variation. Sensors; 22 (2022)
31. R. E. Brophy, M. Kateb, K. Torfason, G. A. Nemnes, H. G. Svavarsson, I. Pintilie, A. Manolescu; Effect of Pressure on the Dynamics of Iodide Defects in Methylammonium Lead Iodide: An Atomistic Simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2023) 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c00657
32. E Fakhri, MT Sultan, A Manolescu, S Ingvarsson, HG Svavarsson; Application of p and n-Type Silicon Nanowires as Human Respiratory Sensing Device. Sensors 23 4(2023)
33. MT Sultan, ML Ciurea, I Stavarache, KA Thorarinsdottir, UB Arnalds, V Teodorescu, A Manolescu, S Ingvarsson, HG Svavarsson. “Optimizing Photocurrent Intensity in Layered SiGe Heterostructures”, Semiconductor Science and Technology (2024)
Ráðstefnugreinar og birtir útdrættir á alþjóðlegum ráðstefnum
1. J. T. Gudmundsson, H. G. Svavarsson, and H. P. Gislason, Hopping Conduction in Lithium Diffused and Annealed GaAs, Proceedings of the XIIth Conference on Semiconducting and Insulating Materials (SIMC XII), IEEE, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, (2002) 9-12
2. J.T. Gudmundsson, H.G. Svavarsson and H.P. Gislason, Impurity-band conduction in Li-diffused and annealed GaAs, in 22nd International Confererence in Defects and Semiconductors (ICDS-22) Arhus 28.07-01.08. 2003
4. H.G. Svavarsson and O.H. Wallevik, Geothermal Well cementing: the effect of temperature and time on workability loss, in 13th Nordic Rheology Conference, Iceland, (2004) 123-126
5. O. Wallevik, P. Sandberg, K. Kjellsen, H. Svavarsson and S. Kubens. The effect of free lime on the hydration kinetics and rheology of cement mortar. 12th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement. Montreal, Canada, 2007
6. H.G. Svavarsson, D.M. Danielsson and J.T. Gudmundsson, Thin film silicon for solar cell application grown from the liquid phase on metallurgical grade silicon. 23rd European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 2221-2223. Valencia, Spain, 2008
7. D.M. Danielsson, J.T. Gudmundsson and H.G. Svavarsson, The effect of hydrogenation on photovoltaic performance of silicon thin films grown on low grade silicon substrates. 24th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 2541-2543. Hamburg 21.-25 september 2009
8. I. Suryata, H.G. Svavarsson, S. Einarsson and A. Brynjolfsdottir, Geothermal CO2 bio-mitigation techniques by utilizing microalgae at the Blue Lagoon, Iceland. 34th Workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering. SGP-TR-188, Stanford University, Kaliforníu, 1.-3. februar, 2010.
9. H. G. Svavarsson, R. Magnusson, J. Yoon and S. H. Song, Fabrication of large arrays of plasmonic nanostructures via inverse periodic templates. 5th International conference on surface plasmon photonics, Busan, South Korea, 15.-20. May 2011.
10. R. Magnusson, M. Shokooh-Sareemi, K.J. Lee, J. Curzan, D. Wawro, S. Zimmerman, W. Wu, J. Yoon, H.G. Svavarsson, S.H. Song, Leaky-Mode resonance photonics, An applications platform. Proc. SPIE 8102, San-Diego, California, USA, 21.-25. August 2011 (invited)
11. H.G. Svavarsson, J. Yoon, M. Shokooh-Saremi, S. H. Song and R. Magnusson, Fabrication of modal and plasmonic optical resonance devices, 10th International conference on correlation optics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 11.-16. September 2011 (invited)
12. H. G. Svavarsson, R. Magnusson, J. Yoon and S. H. Song, Large periodic arrays of plasmonic nanostructures applying inverse templates, Frontiers in optics 2011 - Laser science XXVII, San Jose, California, USA, 16.-20. October 2011
13. R. Magnusson, K.J. Lee, J. Yoon, D. Wawro, S. Zimmerman, W. Wu, M. Shokooh-Sarami, H. G. Svavarsson, and S. H. Song. Theory, experiment, and applications of photonic resonance effects in nanopatterned films - A review, 8th EOS topical meeting on diffractive optics, Delft, Netherland, 28. Feb.-1. March 2012
14. H.G. Svavarsson, J. Yoon, M. Shokooh-Saremi, S. H. Song and R. Magnusson, Fabrication and biodiagnostic applications of periodic arrays of gold nanocups, BIT’s 3rd World Annual Congress on Nanomedicine, Shenzen, China, 1. – 3. November 2012 (invited)
15. T. Khaleque, H.G. Svavarsson and R. Magnusson, Fabrication of nano-imprinted resonant structures for thin-film solar cells applications, IEEE Photonics Conference 2013, Bellevue, Washington, USA, 8.12. September 2013.
16. Hrönn Arnardóttir, Ása Brynjólfsdóttir, Albert Albertsson, Halldór G. Svavarsson, Biomass production using geothermal flue gas at the Blue Lagoon, Iceland, World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Ástralía, 19.-24. Apríl 2015.
17. Halldór G. Svavarsson, Hrönn Arnardóttir, Albert Albertsson, Ása Brynjólfsdóttir, Application of unmodified geothermal silica for protein extraction, World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Ástralía, 19.-24. Apríl 2015.
18. Halldór G. Svavarsson, Hrönn Arnardóttir, Ása Brynjólfsdóttir. Lipid content in blue-green algae fed on geothermal flue-flue gas at Blue Lagoon, Iceland. 28. Nordic Lipidforum, Reykjavik, Ísland, 3.-6. Júní 2015
19. Robert Magnusson, Manoj Niraula, Jae Woong Yoon, Kyu Jin Lee, Halldor Gudfinnur Svavarsson, Resonance-based nanophotonic device technology: Filters, reflectors, polarizers, and absorbers, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Yellowstone Conference Center, Big Sky, Montana, USA, 5.-12. Mars, 2016
20. H.G. Svavarsson, B.H. Hallgrimsson, M.N. Niraula, K.J. Lee, R. Magnusson, Periodic silicon nanowires with ultra-high aspect ratio obtained via top-down route in 3rd NANOSMAT-USA Conference, University of Texas, Arlington, USA, 18.-20. May 2016
21. M. T. Sultan, J. T. Gudmundsson, M. L. Ciurea, H. G. Svavarsson. Photoconductive TiO2 films functionalized with Si(1-x)Gex nanoparticles. Dinamo 2017 – conference on Nano and Mesoscopic Optics. Siglufjörður, Iceland, May 2017
21. A. Slav, C. Palade, I. Stavarache, V.S. Teodorescu, M.L. Ciurea, R. Müller, A. Dinescu, M.T. Sultan, A. Manolescu, J.T. Gudmundsson, H.G. Svavarsson. Influence of preparation conditions on structure and photosensing properties of GeSi/TiO2 multilayers. CAS 2017. IEEE International Semiconductor Conference. Sinaia, Romania, 11-14 Oct. 2017
22. M.T. Sultan, J.T. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu, M.L. Ciurea, H.G. Svavarsson
The effect of H2/Ar plasma treatment on photoconductivity of Si1-xGex nanocrystals embedded in silicon oxide matrix.
CAS 2018, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, 10-12 October 2018
23. M.T. Sultan, J.T. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu, M.L. Ciurea, C. Palade, A. V. Maraloiu, H.G. Svavarsson.
Enhanced photoconductivity of SiGe-trilayer stack by retrenching annealing conditions. CAS 2018, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, 10-12 October, 2018
24. C. Palade, A. Slav, O. Cojocaru, V.S. Teodorescu, S. Lazanu, T. Stoica, M.T. Sultan, H.G. Svavarsson, M.L. Ciurea
Enhanced photocurrent in GeSi NCs / TiO2 multilayers. CAS 2018, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, 10-12 October 2018
25. M.T. Sultan, J. T. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu, M. L. Ciurea, H. G. Svavarsson: Growth of SiGe nanocrystals in SiO2 matrix by applying HiPIMS: On the way to crystallization bypassing the need of annealing, á Third international workshop on thin films for electronics, electro-optics, energy and sensors (TFE3S), Reykjavik, Ísland, 24.-26 Júní., 2019
26. M.T. Sultan, J. T. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu, M. L. Ciurea, H. G. Svavarsson: Effect of H2/Ar plasma exposure: influence of short and protracted intervals, in Third international workshop on thin films for electronics, electro-optics, energy and sensors (TFE3S), Reykjavik, Ísland, 24.-26. Júní, 2019
27. R. Magnusson, K. J. Lee, H. Hemmati, P. Bootpakdeetam, J. Vasilyev, F. A. Simlan, N. Razmjooei, Y. H. Ko, S. Zhang, Sun-Goo Lee, H.G. Svavarsson. Properties of resonant photonic lattices:Bloch mode dynamics, band flips, and applications: , SPIE-Photonics West ráðstefna, 1.-6. Februar, San Francisco, BNA, 2020
28. D.C. Finger, H.G. Svavarsson, B. Bjornsdottir, G.A. Saevarsdottir, L.L. Böhme. The superiority of circular economy solutions in the main sectors of an innovative and prospering economy-a case study from Iceland. EGU General Assembly Conference, 4-8 May, 2020 (held online due to COVID)
29. H.G. Svavarsson, M.T. Sultan, K.J. Lee, S. Das and R. Magnusson. Hydrogenated silicon films for low-loss resonant reflectors operating in the visible region in 3rd IEEE Research and applications of photonics defense, RAPID, 10-12 August 2020
30. E. Fakhri et al., "Synthesis and photoluminescence study of silicon nanowires obtained by metal assisted chemical etching," 2021 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), IEEE, 2021, pp. 147-150, doi: 10.1109/CAS52836.2021.9604178.
31. M. T. Sultan, J. T. Gudmundsson, A. Manolescu, M. L. Ciurea, H. G. Svavarsson and S. Ingvarsson, "Photoluminescence study of Si1-xGex nanoparticles in various oxide matrices," 2021 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), 2021, IEEE, pp. 21-24, doi: 10.1109/CAS52836.2021.9604131.
32. M. T. Sultan et al., "Facile formation of self-assembled Ga droplets on GaAs (001) substrate," 2021 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), IEEE, 2021, pp. 35-38, doi: 10.1109/CAS52836.2021.9604129.E.
Erindi flutt
Sætavíxl kísils í GaAs. Ráðstefna eðlisfræðifélags Íslands, Eðlisfræði á Íslandi X. 17. nóvember 2001.
Geothermal Well cementing: the effect of temperature and time on workability loss, in 13th Nordic Rheology Conference, Iceland, 2004.
Cultivation of algae with geothermal CO2 flue gas. Málstofa í efnafræði, Háskóla Íslands. 06. Nóvember 2009.
Thin-film silicon solar cells with nanostructured surface modulation. Málstofa í Rafmagnsverkfræðideild Háskólans í Texas, Arlington. 22. Júní 2010
Large-Scale Fabrication of periodic Nanostructure arrays. Málstofa Tækni- og Verkfræðideildar Háskólans í Reykjavík, 06. September 2010
Kísilframleiðsla í Helguvík, Málþing á Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands, 29. Apríl 2011
Fabrication of modal and plasmonic optical resonance devices, 10th International conference on correlation optics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 11.-16. September 2011 (boðserindi)
Kísil nanovírar til nota í sólarhlöð. Flutt á Fyrirlestramaraþoni Háskólans í Reykjavík 23. Mars 2012 (
Microalgae Cultivation at The Blue Lagoon, flutt á Nordic Algae Network, Blue Lagoon 15. Maí 2012
Fabrication and biodiagnostic applications of periodic arrays of gold nanocups, BIT’s 3rd World Annual Congress on Nanomedicine, Shenzen, China, 1. – 3. November 2012 (invited)
Surface plasmon resonance of arrayed nanoparticles. Málstofa í eðlisfræði, Háskóla Íslands. 25. Janúar 2013.
Hámörkun lípíðframleiðslu með svifþörungum. Málstofa Orkustofnunar. 6. Febrúar 2013.
Fabrication and bio-diagnostic applications of periodic nano-structured arrays. Flutt á Fyrirlestramaraþoni Háskólans í Reykjavík 17. Mars 2013 (
Fabrication of silicon nanowires with metal catalyzed etching. 7. Ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands, Grand Hótel 9. Nóvember 2013.
Örþörungar fóðraðir með koldíoxíð-útblæstri jarðvarmavera við Bláa Lónið. Flutt á Fyrirlestramaraþoni Háskólans í Reykjavík 28. Mars 2014.
Notkun kísils til einangrunar litarefnis úr örþörungum Bláa Lónsins. Flutt á Verkin Tala við Háskólann í Reykjavík 28. Maí 2014.
Solar energy and PV cells. Frummælandi. Flutt á ráðstefnu um Kísil og Sólarorku við Háskólann í Reykjavík 26. sept. 2014.
Biomass production using geothermal flue gas at the Blue Lagoon, Iceland. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni World Geothermal Congress í Melbourne í Ástralíu, 19.-24. Apríl 2015.
Application of unmodified geothermal silica for protein extraction. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni World Geothermal Congress í Melbourne í Ástralíu, 19.-24. Apríl 2015.
Lipid content in blue-green algae fed on geothermal flue-gas at Blue Lagoon, Iceland. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni 28. Nordic Lipidforum Symposium í Reykjavik, Íslandi, 3.-6. Júní 2015.
Large arrays of ultra-high aspect ratio periodic silicon nanowires via top-down route. Erindi flutt á málstofu við National Institute of Materials Physics í Bucharest, Rúmeníu, 24. Mars 2016.
Towards a Society without waste: Cultivating microalgae with non-condensable geothermal gases. Erindi flutt á The 3rd Iceland Geothermal Conference – IGC 2016, Reykjavik 26.-29. April 2016
PhotoVoltaics-Solar Energy Converted to Electricity. Erindi flutt á málstofunni Materials for Sustainable Energy Conversion í Háskólanum í Reykjavík 2. Maí 2016
Periodic silicon nanowires with ultra-high aspect ratio obtained via top-down route in 3rd NANOSMAT-USA Conference, University of Texas, Arlington, USA, 18-20 May 2016 (boðserindi)
Effect of H2/Ar plasma exposure: influence of short and protracted intervals, in Third international workshop on thin films for electronics, electro-optics, energy and sensors (TFE3S), Reykjavik, Ísland, 24.-26. Júní, 2019
Hydrogenated silicon films for low-loss resonant reflectors operating in the visible region in 3rd IEEE Research and applications of photonics defense, RAPID (virtual) Boðserindi, 10-12 August 2020
1. J.T. Gudmundsson, H.G. Svavarsson and H.P. Gislason. Lithium - gold - related complexes in p-type crystalline silicon. The 20th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-20), Berkeley, California, July 26 - 30 1999
2. H.Ö. Ólafsson, J.T. Gudmundsson, H.G. Svavarsson and H.P. Gislason, Hydrogen passivation of AlxGa(1-x)As studied by surface photovoltage spectroscopy. The 20th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-20), Berkeley, California, July 26 - 30 1999
3. H.G. Svavarsson, J.T. Gudmundsson, G.I. Gudjonsson and H.P. Gislason. Potential fluctuations and siteswitching in Si-doped GaAs studied by photoluminescence. The 19th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting, Gentofte, Denmark, May 20 - 23 2001
4. H.G. Svavarsson, J.T. Gudmundsson, G.I. Gudjonsson and H.P. Gislason. The effect of Si site-switching in GaAs on electrical properties andpotential fluctuation. The 21st International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-21), Giessen Germany, July 16. - 20. 2001
5. J.T. Gudmundsson, H.G. Svavarsson and H.P. Gislason, Impurity-band conduction in Li-diffused and annealed GaAs. Introduced in 22nd International Confererence in Defects and Semiconductors (ICDS-22) Arhus 28.07-01.08. 2003
6. H.G. Svavarsson, J.T. Gudmundsson and H.P. Gislason, A photoluminescence study of thermal p-type conversion in Si-doped GaAs. Introduced in 22nd International Confererence in Defects and Semiconductors (ICDS-22) Arhus 28.07-01.08. 2003
7. Halldór G. Svavarsson, Ræktun hálfleiðandi kristalla, Vísindadagar Raunvísindastofnunar, nóvember 2003
8. Davíð M. Daníelsson, Halldór G. Svavarsson og Jón T. Guðmundsson. 4. Ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands. Sólarhlöð úr þunnum kísilhúðum ræktuðum úr vökvafasa. Hótel Loftleiðir, 17. Nóvember 2007
9. H.G. Svavarsson, D.M. Danielsson and J.T. Gudmundsson, Thin film silicon for solar cell application grown from the liquid phase on metallurgical grade silicon. 23rd European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, Valencia, Spain, 1.-4. september 2008
10. D.M. Danielsson, H.G. Svavarsson and J.T. Gudmundsson, The effect of hydrogenation on the photovoltaic effeiciency of silicon thin films grown on low grade silicon substrates. 23rd Nordic Semiconductor meeting, Reykjavik 14.-17. June 2009
11. D.M. Danielsson, J.T. Gudmundsson and H.G. Svavarsson, The effect of hydrogenation on photovoltaic performance of silicon thin films grown on low grade silicon substrates. 24th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 2541-2543, Hamburg 21.-25 september 2009
12. Indra Suryata, Gregor Maliga, Halldor G. Svavarsson and Sigurbjorn Einarsson. Geothermal CO2 Bio-mitigation technique by utilizing Coccoid Blue Green Algae. 5. Ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands, Hótel Loftleiðir 14. nóv. 2009.
13. Olof K. Hrafnsdottir, Asa Brynjolfsdottir and Halldor G. Svavarsson. Oil production from algae fed on geothermal flue gas. 6. Ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands, Hótel Loftleiðir 19. nóv. 2011.
14. B.H. Hallgrimsson, K. Leosson, H.G. Svavarsson. Fabrication of silicon nanowires with metal catalysed etching. 7. Ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands, Grand Hótel 9. Nóvember 2013.
15. Halldór G. Svavarsson. Rafmagnsframleiðsla með hitaörvuðum nanóvírum. Kynningarfundur Orkurannsóknasjóðs Landsvirkjunar, Þjóðminjasafninu 28. Nóvember 2013.
16. C. Palade, I. Stavarache, A.-M. Lepadatu, A. Slav, S. Lazanu, T. Stoica, V.S. Teodorescu, M.L. Ciurea, F. Comanescu, A. Dinescu, R. Müller, G. Stan, A. Enuica, M.T. Sultan, A. Manolescu, H.G. Svavarsson, New advanced materials based on SiGeSn nanocrystals in oxides for SWIR phototodetectors and non-volatile memory devices in EuroNanoForum, June 12-14, 2019, Bucharest, Romania.
Ritrýndar greinar á íslensku
1. Halldór G. Svavarsson, Halldór Örn Ólafsson, Þorvaldur Þorvaldsson, Jón Tómas Guðmundsson og Hafliði P. Gíslason, Ljósörvuð yfirborðsspenna og hlutleysing veilna með vetni (e. ´´Surface photovoltage and neutralizing of defects with hydrogen´´), í Eðlisfræði á Íslandi IX, editor Ari Ólafsson, bls 75 - 82, 1999
2. Halldór G. Svavarsson, Guðjón I. Guðjónsson, Jón T. Guðmundsson og Hafliði Pétur Gíslason, Sætavíxl kísils í GaAs (e. ´´Silicon siteswitching in GaAs´´), í Eðlisfræði á Íslandi X, editor Ari Ólafsson, bls 123-128, 2001
3. H.G. Svavarsson, D. M. Daníelsson og J.T. Guðmundssson. Þunnhúðartækni við gerð kísil-sólarhlaða. Ársrit Verkfræðinga, ritstjóri: Ragnar Ragnarsson, bls. 231-237, 2007
Aðrar greinar á íslensku
1. Hafliði P. Gíslason og Halldór G. Svavarsson, Nýjar hugmyndir um gerð GaAs tvista (e. ´´New ideas regarding production of GaAs diodes´´) í Raflost- tímarit rafmagns- og tölvuverkfræðinema, 2002
2. Halldór G. Svavarsson, Örtækni á sviði steinsteypu, í Tæknivísir- tímarit byggingartæknifræðinema, 2005
3. Halldór G. Svavarsson, Binding koldíoxíðs frá orkuverum með hjálp þörunga, í Tímarit Háskólans í Reykjavík, 2. tölublað, 2010
4. Halldór G. Svavarsson, Útblæstri jarðvarmavera breytt í verðmæta vöru. Tímarit Háskólans í Reykjavik. 2013.
1. Guðmundur Gunnarsson, Halldór Svavarsson, Hilmar B. Janusson, Keramík örkúlur (e. ´´Ceramic microspheres´´), ITI 9403/HTD0, Technological Institute of Iceland, january 1994
2. Halldór Svavarsson, Guðmundur Gunnarsson, Zirkóníumoxíð örkúlur fyrir plasmasprautun (e. ´´Zirconiumoxide microspheres for plasma spraying´´), ITI 9401/HTD01T, Technological Institute of Iceland, january 1994
3. Halldór Svavarsson, Guðmundur Gunnarsson, Örkúlur úr kísilryki (e. ´´Microspheres made of silica fume´´), ITI9413/HTD05, Technological Institute of Iceland, june 1994
4. Hilmar B. Janusson, Halldór Svavarsson, Keramík örkúlur fyrir síur og þrýstirafsvarandi skynjara (e. ´´Ceramic microspheres for filters and piezoelectric devices´´), ITI 9402/HTD 02T, Technological Institute of Iceland, 1994
5. Ólafur H. Wallevik, Halldór Svavarsson, Jón E. Wallevik, Efniseiginleikar borholusteypu (e. ``Material properties of well cement´´), Annar fasi, Rb 04-04, UDC 622.241, The Icelandic Building Research Institute, feb. 2004
Svör við spurningum á vísindavefnum ( )
- Hver er innri gerð snjókorna? Eru engin tvö snjókorn eins?
- Hvernig myndast frostrósir á rúðum? Myndast þær annars staðar?
- Hvers vegna myndast kuldi þegar salti er stráð á ís, til dæmis á tröppum húsa, og hvers vegna breytist ísinn þá í vökva?
- Hvers vegna frýs vatn?
- Götur eru saltaðar til að svellið bráðni, en skíðabrekkur til að fá harðfenni. Hvernig má það vera?
- Hvers vegna dragast sum efni saman þegar þau blotna, til dæmis kaðlar, snæri og ýmis vefnaður? Hvers vegna þenjast þau ekki út við að bæta við sig efni?
- Hvers vegna verða kaffiblettir dekkstir við jaðarinn þegar þeir þorna?
- Af hverju er auðveldara að þurrka bleytu af borði með blautri, vel undinni borðtusku en þurri?
- Hvernig verkar strokleður?
- Af hverju kemur ekki gat á plastglas sem er fyllt með vatni þegar kveikjara er haldið undir því?
- Hvernig verkar drullusokkur?
- Þegar maður kastar skopparabolta í gólfið með snúningi, af hverju kemur hann til baka með öfugum snúningi?
- Afhverju límist límtúban ekki saman?
- Afhverju fylgja litlar kísilkúlur í hvítum pokum oft með hlutum eins og t.d. kíkjum?
- Hvers vegna koma krullur á borða þegar maður strýkur honum eftir skærum?