
Haraldur Auðunsson, dósent

Deild:Tæknisvið / Verkfræðideild 
Aðsetur:Venus, 2. hæð 
Viðtalstímar:Eftir samkomulagi 
Sími:599 6478   GSM: 825 6478 


1989   Oregon State University, USA - jarðeðlisfræði, Ph. D.
1981   Háskóli Íslands, eðlisfræðiskor - jarðeðlisfræði, B. Sc.
1976   Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi - eðlisfræðibraut, stúdentspróf


2005-       Háskólinn í Reykjavík, dósent, sviðsstjóri heilbrigðissviðs TVD
2003-05   Tækniháskóli Íslands, dósent, heilbrigðisdeild
1993-03   Tækniskóli Íslands, lektor, heilbrigðisdeild
1991        Oregon State University, USA (júní - sept), research associate.
1990-93   Stundakennari í eðlisfræði við HÍ og TÍ og í stærðfræði við TÍ.
1989-90   Oregon State University, USA, post-doc.
1981-89   Oregon State University, USA, research assistant
1979-81   Raunvísindastofnun HÍ, hlutastarf við ýmsar mælingar.

Kennsluferill í HR

2024-3T-307-HEILEðlisfræði III
2024-1T-609-LAEKLæknisfræðileg myndgerð
2023-3T-307-HEILEðlisfræði III
2023-1T-609-LAEKLæknisfræðileg myndgerð


Eðlisfræði - notkun eðlisfræði í heilbrigðisvísindum (röntgen) og jarðeðlisfræði (segulsvið jarðar).



Reviewed scientific papers

Kristjansson, L., and H. Audunsson, 2007.  Um segulstefnu í hraunlögum og óvissu í túlkun hennar (Accuracy of direction of remanent magnetization from lavas in Iceland), Tímarit um raunvisindi og stærðfræði (Scientific reviewed journal in Icelandic), 3, 1-9.  Article.

Kristjansson, L., Harðarson, B. og Audunsson, H., 2003. A detailed palaeomagnetic study of the oldest (≈15 Myr) lava sequences in Northwest Iceland, Geophysical Journal International, 155, 1-15.  Abstract.  Article.

Audunsson, H. og S. Levi, 1997. Geomagnetic fluctuations during a polarity transition, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 20259-20268.  Abstract 

Audunsson, H., S. Levi and F. Hodges, 1992. Magnetic Property Zonation in a Thick Lava Flow, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, 4349-4360.  Abstract 

Levi, S., Audunsson, H., R. Duncan, Leó Kristjánsson, P.-Y. Gillot and Sveinn P. Jakobsson, 1990. Late Pleistocene geomagnetic excursion in Icelandic lavas: Confirmation of the Laschamp excursion, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 96, 443-457.  Abstract Article.

Audunsson, H. and S. Levi, 1989. Drilling-induced remanent magnetization in basalt drillcores, Geophysical Journal International, 98, 613-622.  Abstract 

Audunsson, H. and S. Levi, 1988. Basement heating by a cooling lava: Paleomagnetic constraints, Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 3480-3496.  Abstract 


Doctoral thesis

Paleomagnetism, magnetic properties and thermal history of a thick transitional-polarity lava, Ph. D. thesis, 1989, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, 265 pp.


Abstracts, posters and conference papers

Focusing on Creativity: Faculty Motivation in Teaching Brain-Storming and Creativity in an Introductory Course, Proceedings at the 12th International CDIO 2016 Conference, Turku University og Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland. Matthiasdottir, M., I. Saemundsdottir, H. Audunsson and H. Grimsdottir.

Pairwise Collaborative Quality Enhancement: Experience of two Engineering Programmes in Iceland and France, Proceedings at the 12th International CDIO 2016 Conference, Turku University og Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland. Rouvrais, S., H. Audunsson, I. Saemundsdottir, G. Landrac, and C. Lassudrie. 

Introduction to Engineering as a Two-Phase Course, Proceedings at the 11th International CDIO 2015 Conference, Chengdu University of Information Technology, China. Audunsson, H., I. Saemundsdottir and A. Matthiasdottir. 

CDIO spirit in introductory physics courses in engineering, Proceedings at the 10th International CDIO 2014 Conference, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, H. Audunsson and A. Manolescu.

Experience of interviewing stakeholders
, Proceedings at the 10th International CDIO 2014 Conference, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, A. Matthiasdottir, I. Sæmundsdottir, Pall Jensson, H. Audunsson, J. Th. Snæbjornsson and Th. V. Fridgeirsson.

Measuring human power outdoors using GPS and heart rate, H. Audunsson, American Association of Physics Teachers, Summer meeting 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2013.

Exploration techniques for locating offshore geothermal energy near Iceland, D. Atkins, and H. Audunsson, Proceedings, Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, California, USA, 2013.

Go Ahead, Apply Your Physics, Haraldur Audunsson and Andrei Manolescu,  American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Summer Meeting 2010, Portland, Oregon.

Um breytileika segulstefna innan íslenskra hraunlaga (Variation of directions of remanent magnetization in lavas in Iceland), L. Kristjansson and H. Audunsson, Náttúruvísindahús HÍ, Raunvísindaþing í Reykjavík 2006.  poster

Crustal magnetization and magnetic petrology from the IDDP-drilling RN-19 and its surrounding on theReykjanes peninsula, Iceland, F. Dietze, A. Kontny, C. Vahle and H. Audunsson, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria.  poster  

Variation of paleomagnetic Directions within Basalt Lavas in Iceland, Kristjansson og H. Audunsson, IAGA 2005 Scientific Assembly, Toulouse, France, 2005.

Paleomagnetic correlation of Miocene lavas sequences in northwest Iceland; L. Kristjansson, H. Audunsson og B. Hardarson, í Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 5, p. 5870, 2003. Annual meeting of the Europen Geophysical Society, Nice, France, 2003.

Bergsegulmælingar á hraunlögum úr sniðum norðvestantil á Vestfjörðum 1998-2001 (Paleomagnetism of lavas from Northwest Iceland); L. Kristjansson, H. Audunsson and B. Hardarson, í Ágrip erinda og veggspjalda á vorráðstefnu Jarðfræðafélags Íslands 2002, p. 35.

Segulmælingar á setlögum úr sniðum norðvestantil á Vestfjörðum 2001 (Paleomagnetism of sediments in north-west Iceland 2001); H. Audunsson, L. Kristjansson and B. Hardarson, í Ágrip erinda og veggspjalda á vorráðstefnu Jarðfræðafélags Íslands 2002, p. 18.

Notkun borsvarfs til að meta seguleiginleika dýpri jarðlaga (The use of drill chips to infer magnetic properties of the crust in Iceland); H. Audunsson, í Dagskrá og ágrip á vorráðstefnu Jarðfræðafélags Íslands 1993.

Segulsviðið á Íslandi á Þjóðveldisöld (The geomagnetic field in Iceland in the period 1000 AD-1200 AD); H. Audunsson, í Ágrip erinda á vorráðstefnu Jarðfræðafélags Íslands 1992.

Drilling induced remanent magnetization in basalt drillcores, EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 69, s. 1249; H. Audunsson and S. Levi, 1988.

The geomagnetic excursion at Skalamaelifell, Iceland: additional evidence for unstable geomagnetic bahaviour circa 40 ka ago, EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 68, s. 1249; S. Levi, H. Audunsson, R. A. Duncan and L. Kristjansson, 1987.

Basement heating of a cooling lava flow, EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 68, s. 46; H. Audunsson and S. Levi, 1987.

A partial geomagnetic transition recorded in a thick Miocene lava flow, EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 65, s. 870; H. Audunsson and S. Levi, 1984.

Textbooks and booklets (all are in Icelandic)

Digital imaging – introduction (Stafrænar myndir – inngangur), 123 pages (2006)
Problems in radiation physics (Verkefni í geislaeðlisfræði), 30 pages (2004)
Statistics – summary and problems (Tölfræði - samantekt og dæmasafn), 41 pages (2003)
Fourier analysis of time-series (Fouriergreining talnarunu), 18 pages (2002).
Review of mathematics for students in the health sciences at THI (Upprifjun og dæmasafn í stærðfræði fyrir nemendur í heilbrigðisdeild THÍ), 33 pages (2001).
Introduction to complex numbers (Inngangur að tvinntölum), 18 pages (1999)
Matrices and systems of equations (Fylki og jöfnuhneppi), 64 pages (1996)
The sine-function and periodic variations (Sínusfallið og lotubundnar breytingar), 17 pages (1996).


Reports (include)


An analysis of drilling induced remanence in the IRDP drill core, 13 p, 1990.

Role of viscous remanence in old Icelandic crust, 48 p, 1991.

Flökt segulsviðs jarðar á Íslandi síðastliðin tvö þúsund ár (Secular variations of the geomagnetic field in Iceland for the last 2000 years), 14 p, 1992.

Other published material


Welcome to ICET - International Students Guide, 58 p, with Steinunn Halldorsdottir and Bjorg Birgisdttir, 2000.

Leiðbeiningar um rannsóknarritgerðir í heilbrigðisdeild TÍ (Notes on writing scientific reports in Department of health sciences ICET), 20 p, with Thor Steinarsson, 1999.

Fréttabréf starfsmanna Tækniskólans (Newsletter for staff and faculty of ICET), editor of 17 newsletters published 1996-99. 
Bunch of opinions, reports, reviews and notes.

Heilbrigðisverkfræði, verkfræði mannslíkamans (Biomedical Engineering), short article, with Thordur Helgason, Morgunblaðið (newspaper), 29. May 2006.  See here