Harvey W and Wallace K. 2016. Flash steam geothermal energy conversion systems: single-, double-, and triple-flash and combined-cycle plants. In: DiPippo R, editor. Geothermal power generation. London (UK): Elsevier. p. 249-290.
Petursdottir A, Massey A, Desjardins E, Brophy R, Harvey W. 2020. Assessing geothermal projects using Envision. GRC Transactions, Vol. 44, 2020.
Robertson-Tait A, Harvey W, Hamm S, Boyd L. 2020. The United Stated of America country update 2020 – power generation. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress; 2020 April 26-May 2; Reykjavik, Iceland (rescheduled to 2021).
Halacoglu U, Karaagac U, Harvey W, Fishman M, Long M. Reflecting supportive mechanisms and experience of Turkey for African geothermal development – Zorlu case study. Proceedings 7th African Rift Geothermal Conference: 2018 31 October – 2 November; Kigali, Rwanda.
Wallace K, Saleen T, Harvey W. 2018. Field hopping: modular turbine experience from Central America. GRC Transactions, Vol. 42, 2018.
Halacoglu U, Fishman M, Karaagac U, Harvey W. 2018. Four decades of service – Kizildere reservoir, units and management. GRC Transactions, Vol. 42, 2018.
Halacoglu U, Fishman M, Karaagac U, Harvey W. 2017. Turkish geothermal – perspectives on development, construction, and operations. GRC Transactions, Vol. 41, 2017.
Chun C, Wallace K, Harvey W. 2017. Many paths, same goal – a comparative study of how Indonesia, Kenya and Turkey harness their indigenous geothermal resources. Proceedings 5th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition: 2017 2-4 August; Jakarta, Indonesia.
Long M, Halacoglu U, Harvey W. 2016. Harvesting best practices – a comparison of Kenyan and Turkish geothermal project aspects. Proceedings 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference: 2016 31 October – 6 November; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Fishman M, Gunderson J, Harvey W. 2016. Advances in turbine and direct contact condenser configurations, and balance of plant considerations. GRC Transactions, Vol. 40, 2016.
Wallace K, Chin C, Harvey W. 2016. Evolution of engineering tools – 20 year retrospective. Proceedings 4th Indonesia international Geothermal Convention & Exhibition: 2016 10-12 August; Jakarta, Indonesia.
Shurtleff P, Harvey W. 2015. Displaced exergy: the valuation of thermal power. GRC Transactions, Vol. 39, 2015.
Lewis W, Wallace K, Dunford T, Harvey W. 2015. Kizildere II multiple-flash combined cycle: a novel approach for a Turkish resource. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress; 2015 19-25 April; Melbourne, Australia.
Saevarsdottir G, Tao P, Stefansson H, Harvey W. 2015. Potential use of geothermal heat in lithium-ion battery production. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress; 2015 19-25 April; Melbourne, Australia.
Rodriguez E, Harvey W, Asbjornsson E. 2015. Review of H2S abatement methods in geothermal plants. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress; 2015 19-25 April; Melbourne, Australia.
Saevarsdottir G, Hjartarson S, Ingason K, Palsson B, Harvey W. 2015. Utilization of chloride bearing high enthalpy geothermal fluid. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress; 2015 19-25 April; Melbourne, Australia.
Hjartarson S, Saevarsdottir G, Ingason K, Palsson B, Harvey W, Palsson H. 2014. Utilization of the chloride bearing, superheated steam from IDDP-1. Geothermics 49 (2014): 83-89.
Fishman M, Harvey W. 2014. Optimization of NCG system lineups. GRC Transactions, Vol. 38, 2014.
Dunford T, Lewis B, Wallace K, Harvey W. 2014. Combined cycle strategies for high enthalpy, high non-condensable gas resources. GRC Transactions, Vol. 38, 2014.
Rodriguez E, Harvey W, Asbjornsson E. 2014. Review of H2S abatement methods in geothermal plants. Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2014 24-26 Feb, Stanford, California.
Saevarsdottir G, Tao P, Stefansson H, Harvey W. 2014. Potential use of geothermal energy sources for the production of lithium-iron batteries. Renewable Energy 2014.
Long M, Davtyan A, Villalbi V, Harvey W. 2013. Philosophies of geofluid valuation. GRC Transactions, Vol. 37, 2013.
Long M, Raman R, Harvey W. 2012. Staged asset development - commercial and technical advantages of using a wellhead generation unit. Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference, 2012 21-23 November, Nairobi, Kenya.
Hjartarson S, Saevarsdottir G, Palsson H, Ingason K, Palsson B, Harvey W. 2012. Utilization of chloride bearing, superheated steam. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2012 30 Jan-1 Feb, Stanford, California.
Ragnheidardottir E, Sigurdardottir H, Kristjansdottir H, Harvey W. 2011. Opportunities and challenges for CarbFix: An evaluation of capacities and costs for the pilot scale mineralization sequestration projects at Hellisheidi, Iceland and beyond. Int J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2010.11.010.
Chin C, Gunderson J, Stippel J, Fishman M, Saevarsdottir G, Harvey W. 2011. Managing sustainable design for geothermal plants: the engineer´s perspective. Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress; 2011 May 8-13; Linkoping, Sweden.
Paichun T, Stefansson H, Harvey W, Saevarsdottir G. 2011. Potential use of geothermal energy sources for the production of lithium-ion batteries. Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress; 2011 May 8-13; Linkoping, Sweden.
Chin C, Saleen T, Wallace K, Ralph M, Long M, Harvey W. 2011. Full throttle in Nicaragua: the San Jacinto-Tizate geothermal project. Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo North America; 2011 Mar 8-10; Tampa, Florida.
Louw R, Wallace K, Harvey W. 2011. Air cooling options for flash plants. GRC Transactions, Vol. 35, 2010.
Dunford T, Fishman M, Wallace K, Ralph M, Harvey W. 2010. Engineering local value: Case studies from Olkaria and beyond. GRC Transactions, Vol. 34, 2010.
Gudjonsdottir MS, Eliasson J, Harvey W, Palsson H, Saevarsdottir G. 2010. Assessing relative permeabilities of two phase flows of water and steam in geothermal reservoirs: state of the art relations. GRC Transactions, Vol. 34, 2010.
Wallace K, Ralph M, Harvey W. 2010. Hometown values: cooperative models for engineering geothermal projects. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress; 2010 Apr 25-30; Bali, Indonesia.
Wallace K, Ralph M, Harvey W. 2010. A feast of cycles - different plants for different resources. Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo North America; 2010 Feb 22-25; Austin, Texas.
Fleer M, Lorentsen OA, Harvey W, Palsson H, Saevarsdottir G. 2010. Heat recovery from the exhaust gas of aluminium reduction cells. Proceedings of the TMS Annual Meeting; 2010 Feb 14-18; Seattle, Washington.
Wallace K, Dunford T, Ralph M, Harvey W. 2009. Germencik: a thoroughly modern flash plant in Turkey. GRC Transactions, Vol. 33, 2009.
Wallace K, Dunford T, Ralph M, Harvey W. 2009. Aegean steam: the Germencik dual flash plant. GeoFund - IGA Geothermal Workshop; 2009 Feb 16-19; Istanbul, Turkey.
Harvey W, Ralph M. 2008. A case, perhaps, of hybrid vigor? Siting wind farms at geothermal facilities. Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress X; 2008 Jul 21-24; Glasgow, Scotland.
Ralph M, Harvey B, Lewis B. 2001. Energy from below: economical, reliable geothermal power. Renewable Energy 2001: 135-137.
Ralph M, Harvey B, Lewis B. 2000. Report from the field: A new generation of geothermal turbine-generator plants for baseload utility service. Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress VI; 2000 Jul 1-7; Brighton, UK.
Harvey WS, Davidson JH, Fletcher EA. 1998. Thermolysis of hydrogen sulfide in the temperature range 1350-1600 K. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 37(6): 2323-2332.
Gunderson J, Harvey W. 2014. Adaptive designs for geothermal plants. Palo Alto (CA): Electric Power Research Institute. Report 3002002939.
Shurtleff P, Gunderson J, Harvey W. 2014. Geothermal energy technology guide. Palo Alto (CA): Electric Power Research Institute. Report 3002001640.
Gunderson J, Harvey W, Lewis B, Mortz J, Wallace K. 2013. Neal Hot Springs case study: investigating a low temperature binary geothermal plant utilizing a supercritical R-134a cycle. Palo Alto (CA): Electric Power Research Institute. Report 10001126.
Wallace K, Harvey W. 2013. Load following in geothermal plants: capabilities and challenges. Palo Alto (CA): Electric Power Research Institute. Report 3002001635.
Harvey W, Urbank J, Wallace K. 2012. Next generation geothermal power plants - 2012 update. Palo Alto (CA): Electric Power Research Institute. Report 1024006.
Urbank J, Fishman M, Nygaard N, Wallace K, Harvey W. 2011. Geothermal/solar hybrid applications. Palo Alto (CA): Electric Power Research Institute. Report 1024675.
Gunderson J, Louw R, Fishman M, Wallace K, Mutsch M, Harvey W. 2010. Engineering and economic evaluation of geothermal power plants. Palo Alto (CA): Electric Power Research Institute. Report 1019761.
Louw R, Gunderson J, Fishman M, Wallace K, Mutsch M, Harvey W. 2010. Engineering and economic evaluation of low-temperature binary geothermal power plants. Palo Alto (CA): Electric Power Research Institute. Report 1019775. |