
Haukur Ingi Jónasson, lektor

Deild:Tæknisvið / Verkfræðideild 
Aðsetur:Fjármála- og rekstrarverkfræðisvið 
Viðtalstímar:Eftir samkomulagi 
Sími:   GSM: +354 861 6887 


2017 Stanford Advanced Project Management (SAPM) Programme. 

2006 Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary in New York in the field of Psychiatry and Religion. 

2001-(ongoing) Master of Business Administration (MBA) studies at Hariott-Watts, Edinburgh Graduate School of Business.

1998-2001 Post-Master psychotherapy and psychoanalytical training. Three year clinical training at The Harlem Family Institute in New York. Graduation June 5, 2001. Certified Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychotherapy.

1999-2000 Clinical Pastoral Education (C.P.E.) at Lennox Hill Hospital and The HealthCare Chaplaincy Inc. in New York. 2 units: 800 clinical hours. Hospital Chaplain in training at The Reykjavík City Hospital: 800 clinical hours. Equivalent of two Clinical Pastoral Education (C.P.E.) units. 

1999-2000 Sacred Theology Master (S.T.M.) in the field of “Psychiatry and Religion” from Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University. Thesis: On Conscience, Theological and Therapeutic Implications.

1988-1994 Candidatus Teologie (Cand. Theol.) from the Department of Theology of the University of Iceland. Various courses in philosophy (Department of Philosophy) clinical psychology (Department of Psychology) and psychiatry and neurology (Department of Medicine) at the University of Iceland.

1986-1987 Undergraduate business studies at Indiana University School of Business, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.

1982-1986 Stúdentspróf (College degree) from Menntaskólinn við Sund College, Department of Economics. 

Kennsluferill í HR

2025-3T-854-ACPCConsolidated Project Certification (ACPC)
2025-3T-852-ACPWCultivating the Projectified World
2025-3T-853-AMPPMegaprojects, Programmes and Portfolios
2025-3T-756-AOCLOrganisational Change and Lean
2025-1T-757-AATDAgile Team Dynamics
2025-1T-851-AFNCFinance, Negotiation & Control
2025-1T-758-AIPSIntergrated Project Supervision (AIPS)
2025-1T-755-APGSProject Governance and Sustainability
2024-3T-753-AAPLAdvanced Project Leadership
2024-3T-752-ACPPCritical Project Planning
2024-3T-751-AISMInnovative Strategic Management
2024-3T-754-AIPCIntegrated Project Coaching
2023-3T-857-SDIVSamningar í verkefnum: samningatækni, deilu- og áfallastjórnun
2023-1T-773-VEAFVerkefnateymi og aflfræði hópa


  • Jonasson H.I. & Ingason H.Th. Project ethics, Gower/Ashgate Publishing, UK, 2013.
  • Helgi Þór Ingason & Haukur Ingi Jónasson. Stefnumótunarfærni: Markmið, stefna og leiðir,  JPV/Forlagið, águst 2011.
  • Haukur Ingi Jónasson & Helgi Þór Ingason. Leiðtogafærni: Sjálfskilningur, þroski og þróun, Forlagið, águst 2011.
  • Helgi Þór Ingason & Haukur Ingi Jónasson. Skipulagsfærni: Verkefni, vegvísar og viðmið, Forlagið, janúar 2012.
  • Helgi Þór Ingason & Haukur Ingi Jónasson. Samskiptafærni: Samskipti, hópar og teymisvinna, Forlagið, janúar 2012.
  • Haukur Ingi Jonasson, In a Land of a Living God: The Healing Imagination and the Icelandic Heritage, (doctoral thesis), Psychiatry and Religion, Union Theological Seminary, NYC, 2005. Available at, Library of Congress, Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary and the Library at the University of Iceland.