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Erblich J, Bovbjerg DH, Valdimarsdottir HB. (2000) Looking Forward and Back: Distress Among Women at Familial Risk of Breast Cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2:108-115.
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Valdimarsdottir HB, Zakowski SG, Gerin W, Mamakos J, Pickering T, Bovbjerg DH. (2002) Heightened psychobiological reactivity to laboratory stressors in healthy women at familial risk for breast cancer. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 25(1):51-65.
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Thompson HS, Valdimarsdottir HB, Guevarra J, Duteau‑Buck C, Bovbjerg DH, Richmond‑Avellaneda C, Amarel D, Godfrey D, brown K, & Offit K. (2002) Psychosocial predictors of BRCA counseling and testing decisions among urban African American women. Cancer Epidemiology and Biomarkers Prevention. 11:1579-1585.
Kaufman EM, Peshkin BN, Lawrence W, Shelby R, Isaacs C, Brown K, Rispoli J, O’Neill S, Hurley K, DeMarco T, Brogan B, Grumet S, Jandorf L, Valdimarsdottir HB, Schwartz MD. (2003) An Interactive Decision Aid for risk management making in female BRCA1/2 Carriers. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 12:101-129
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Kwate, NOA, Valdimarsdottir HB, Guevarra JS, Bovbjerg, DH. (2003) Experiences of racist events have negative health consequences for African American women. National Medical Association. 95:450-460.
Kim Y, Valdimarsdottir HB, Bovbjerg DH. (2003) Family histories of breast cancer, coping styles, and psychological adjustment. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 26(3): 225-243.
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Thompson H, Wahl E, Fatone A, Brown K, Kwate N, Valdimarsdottir HB. (2004) Enhancing the readability of materials describing genetic risk for breast cancer. Cancer Control. 11(4): 245-253.
Erblich J, Brown K, Kim Y, Valdimarsdottir HB, Livingston BE, Bovbjerg DH. (2005) Development and validation of a breast cancer genetic counseling knowledge questionnaire. Patient Educ Couns. 56(2): 182-191.
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Gennarelli M, Jandorf L, Cromwell C, Valdimarsdottir HB, Redd W, Itzkowitz S. (2005) Barriers to colorectal cancer screening: Inadequate knowledge by physicians. Mt Sinai J Med. 72(1): 36-44.
Dettenborn L, James GD, van Berge-Landry H, Valdimarsdottir HB, Montgomery GH, Bovbjerg DH. (2005) Heightened cortisol responses to daily stress in working women at familial risk for breast cancer. Biol Psychol. 69(2): 167-179.
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Guevarra JS, Kwate NA, Tang TS, Valdimarsdottir HB, Freeman HP, Bovbjerg DH. (2005) Acculturation and its relationship to smoking and breast self-examination frequency in African American women. J Behav Med. 28(2): 191-199.
Madalinska J,Hollenstein J, Bleiker E, van Beurden M, Valdimarsdottir HB, Massuger L, Gaarenstroom K, Mourits M, Verheijen RH, van Dorst EB, van der Putten H, van der Velden K, Boonstra H, Aaronson N. (2005) Quality-of-life effects of prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy versus gynecologic screening among women at increased risk of hereditary ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol. 23(28): 6890-6898.
Schwartz MD, Peshkin BN, Tercyak KP, Taylor KL, Valdimarsdottir H. (2005) Decision making and decision support for hereditary breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility. Health Psychol. 24(4suppl): S78-84.
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O’Neill S, DeMarco T, Peshkin BN, Rogers S, Rispoli J, Brown K, Valdimarsdottir H, Schwartz MD. Tolerance for uncertainty and perceived risk among women receiving uninformative BRCA1/2 test results. (2006) Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 142C(4): 251-259.
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Wright CE, Erblich J, Valdimarsdottir HB, Bovbjerg DH. (2007) Poor sleep the night before an experimental stressor predicts reduced NK cell mobilization and slowed recovery in healthy women. Brain Behav Immun. 21(3): 358-363.
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Tercyak KP, Peshkin BN, DeMarco TA, Patenaude AF, Schneider KA, Garber JE, Valdimarsdottir HB, Schwartz MD. (2007) Information needs of mothers regarding communicating BRCA1/2 cancer genetic test results to their children. Genet Test. 11(3): 249-255.
Rini C, Jandorf L, Valdimarsdottir H, Brown K, Itzkowitz SH. (2008) Distress among inflammatory bowel disease patients at high risk for colorectal cancer: a preliminary investigation of the effects of family history of cancer, disease duration, and perceived social support. Psychooncology. 17(4): 354-362.
Edwards TA, Thompson HB, Kwate NO, Brown K, McGovern MM, Forman A, Kapil-Pair N, Jandorf L, Bovbjerg DH, Valdimarsdottir HB. (2008) Association between temporal orientation and attitudes about BRCA1/2 testing among women of African descent with family histories of breast cancer patient education and counseling. Patient Educ Couns. 72(2): 276–282.
Peshkin BN, DeMarco TA, Graves KD, Brown K, Nusbaum RH, Moglia D, Forman A, Valdimarsdottir H, Schwartz MD. (2008) Telephone genetic counseling for high-risk women undergoing BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing: rationale and development of a randomized controlled trial. Genet Test. 12(1): 37-52.
O’Neill S, Kaufman E, DeMarco T, Peshkin BN, McKenna K, Shelby R, Rispoli J, Valdimarsdottir HB, Schwartz MD. (2008) Physical activity and dietary changes following genetic testing. J Psychosoc Oncol. 26: 63-80.
Peshkin BN, DeMarco TA, Garber JE, Valdimarsdottir HB, Patenaude AF, Schneider KA, Schwartz MD, Tercyak KP. (2009) Brief assessment of parents’ attitudes toward testing minor children for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility genes: development and validation of the Pediatric BRCA1/2 Testing Attitudes Scale (P-TAS). J Pediatr Psychol. Jul; 34(6): 627-38. Epub 2008 Apr 1.
Sussner KM, Thompson HS, Valdimarsdottir HB, Redd WH, Jandorf L. (2009) Acculturation and familiarity with, attitudes towards and beliefs about genetic testing for cancer risk within Latinas in East Harlem, New York City. J Genet Couns. Feb;18(1):60-71. Epub 2008 Aug 7.
Schwartz MD, Valdimarsdottir HB, DeMarco TA, Peshkin BN. (2009) Randomized trial of a decision aid for BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers: impact on measures of decision making and satisfaction. Health Psychol. 28: 11-19.
Beehler GP, Baker JA, Falkner K, Chegerova T, Pryshchepava A, Chegerov V, Zevon M, Bromet E, Havenaar J, Valdimarsdottir HB, Moysich KB. (2008) A multilevel analysis of long-term psychological distress among Belarusians affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Public Health. Nov; 122(11):1239-49. Epub 2008 Jul 10
O’Neill, S.C, Rini, C., Goldsmith, R., Valdimarsdottir, H., Cohen, L.H., Schwartz, M.D. (2009) Distress Outcomes among Women Receiving Uninformative BRCA1/2 Results: 12-month outcomes. Psychooncology. Oct; 18(10): 1088-96.
Rini C, O’Neill S, Valdimarsdottir, H, Goldsmith, R, DeMarco, Peshkin, M.S, Schwartz M.D. Cognitive and Emotional Factors Predicting Decisional Conflict among High-Risk Breast Cancer Survivors Who Receive Uninformative BRCA1/2 Results. Health Psychology Health Psychology. 2010 Sep;28(5):569-78.
Tiffani A. DeMarco, Rachel H. Nusbaum, Beth N. Peshkin, Andrea F. Patenaude, Katherine A. Schneider, Judy E. Garber, Heiddis B. Valdimarsdottir. Prevalence and correlates of mothers and fathers attending pretest cancer genetic counseling together. Patient Education and Counseling. 78 (2010) 29–33.
Hooker GW, Leventhal KG, Demarco T, Peshkin BN, Finch C, Wahl E, Joines JR, Brown K, Valdimarsdottir H, Schwartz MD. Longitudinal Changes in Patient Distress following Interactive Decision Aid Use among BRCA1/2 Carriers: A Randomized Trial. Med Decis Making. 2010 Sep 27.
Sussner KM, Jandorf L, Thompson HS, Valdimarsdottir HB. Interest and Beliefs About BRCA Genetic Counseling Among At-Risk Latinas in New York City: Development of A Culturally-Tailored Narrative Educational Tool. Journal of Genetic Counseling. Accepted January 2010. Expected June 2010.
Goldsmith RE, Jandorf L, Valdimarsdottir H, Amend KL, Stoudt BG, Rini C, Hershman D, Neugut A, Reilly JJ, Tartter PI, Feldman SM, Ambrosone CB, Bovbjerg DH. Traumatic stress symptoms and breast cancer: the role of childhood abuse. Child Abuse Negl. 2010 Jun;34(6):465-70. Epub 2010 Apr 18.
O´Neill SC, Valdimarsdottir HB, Demarco TA, Peshkin BN, Graves KD, Brown K, Hurley KE, Isaacs C, Hecker S, Schwartz MD. BRCA1/2 test results impact risk management attitudes, intentions, and uptake. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010 Apr 10.
Davis SN, Diefenbach MA, Valdimarsdottir H. Pros and cons ofassociations with screening knowledge and attitudes among urban African American men. J Natl Med Assoc. 2010 Mar;102(3):174-82
Shelton RC, Winkel G, Davis SN, Roberts N, Valdimarsdottir H . Validation of the group-based medical mistrust scale among urban black men. J Gen Intern Med. 2010 Jun;25(6):549-55. Epub 2010 Mar 2.
Agustsdottir S, Kristinsdottir A, Jonsdottir K, Larusdottir SO, Smari J, Valdimarsdottir HB. The impact of dispositional emotional expressivity and social constraints on distress among prostate cancer patients in Iceland. Br J Health Psychol. 2010 Feb;15(Pt 1):51-61. Epub 2009 Apr 1.
Demarco TA, Nusbaum RH, Peshkin BN, Patenaude AF, Schneider KA, Garber JE, Valdimarsdottir HB. Prevalence and correlates of mothers and fathers attending pretest cancer genetic counseling together. Patient Educ Couns. 2010 Jan;78(1):29-33. Epub 2010 Jul
Sussner KM, Jandorf L, Valdimarsdottir HB. Educational needs about cancer family history and genetic counseling for cancer risk among frontline healthcare clinicians in New York city. Genet Med. 2011 May 6.
Fang F, Fall K, Sparén P, Adami HO, Valdimarsdóttir HB, Lambe M, Valdimarsdóttir U. Risk of infection-related cancers after the loss of a child: a follow-up study in Sweden. Cancer Res. 2011 Jan 1;71(1):116-22. E
Graves KD, Gatammah R, Peshkin BN, Krieger A, Gell C, Valdimarsdottir HB,. BRCA1/2 genetic testing uptake and psychosocial outcomes in men. Fam Cancer. 2011 Jun;10(2):213-23.
Wevers MR, Ausems MG, Verhoef S, Bleiker EM, Hahn DE, Hogervorst FB, van der Luijt RB, Valdimarsdottir HB, van Hillegersberg R, Rutgers EJ, Aaronson NK. Behavioral and psychosocial effects of rapid genetic counseling and testing in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients: design of a multicenter randomized clinical trial. BMC Cancer. 2011 Jan 10;11:6.
Wu LM, Austin J, Hamilton JG, Valdimarsdottir H, Isola L, Rowley S, Warbet R, Winkel G, Redd WH, Rini C. Self-efficacy beliefs mediate the relationship between subjective cognitive functioning and physical and mental well-being after hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Psychooncology. 2011 Jul 8. doi: 10.1002/pon.2012. [Epub ahead of print]
Sharff ME, DeMarco TA, Mays D, Peshkin BN, Valdimarsdottir HB, Garber JE, Schneider KA, Patenaude AF, Tercyak KP. Parenting through genetic uncertainty: themes in the disclosure of breast cancer risk information to children (2012) Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 May;16(5):376-82.
Yael R. Cukier, Hayley S. Thompson, Katarina Sussner, Andrea Forman, Lina Jandorf, Tiffany Edwards, Dana H. Bovbjerg, Marc D. Schwartz and Heiddis B. Valdimarsdottir (2012) Factors Associated with Psychological Distress among Women of African Descent at High Risk for BRCA Mutations Journal of Genetic Counseling, Online First™, 27 June 2012
Mosher CE, Lepore SJ, Wu L, Austin J, Valdimarsdottir H. (2012) Social Correlates of Distress Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Exploring the Role of Loneliness and Cognitive Processing. J Health Psychol. 2012 Jan 17.
Sussner KM, Jandorf L, Valdimarsdottir HB. (2012) Education needs about cancer family history and genetic counseling for cancer risk among frontline healthcare clinicians in New York City. Genetics in Medicine Sep;13(9):785-93.
Sussner KM, Jandorf L, Thompson HS, and Valdimarsdottir HB (2012). Barriers and facilitators to BRCA genetic counseling among at-risk Latinas in New York City. Psycho-Oncology Sept 16.
Thompson HS, Sussner KM, Schwartz M, Edwards TA, Forman A, Jandorf L, Brown K, Bovbjerg DH, and Valdimarsdottir HB. (2012). Receipt of genetic counseling recommendation among Black women at high risk for BRCA mutations. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers (11)1257-1262.
King L, O´Neill SC, Spellman E, Peshkin BN, Valdimarsdottir H, Willey S, Leventhal KG, Demarco T, Nusbaum R, Feldman E, Jandorf L, Schwartz MD. Intentions for bilateral mastectomy among newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. J Surg Oncol. 2012 Dec 27. doi: 10.1002/jso.23307.
Cukier, Y. R., Thompson, H. S., Sussner, K., Forman, A., Jandorf, L., Edwards, T., Bovbjerg, D. H., Schwartz, M. D., & Valdimarsdottir, H. B. (2013). Factors associated with psychological distress among women of African descent at high risk for BRCA mutations. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 22(1):101-7. doi: 10.1007/s10897-012-9510-1. PMID: 22736212
Farkas Patenaude, A., DeMarco, T. A , Peshkin, B. N., Valdimarsdottir, H., Garber, J. E., Schneider, K. A., Hewitt, L., Hamilton, J., & Tercyak, K. P. (2013). Talking to children about maternal BRCA1/2 genetic test results: a qualitative study of parental perceptions and advice. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 22(3), 303-314.
Hamilton, J. G., Wu, L. M., Austin, J. E., Valdimarsdottir, H., Basmajian, K., Vu, A., Rowley, S. D., Isola, L., Redd, W. H., & Rini, C. (2013). Economic survivorship stress is associated with poor health-related quality of life among distressed survivors of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Psycho-Oncology, 22(4), 911-921. doi: 10.1002/pon.3091.
Jandorf, L., Cooperman, J. L., Stossel, L. M., Itzkowitz, S., Thompson, H. S., Villagra, C., Thélémaque, L. D., McGinn, T., Winkel, G., Valdimarsdottir, H., Shelton, R. C., & Redd, W. (2013). Implementation of culturally targeted patient navigation system for screening colonoscopy in a direct referral system. Health Education Research, 28(5), 803-15.
King, L., O´Neill, S. C., Spellman, E., Peshkin, B. N., Valdimarsdottir, H., Willey, S., Leventhal, K. G., DeMarco, T., Nusbaum, R., Feldman, E., Jandorf, L., & Schwartz, M. D. (2013). Intentions for bilateral mastectomy among newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 107(7):772-6.
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Tercyak, K. P., Mays, D., DeMarco, T. A., Peshkin, B. N., Valdimarsdottir, H. B., Schneider, K. A., Garber, J. E., & Patenaude, A. F. (2013). Decisional outcomes of maternal disclosure of BRCA1/2 genetic test results to children. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 22(7)
Thorsteinsdottir, T., Hedelin, M., Stranne, J., Valdimarsdóttir, H., Wilderäng, U., Haglind, E., & Steineck, G. (2013). Intrusive thoughts and quality of life among men with prostate cancer before and three months after surgery. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 11(1), 154.
Jensen-Johansen MB, Christensen S, Valdimarsdottir H, Zakowski S, Jensen AB, Bovbjerg DH, Zachariae R (2013) Effects of an expressive writing intervention on cancer-related distress in Danish breast cancer survivors - results from a nationwide randomized clinical trial. Psychooncolgy, 22(7)
Patenaude A, DeMacro TA, Valdimarsdottir H, (2013) Talking to Young Children about Maternal BRCA1/2 Genetic Test Results: A Qualitative Study of Parental Perceptions and Advice. Patient Education and Counseling, 22(3) 303-314.
Rini C, Austin J, Wu LM, Winkel G, Valdimarsdottir H (2013). Harnessing Benefits of Helping Others: A Randomized Controlled Trial Testing Expressive Helping to Address Survivorship Problems After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant. Health Psychol. 2013 Nov 25. [Epub ahead of print]
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Miller, S. J., Iztkowitz, S. H., Redd, W. H., Thompson, H. S., Valdimarsdottir, H. B., & Jandorf, L. (2014). Colonoscopy-specific fears in African Americans and Hispanics. Behav.Med..
Redd, W. H., Valdimarsdottir, H., Wu, L. M., Winkel, G., Byrne, E. E., Beltre, M. A., Liebman, E. S., Erazo, T., Hayes, J. A., Isola, L., Scigliano, E., Meschian, Y., Lutgendorf, S., & ncoli-Israel, S. (2014). Systematic light exposure in the treatment of cancer-related fatigue: a preliminary study. Psychooncology..
Schwartz, M. D., Valdimarsdottir, H. B., Peshkin, B. N., Mandelblatt, J., Nusbaum, R., Huang, A. T., Chang, Y., Graves, K., Isaacs, C., Wood, M., McKinnon, W., Garber, J., McCormick, S., Kinney, A. Y., Luta, G., Kelleher, S., Leventhal, K. G., Vegella, P., Tong, A., & King, L. (2014). Randomized noninferiority trial of telephone versus in-person genetic counseling for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. J.Clin.Oncol., 32, 618-626.
Sussner, K. M., Edwards, T., Villagra, C., Rodriguez, M. C., Thompson, H. S., Jandorf, L., & Valdimarsdottir, H. B. (2014). BRCA Genetic Counseling Among At-Risk Latinas in New York City: New Beliefs Shape New Generation. J.Genet.Couns..
Wevers, M. R., Aaronson, N. K., Verhoef, S., Bleiker, E. M., Hahn, D. E., Kuenen, M. A., van, d. S.-M., Brouwer, T., Hogervorst, F. B., van der Luijt, R. B., Valdimarsdottir, H. B., (2014). Impact of rapid genetic counselling and testing on the decision to undergo immediate or delayed prophylactic mastectomy in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients: findings from a randomised controlled trial. Br.J.Cancer, 110, 1081-1087.
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Butrick, M., Kelly, S., Peshkin, B. N., Luta, G., Nusbaum, R., Hooker, G. W., … Schwartz, M. D. (2015). Disparities in uptake of BRCA1/2 genetic testing in a randomized trial of telephone counseling. Genetics in Medicine: Official Journal of the American College of Medical Genetics, 17(6), 467–475.
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Rini, C., Emmerling, D., Austin, J., Wu, L. M., Valdimarsdottir, H., Redd, W. H., … Warbet, R. (2015). The effectiveness of caregiver social support is associated with cancer survivors’ memories of stem cell transplantation: A linguistic analysis of survivor narratives. Palliative & Supportive Care, 1–10.
Tong, A., Kelly, S., Nusbaum, R., Graves, K., Peshkin, B. N., Valdimarsdottir, H. B., … Schwartz, M. D. (2015). Intentions for risk-reducing surgery among high-risk women referred for BRCA1/BRCA2 genetic counseling. Psycho-Oncology, 24(1), 33–39.
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BN Peshkin, S Kelly , H Nusbaum, M Similuk, T DeMarco, HB. Valdimarsdottir, AD Forman, J Rispoli , C Davis, SR McCormick, W McKinno, KD Graves, C Isaacs. J Garber, M Wood, L Jandorf, M Schwartz (in Press). Patient Perceptions of Telephone vs. In-Person BRCA1/BRCA2 Genetic Counselling
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