
Hrefna Sigríður Briem, stundakennari

Deild:Tæknisvið / Tæknifræðideild 
Sími:   GSM: 8256352 





2015 -   2016            IESE University, Barcelona Spain

Advanced Management program (AMP)


2002 - 2004       University of Iceland

M.Sc. in Business Administration

1999 - 2002    University of Iceland

B.Sc. in Business Administration


Work Experience

2007 -               Reykjavik University

Director of B.Sc. program in Business and Economics/ Forstöðumaður B.Sc. náms í viðskipta- og hagfræði

Responsible for the daily management of the program, its development and quality assurance and strategic planning. Recruitment of teachers and arrangement of courses

·        Teaching at undergraduate level: Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Change management and Entrepreneurship and Starting New Ventures

·        Teaching at graduate level: Consultancy, Change and Organizational development for the School of Engineering 

·         Supervision of undergraduate research projects 

·         Chairman of Program Council

·         Member of Faculty Council

·         Member of RU Curriculum Council

·         RU’s representative on the Educational Quality Committee at the Technical College (Diploma degree)

·         RU’s representative on the board of Festa - Icelandic Center for Corporate Social Responsibility 

  •  Member of committees and project groups involving cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture
  • European foundation for management development (EFMD), Belgium. Academic EPAS Reviewer. EPAS is an international accreditation system operated by EFMD. It evaluates the quality of university education programs offered by business school

·      Leader of project group cooperating with the organization EFMD on RU’s EPAS accreditation. See:

·      RU’s delegate at numerous International conferences and workshops



Kennsluferill í HR

2025-1AI STF1003Nýsköpun og stofnun fyrirtækja
2024-1AI STF1003Nýsköpun og stofnun fyrirtækja
2023-1AI STF1003Nýsköpun og stofnun fyrirtækja