
Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttir, prófessor

Deild:Samfélagssvið / Sálfræðideild 
Aðsetur:Úranus, 2. hæð 

Inga Dora Sigfusdottir - Curriculum Vitae


Teachers College, Columbia University                            

525 West 120th St. New York, NY 10027         

IS – 103, Reykjavik, Iceland

Tel. +212 5315165                                                                                                                 


Centre for Social Research and Analysis

Menntavegur 1

Tel. +354 5996431


Reykjavik University

Department of Psychology

Menntavegi 1

101 Reykjavik





  1. PhD in Sociology, Pennsylvania State University (Dissertation: Stress in Adolescents´ Lives: The Role of Negative Life Events and Social Support in understanding Distress, Delinquency, Substance use and School Performance)    2004
  2. MA in Sociology, University of Iceland        1999
  3. Partial degree in Psychology, University of Iceland    1993
  4. BA in Political Science, University of Iceland        1991



  1. Founding Dean, School of Health and Education, Reykjavik University    2004-present
  2. Founder and director of research at the Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis, an organisation with emphasis on youth research, education and innovation    1999 – present
  3. Project director for the research part of the ECAD - Youth in Europe Project. An international project carried out in cooperation with capitals, cities and states in Europe, based on key learnings from the Youth in Iceland project (see below).
  4. The project is funded by Actavis and under the guardianship  of  the  President of Iceland    2005 – present
  5. Project director,: An Evaluation of Scholarly Work at the University of Iceland, Ministry of Education    2004 – 2005
  6. One of two project directors of the National Science Council project Basic science in Iceland; Appraisal, Prospects and Policy    1997 – 1999
  7. Special project for Minister of Education Björn Bjarnason    1997 – 1998
  8. Researcher at the Icelandic Institute for Educational Research    1996 – 1998
  9. Part-time teacher at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Iceland    1996 – 2000
  10. Special project for Minister of Finance Fridrik Sophusson    Fall 1995
  11. Special project for Minister of Education Björn Bjarnason    Summer 1995
  12. Assistant to Minister of Education Ólafur G. Einarsson    1994 – 1995
  13. Assistant to Prime Minister Davíd Oddsson        1993 – 1994
  14. Researcher at the Icelandic Institute for Educational Research    1993 – 1994
  15. Journalist at daily Morgunbladid    1990 – 1993
  16. Director of the Student Council, University of Iceland    1989 – 1990




  1. Grant for doctoral studies, Pennsylvania State University    2001 – 2004
  2. Fulbright Scholarship    2001
  3. Award from the Thor Thors foundation    2001
  4. Grant from Búnaðarbanki Íslands    2001
  5. MA with Distinction, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland    1999
  6. Valedictorian at graduation from Reykjavik High School (Menntaskolinn i Reykjavik)       1987
  7. Awards for best performance in Mathematics, Spanish, German, English and French at graduation    1987




  1. Project director for the research part of the ECAD - Youth in Europe Project. An international project carried out in cooperation with capitals, cities and states in Europe, based on key learnings from the Youth in Iceland project (see below). The project is evidence based. A cross-sectional survey is carried out at three time points in 2006, 2008 and 2010 among adolescents in 15 European cities. Based on findings from these surveys preventive work against the use and distribution of drugs, will be carried out in the cities.    2005 – present
  2. Founder and CEO of the Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis, a research institute focusing on youth research, science studies and science policy.
  3. Built a nationwide, annually updated, database on various aspects of health and behaviour among school-age children and adolescents and directed research, based on this database, which is used by local and national government bodies in Iceland in their policy making.    1999 – present
  4. Project director of Youth in Iceland, a cross-sectional populations based study carried out on a yearly basis among young people between 10 and 20 years of age in Iceland.    1999 – present
  5. Member of the committee Nordic Youth Research Information (NYRI), under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers. In connection with this, chair of a committee that organised an international conference on youth research held in Iceland in June 1998.    1996 – 2001
  6. Iceland´s Youth Research Correspondent for the Council of Europe.    1996 – 2001
  7. Project director in Iceland for ESPAD (European School Survey Project of Alcohol and other Drugs). A cross-sectional survey carried out among adolescents in 30 European countries.    1999 – 2005






Books/Major Reports


  1. (With Bryndis Björk Asgeirsdottir, Allyson Macdonald and Irwin Feller). An Evaluation of Scholarly Work at the University of Iceland. The Ministry of Education, 139 pp. Reykjavik.    2005
  2. (with Thorolfur Thorlindsson). Grunnvísindi á Íslandi. Basic research in Iceland, - Policy and Problems. The Icelandic Research Council, 260 pp. Reykjavik.     2000
  3. (With Thorolfur Thorlindsson, Kjartan Olafsson and Vidar Halldorsson). Tómstundaiðkun íslenskra unglinga; Niðurstöður rannsókna á tómstunda- iðkun íslenskra unglinga í félagslegu samhengi. Young People’s Lifestyle and Leisure Activities, 230 pp. Reykjavik.    2000
  4. (with Thorolfur Thorlindsson, Jon Gunnar Bernburg og Vidar Halldorsson). Vímuefnaneysla ungs fólks: Umhverfi og aðstæður. The Social Circumstances of Substance Use among Icelandic Adolescents. Icelandic Institute for Educational Research, 184 pp..    1998
  5. (with Thorolfur Thorlindsson and Thorlakur Karlsson). Um gildi íþrótta fyrir íslensk ungmenni. The Social Context of Sport Participation among Youth in Iceland. Icelandic Institute for Educational Research. 161 pp.    1994


Peer-Reviewed Papers



  1. (With Alfgeir L. Kristjansson and John P. Allegrante). Health Behaviour and Academic Achievement in Icelandic School Children. Health Education Research: Theory and Practice. Advance Access, June 9: 11-21.
  2. (With Thorolfur Thorlindsson and Thoroddur Bjarnason). Religion: Divine Support and Strain (accepted for publication in Social Compass).
  3. (With Gisli H. Gudjonsson, Jon Fridrik Sigurdsson and Bryndis Björk Asgeirsdottir). Custodial Interrogation and False Confession. A National Survey among Icelandic Youth. Personality and Individual Differences, 41. 49-59.
  4. (With Jon Fridrik Sigurdsson, Gisli H. Gudjonsson, Atli Vidar Bragason and Elsa Kristjansdottir). The Role of Violent Cognition in the Relationship between Personality and the Involvement in Violent Films and Computer Games. Personality and Individual Differences, 41: 381-392.
  5. (With Thorolfur Thorlindsson and Thoroddur Bjarnason). Individual and Community Processes of Social Closure: A Study of Adolescent Academic Achievement and Alcohol Use (accepted for publication in Acta Sociologica).
  6. (With Gisli H. Gudjonsson, Jon Fridrik Sigurdsson and Bryndis Björk Asgeirsdottir). Custodial Interrogation:  What are the background Predictors of False Confession? (Accepted for publication in Personality and Individual Differences).
  7. (With Alfgeir L. Kristjansson and John. P Allegrante). Academic Achievemnt among Adolescents: The Relationship and Impact of Body Mass index, Health Behaviors, and Self-Esteem (under review in Journal of Youth and Adolescence).
  8. (With Alfgeir L. Kristjansson). Parental Influences on Academic Achievement among Icelandic Adolscents (under review Social Science Review).
  9. (With Bryndis Björk Asgeirsdóttir, Gisli H. Gudjonsson and Jon Fridrik Jonsson). Trends in depression, anxiety and visits to health care specialists: A population study among Icelandic adolescents (forthcoming).




  1. (With Thoroddur Bjarnason, Thorolfur Thorlindsson and M.R. Welch). Familial and Religious Influences on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Multi-Level Model of Students and School Communities. Social Forces, 84 (1): 375-390.




  1. (With George Farkas and Eric Silver). The Role of Depressed Mood and Anger in the Relationship between Family Conflict and Delinquent Behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33 (6): 509-522.




  1. (With Thoroddur Bjarnson). Nordic Impact: Article Productivity and Citation Patterns in Sixteen Nordic Sociology Departments. Acta Sociologica. Vol. 45(4), pp. 253-267.
    (Reprinted 2004 as a book chapter in Íslensk félagsfræði: Landnám alþjóðlegrar fræðigreinar (eds. Thoroddur Bjarnason and Helgi Gunnlaugsson) Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan).




  1. Staða stúlkna og pilta í íslenskum grunnskólum. (Out of school effects on gender differences in school achievement). Samfélagstíðindi, pp. 47-57. Reykjavík




  1. Námsbraut í almennum þjóðfélagsfræðum: Áfangi að stofnun nýrrar deildar. The Rise of Social Science in Iceland: A Sociology of Knowledge Perspective. Íslensk félagsrit (Journal of Icelandic Sociology), pp. 3-43.  (Reprinted 2004 as a book chapter in Íslensk félagsfræði: Landnám alþjóðlegrar fræðigreinar (eds. Thoroddur Bjarnason and Helgi Gunnlaugsson) Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan).



       1997 – 2006


  1. First author or co-author of approximately 110 reports based on the research and database of Rannsoknir & Greining. Many of these have provided the foundation for policy making of various local and national government bodies in Iceland. The following reports are examples.




  1. (with Alfgeir Logi Kristjansson and Bryndis Björk Ásgeirsdóttir). Viðhorf til nýbúa á Íslandi: Rannsókn meðal nemenda í 9. og 10. bekk grunnskóla á Íslandi vorið 1997, 2000 og 2003. (Attitudes towards foreigners in Iceland). Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis.


  1. (with Bryndis Björk Ásgeirsdóttir). Áhættuhegðun ungra ökumanna. (Risk behaviour among young drivers) Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis.




  1. (With Stefán Hrafn Jónsson, Þóroddur Bjarnason, Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir and Jón Sigfússon). Vímuefnaneysla íslenskra unglinga: Niðurstöður rannsókna á vímuefnaneyslu nemenda í 10. bekk grunnskóla 1995–2003. Reykjavík: Áfengis- og vímuvarnaráð.
  2. (With Svandís Nína Jónsdóttir, Stefán Hrafn Jónsson, Bryndis Björk Ásgeirsdóttir and Hera Hallbera Björnsdóttir). Utanskólarannsókn: Félagsleg staða ungmenna utan framhaldsskóla og samanburður við jafnaldra þeirra í framhaldsskólum. (Social Circumstances of Icelandic “out-of-school” youth). Reykjavik: Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis.   




  1. (with Thoroddur Bjarnason and Bryndis Björk Ásgeirsdóttir). Sjálfsvíg og sjálfsvígstilraunir meðal íslenskra ungmenna: Sjálfsvígstilraunir meðal íslenskra framhaldsskólanema árin 1992 og 2000 og alþjóðlegur samanburður á sjálfvígstíðni meðal 15-24 ára ungmenna 1951-2000. (Suicides and suicidal attempts among Icelandic high school students). Landlæknisembættið (Directorate of Health). 40 pp.   
  2. (with Svandís Nína Jónsdóttir, Hera Hallbera Björnsdóttir and Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir). Börnin í borginni. Líðan og samskipti í skóla, félagsstarf og tómstundir og vímuefnaneysla: Könnun meðal nemenda í 5. – 10. bekk grunnskóla í Reykjavík vorið 2001. (Children in Reykjavik city. Well-being and social bonding, leisure activities and substance use: Survey among 5th and 10th graders in districts of Reykjavik). Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis.



  1. (With Bryndis Björk Asgeirsdottir and Holmfriður Lydia Ellertsdóttir). Vændi á Íslandi og félagslegt umhverfi þess. (The social circumstances of prostitution among Icelandic adolescents.) Centre for Social Research and Analysis and The Ministry of Justice. 96 pp.
  2. (With Guðbjörg Daníelsdóttir and Bryndis Bjork Asgeirsdottir). Mat á sveitafélagaverkefni SÁÁ 1997 og 1998. (Evaluation of the SÁÁ community project 1997 and 1998). Reykjavik: Áfengis- og vímuvarnarráð. Icelandic Drug Prevention Council. 104 pp.




  1. (with Thoroddur Bjarnason, Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir, Thorolfur Thorlindsson and Jón Gunnar Bernburg). Ofbeldi meðal íslenskra unglinga: Aðstæður og umhverfi. Ministry of Justice and the Icelandic Red Cross.
  2. (with Bryndis Bjork Asgeirsdottir). Heilsuefling í skólum Kópavogi; Stöðumat. (Evaluation of Europan Network of Health Promoting Schools in Kopavogur). Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis. 53 pp.
  3. (with Antoinette Nana Gyedu-Adomako and Bryndis Bjork Asgeirsdottir). Social conditions of immigrant youth in Iceland. Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis. 44 pp.
  4. (with Bryndis Bjork Asgeirsdottir). Líðan og heilsa unglinga; Niðurstöður rannsókna á högum og aðstæðum unglinga í Kópavogi. (Health and well being of adolescents in Kopavogur). Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis. 48 pp.   




  1. (With Thoroddur Bjarnason). Þróun vímuefnaneyslu íslenskra unglinga: Þróun vímuefnaneyslu meðal íslenskra unglinga. Reykjavík: Áfengis- og vímuvarnaráð.
  2. (With Bryndis Bjork Asgeirsdottir). Vímuefnaneysla unglinga í Reykjavík; Niðurstöður rannsókna á vímuefnaneyslu nemenda í Reykjavík skipt eftir hverfum. (Substance Use among Young People in the City of Reykjavík). Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis. 52 pp.


Presentations at International Conferences   

  1. Youth in Iceland: Evidence based policy making: Presentation given at the conference organized by the City of Reykjavik in relation to the ECAD project, Reykjavik, 8 April 2005.
  2. The Social Context of Gender Differences in Academic Achievement among Icelandic Adolescents. A talk given at a conference arranged by the Nordic Committee of Ministers, Helsinki, 12 December 2004.
  3. How should we evaluate research performance at Universities? Talk given at a meeting organized by the Association of University Professors, at the University of Iceland, 24 February, 2004.
  4. Evidence based policy making: The link between research, policy and practice in preventing substance use among Icelandic Adolescents. Presentation given at the conference Storbyens Hjerte og Smerte, Oslo, 17 August 2003.
  5. The social context of gender differences in academic achievement among Icelandic adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
  6. Sociological Association in Anaheim, California, 18-22 August 2001.   
  7. Social Closure, Parental and Peer Networks: A Study of Adolescent Scholastic Achievement and Alcohol Use. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in Washington, D.C., 12-16 August 2000.
  8. The Social Context of Psychological Distress among Icelandic Adolescents. Paper presented at the NYRIS 7 (Nordic Youth Research Information) conference in Helsinki, 10 June 2000.
  9. Basic science in Iceland, progress and performance. Talk given at a conference held by the Icelandic Research. Council and the Ministry of Education in Iceland, 30 November 1999.
  10. (With Stefán H. Jónsson and Thórdís J. Sigurdardóttir). Youth resistance to peer pressure, an example based on Hashish use. Talk given at a conference on youth studies, Nordic Youth Research Symposium, in Tønsberg, Norway, 17 August 1996.



Presentations at National Conferences


  1. Félagsauður á Íslandi: Forsenda framfara í nýju þjóðfélagsumhverfi? (Social Capital in Iceland: A prerequisite for societal success?). Talk given at a conference on Social Capital and its importance in policy making, held by the City of Reykjavik, 30 April 2004.
  2. Evidence based policy making in public health. Talk given at a conference organized by the Icelandic Public Health Association, 4 Mai 2004.
  3. Stress in Adolescents´lives: The link between stress, mental health and delinquency. Presentation of Phd dissertation at a meeting organized by the Icelandic Public Health Institute, 7 Mai 2004.
  4. Social science in Iceland: Performance and Progress. Talk given at the 30th Anniversary of the Social Science Faculty at the University of Iceland, 8 October 2000.
  5. An evaluation of basic science. Talk given at the annual meeting of the Icelandic’s Research Council, 27 April 1999.
  6. Substance use among Icelandic adolescents. Talk given at the annual meeting of the teachers association at Gardabaer High School, 9 November 1999.
  7. Youth in Iceland. Four talks given at the following meetings with principals of elementary schools in Reykjavik; 27 September 1999, 5 October 1999, 12 October 1999, 15 October 1999.
  8. The family – research findings. Talk given at a conference about the status of the family in a modern society, sponsored by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Reykjavik, 8 April 1999.
  9. Young people´s substance use. In the wake of publication of the book, The Social Circumstances of Substance Use among Icelandic Adolescents. Six talks given at the following meetings; of Reykjavik Rotary Club 11 March 1998, Midtown Rotary Club 16 March 1998, Kopavogur Rotary Club 17 March 1998, Seltjarnarnes Rotary Club 27. March 1998, Gardabaer Rotary Club 30 March 1998 and Hafnarfjördur Rotary Club 2 April 1998.
  10. The boys are punished, while the girls feel ashamed. Talk given at a conference about the status of boys in school, sponsored by the Committee of Equal Rights and Ministry of Culture and Education, at Grand Hotel 27, November 1997.
  11. Collaboration between family, school and cohort group on preventive measures. Talk given at an educational convention organized by the Ministry of Education, National Library, 5 October 1996.
  12. New ways in equal rights affairs. Talk given at the national convention of the Independence Party, 12 October 1994.
  13. Women´s battle at a crossroads. Talk given at a conference of Independence Party Women, Hotel Borg, 22 October 1994.
  14. Relation of the use of substances in various ways to behaviour and the health of youth. Talk given at the Sund Higher Secondary Grammar School, 7 November 1993. Sports, health, substance use. Talk given in Gardaskóli School in Gardabaer, 25 October 1993.
  15. Mental health of children in school. Talk given at a conference held by the Child Welfare Association, Holiday Inn, 25 September 1993.




  1. A member of a committee on quality standards and measures in education, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education    2005
  2. A member of the Icelandic organisational committee, overseeing academic matters, for the conference Women and Democracy at the Dawn of a new Millennium sponsored by the governments of the United States and Iceland    1999
  3. A consultant to the Wage Terms Committee on the arrangement of professors by wage categories according to work results    1998 – 1999
  4. Representative of the Ministry of Finance on the Liquor and Substance use Prevention Council    1998 – 2001
  5. Chairperson of a committee of professionals in educational research and teaching, according to a parliamentary resolution    1998 – 2000
  6. Chairperson, Equal Rights Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Education    1997 – 1998
  7. Employee of the Administrative Committee, University of Iceland    1996 – 1997
  8. Policy Formulation Committee, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Education, for reconsidering the national curricula of primary and secondary schools    1996 – 1998
  9. School Board, Sund Higher Secondary Grammar School, chairperson    1996 – 1998
  10. Committee, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Education, for improving women´s position in sports    1996 – 1998
  11. Consultative Committee on Nordic Youth Research Information    1996 – 2001
  12. Youth Research Correspondent for the Council of Europe    1996 – 2001
  13. Editorial board of the magazine 19. Júní    1995 – 1996 and 1992 – 1993
  14. Committee, under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance, for reconsidering laws concerning the rights and duties of state employees    1995 – 1997
  15. Committee, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Education, on racial prejudice    1994 – 1995
  16. State Youth Council, chairperson    1991 – 1993
  17. Reykjavik Child Welfare Council    1990 – 1994
  18. Board of Directors for the Midtown Health Care Centre    1990 – 1994
  19. Board of Directors of Child Care, reserve member    1990 – 1994
  20. Vaka, Association of Democratic Students, chairperson    1989 – 1990
  21. Public Information Committee, University of Iceland    1989 – 1991
  22. Board of Directors of the Student Council, University of Iceland    1988 – 1990


Kennsluferill í HR

2024-1E-604-BSC2BSc rannsóknarverkefni II
2024-1E-665-ORSAOrsakir heilsu og hegðunar
2023-3E-504-BSC1BSc rannsóknarverkefni I
2023-1E-504-BSC1BSc rannsóknarverkefni I
2023-1E-604-BSC2BSc rannsóknarverkefni II
2023-1E-566-SCHBFélagslegar rætur heilsu og hegðunar


Félagsfræði menntunar og vísinda

Lýðheilsufræði (youth research)