
Ingólfur Örn Þorbjörnsson, stundakennari

Deild:Tæknisvið / Tæknifræðideild 


Industrial education in Engineering 1976-1980. Graduated as mechanician 1980 and received master diploma in 1982. Accepted as holder of diploma in steel ship building 1982
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at Odense Teknikum in Denmark (1984-1987)
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at University centre of Aalborg in Denmark (1987-1989)


Assistant Professor at the Univeristy of Reykjavík 2006-
Adjunkt at University of Reykjavik 2005- 2006
Adjunkt at the Technical University 2004-2005
National expert in ERA NET Materials on behalf of  the Icelandic center for Research RANNIS  2005-

Managing Director - Icelandic Technological Research, Icelandic Innovation Center 2008-

General Manager – Technological development, IceTec Iceland 2007-
Head of department  – Materials and Environmental Technology, IceTec Iceland  2000-2007
Head of Department – Materials and Production  Technology, IceTec Iceland 1996–2000
Project manager in Materials Technology, IceTec Iceland. 1989-1996
Lecturer at the University of Iceland in Material science  from 1990-2000

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2024-1VT EFV1004Efnisfræði og vinnsla
2023-1VT EFV1004Efnisfræði og vinnsla

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The future leadership. Education in leadership by University of Iceland and IMG Deloitte 2004, 120 hours course with 360° OPQ32

Various courses and conferences in the field of material science and project management


Efnistækni málma og samsetninga.

Project manager in National as well as International  projects in the field of Metals castings, materials production and corrosion. Responsible both for financial and professional results. Responsible for the failure analyses service at IceTec for the industry from 1992-1995. Member of Nordtest expert group Mechanics and responsible for professional ranking of projects proposals to Nordtest Mechanics 1994-1996.

Head of department “Materials Technology” at the Technological Institute of Iceland from 1996-1999. Responsible for financial and technical work on various fields of materials, such as ceramics, polymers, composites, light metals including aluminium and magnesium, iron and steel.

Head of department “Materials and Production Technology” at the Technological Institute of Iceland from 1999-2000. Responsible for financial and  technical work on various produciton and materials technology fields, such as ceramics, polymers, composites, light metals including aluminium and magnesium, iron and steel.

Head of department “Material and Environmental Technology” at the Technological Institute of Iceland from 2000-.

Teaching materials technology at the University of Iceland from 1990 to 2000 and at Technical University and University of Reykjavik from 2004 to present.


Appointed to be member of advisory board for the Icelandic Building Research Institute from 1998-
Expert in the Icelandic Technology Development fund 2004-
National representative at the European Connunity R&D sixth framework programme “Nano, Materials and Production” regulatory committeee from 2002-2006
National representative at the European Community R&D  Industrial and Materials “Competitive and Sustainable Growth” regulatory committee from 1998-2002
National expert at the European Community R&D fifth framework programme Technology programme BRITE/EURAM Regulatory Committee from 1996-1998
Icelandic representative at NORDTEST expert group of Mechanics (1992-1995)
Member of MINT- Nordic Innovation center,  expert group on Nano Materials 2006
Member of “STÖPFORSK” Technical management committee 1992- (Stöpforsk- Co-operation between the Nordic Countries in Foundry Technology.)
Member of Nordic Industrial Found expert committee on Materials science. 1997-
Member of “Use of Light Metals” committee under the ministry of Trade and Industry 1997-1998
Member of “Use of cleaner energy sources” committee under the ministry of Trade and industry 1998-1999
Member of committee of restructuring and combine IceTec and Rabygg in one unit. Committee under the ministry of Trade and Industry. 2005
Project leader in various research projects in the field of castings and materials science

Additional professional activities
Courses (without short courses)..
Fatigue of metals. 24 hours course by Prof. H. Anderson.
Project Management. 10 hours course 
Effective project management. Course given by “The Center for Professional Advancement”  EUs: 1,2 
Successful negotiation (að semja með árangri). 18 hours course

Professional memberships
Technical committee  for  Technical development fund in Iceland. Icelandic Research Counsil.
Chairman of Board. Metal Park, Icelandic Inititive on use of Light Metals 1999-.
Chairman of Board. SÍP- Eurolab Iceland. 2001-2004
Chairman of Board. SÍP – Eurolab Iceland 2006-
Chairman of Board. ISNOR. Icelandic-Norwegian cooperaration on Research and Development. 1998-2002
Chairman of Nano Technology forum. An initiative to increase awareness of Nano technology and its possibilities in Iceland 2003-2005.
Board of Hugvisir, Young scientists contest in cooperation with TMR-Brussels
Dansk Ingeniörforenging
Nordtest. Expert group Materialtechnology. 1993-1995.
Stöpforsk-Research project leaders group as a Icelandic representative.From 1993-
Nordic Industrial found committee on material science. From 1997-
NACE international member 125326
European federation of corrosion engineers.


“Crack Initiation in steels and ceramics” Aalborg University centre Aalborg Denmark 1988. Ingólfur Thorbjörnsson, Ómar G. Ingvarsson, Michael R. Krabbe.

“Konstruktion af belastningsudstyr samt pröveemne til visuel undersögelse af reveninitiering og revnevækst I stål” Aalborg Universitetscenter 1989. Ingólfur Thorbjörnsson, Ómar G. Ingvarsson, Michael Krabbe.

“Hubert-NDT testing of Nodular Iron properties”. ITÍ9115/HTD13. IceTec 1991. Ingólfur Thorbjörnsson, Steingrímur P. Kárason.

“A summary of possible casting of Mn steel in Icelandic Foundry” IceTec 1991. Ingólfur Thorbjörnsson

“Nodular Cast Iron- Connection between cooling and strength” Final report for the Hubert project. ITÍ9113/HTD11. IceTec 1991. Ingólfur Thorbjörnsson, Jón Thor Thorgrímsson, Hans Kr. Gudmundsson.

“Corrosion fatigue testing in Geothermal Environment: Corrosion fatigue testing of eight different steels in three different environments” Proceedings of a conference held 26-27 august 1993. EMAS LTD. P.459-472. Ingólfur Thorbjörnsson, Thor Tómasson.

“Guidelines for corrosion fatigue testing in geothermal environment” Nordtest 1094-93. Ingólfur Thorbjörnsson, Jón Hjalti Ásmundsson, Einar Jón Ásbjörnsson.

“Trawl float - Strength calculations with The Finite Element program ANSYS” ITÍ9513/HTD06. Ingólfur Thorbjörnson, Jón Hjalti Ásmundsson.

“Corrosion fatigue testing of eight different steels in an Icelandic geothermal environment” Material and Design, Volume 16 number 2 1995. Elsevier Science ltd. Ingólfur Thorbjörnsson

“Hátæknijárnsteypa med misdreifda eiginleika- Local optimized castnings”. In Icelandic. IceTec Reykjavik Iceland Ingólfur Þorbjörnsson, Jón Þór Þorgrímsson 1993 ITÍ9314/HTD05T1 

“Hardness controlled at will - Icelandic improvement of Metal-Casting” New Scandinavian Technology. No. 4 1992. Nordic Industrial found Oslo Norway 1992. E.Karlsson, Ingólfur Þorbjörnsson.

“Use of finite element for calculation of buckling strength of plastic containers” IceTec 1996 publication NR. ITI9605/HTD02. In Icelandic. Ingolfur Thorbjörnsson.

“Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests for low and high alloy steels in sour oilfield service” Nordtest report, NR TECHN REPORT 316 Approved 1996-03 I.Aho-Mantilla, I.Thorbjornsson

"Stress corrosion crack testing for low and high alloy steel in sour oilfield service. Paper published in EUROCORR´96. I.Aho-Mantilla,C.Christensen, M.Holmgren,I.Thorbjörnsson, et al.

“Use of light materials” Publication NR. 97-4. Ministry of Trade and Industry in Iceland MP H. Árnason, I.Thorbjörnsson

“Local optimised nodular cast iron for wear resistant components” Gjuteriet nr. 7 1997. AB. Gjuteriföreningen Box 2033, 550 02 Jönköping Sweden. In Swedish. Ingolfur Thorbjörnsson, Jon Thor Thorgrimsson.

“Nýting innlendra orkugjafa til framleiðslu eldsneytis” Publication Nr. 99-1. Ministry of Trade and Industry in Iceland: MP. H. Árnason, I.Thorbjörnsson

“Effect of reinforcement geometry on matrix stresses in three aluminium metal matrix composite systems. Scripta Materialia;2001;45(8) pp. 993-1000. B.Johannesson,Thorbjörnsson,I.Ö et al.

“Environmental friendly and safe studs for winter tires(In Icelandic). Research publication, Icelandic Public Road administration 2002. Thorbjörnssons I.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Workshop on Anode Rodding Plants for Primary Aluminium Smelters. Edited by I.O.Thorbjörnsson, I. Palsson and S. Snæland. Reykjavík, Iceland 25-28 sept 2001

Proceedings of the 2st International Conference and Workshop on Anode Rodding Plants for Primary Aluminium Smelters. Edited by I.O.Thorbjörnsson, I. Palsson and S. Snæland. Reykjavík, Iceland 25-28 sept 2003

Patent application nr. 7160. Application for Icelandic patent. Deep-water float with internal support structure. Inventor: I. Thorbjornsson. Icelnadic patent bureau Reykjavik 20.02.2004

“Effect of reinforcement geometry on matrix stresses in three aluminium metal matrix composite systems”. Scripta Materialia 45, p. 993-1000. Received 22.02.2001 received in revised form 12.07.2001. B. Johannesson, I.Ö.Thorbjörnsson et al.

Invited speaker at the 2nd Latvian conference on “Functionalal Materials and nanotechnologies. Riga, Latvia, March 27-28, 2006.


English - excellent
Danish - excellent (lived 5 years in Denmark)
Norwegian - excellent
Swedish - excellent
German - moderate