2025-3 | T-742-CSDA | Computer Security: Defence Against the Dark Arts |
2025-1 | T-749-ICIS | Introduction to Industrial Control security |
2025-1 | T-404-LOKA | Lokaverkefni |
2024-3 | T-810-MTPR | MSc Thesis (30 ECTS) |
2024-3 | T-830-MSTR | MSc Thesis - Part I |
2024-3 | T-835-MTRH | MSc Thesis - Part II |
2024-3 | T-840-MDRS | MSc Thesis Defence (60 ECTS) |
2024-1 | T-742-CSDA | Computer Security: Defence Against the Dark Arts |
2024-1 | T-899-MSTH | MS ritgerð |
2023-3 | T-899-MSTH | MS ritgerð |
2023-3 | T-748-REMA | Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis |
2023-3 | T-409-TSAM | Tölvusamskipti |
2023-1 | T-742-CSDA | Computer Security: Defence Against the Dark Arts |
2023-1 | T-739 PHPC | Practical High Performance Computing |
Meira... | | |