Ritrýndar fræðigreinar á ensku
Mohns, E. J., Karlsson, K. Æ., & Blumberg, M.S. (2007) Developmental emergence of transient and persistent hippocampal events and oscillations and their association to infant seizure suseptibility. European Journal of Neuroscience. Vol, 26, 2719-2730.
Blumberg, M.S., Karlsson, K. Æ. & Seelke, A. M. (2007) Sleep, development and human health. Sleep. Vol, 30, 549-550.
Karlsson, K.Æ.,Vianna Di Prisco, G., Mohns, E.J. & Blumberg. (2006) On the co-occurrence of startles and hippocampal sharp waves in infant rats. Hippocampus. Vol, 16, 959-965
Mohns, E. J., Karlsson, K. Æ., & Blumberg, M.S. (2006) The Ventrolateral Preoptic Area and Basal Forebrain Play Opposing Roles in the Descending Modulation of Sleep and Wakefulness in Infant Rats. European Journal of Neuroscience. Vol, 23 1301-1310.
Blumberg, M.S., Seelke, A. M., Lowen, S.B., & Karlsson, K. Æ. (2005) Dynamics of Sleep-Wake Cyclicity in Developing Rats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol, 102, 14860-14864.
Seelke, A. M., Karlsson, K. Æ., Gall, A. J. & Blumberg M. S. (2005) Extraocular Muscle Activity, Rapid Eye Movements, and the Development of Active and Quiet Sleep. European Journal of Neuroscience. 22, 911-920.
Karlsson, K. Æ., Gall, A. J. Mohns, E. J. & Blumberg, M.S. (2005) The Neural Substrates of Infant Sleep in Rats. Public Library of Science Biology. 3(5): e143
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M.S. (2005) Active Control of Atonia in Week-Old Rats. Neuroscience. 130, 275-283.
Blumberg, M.S., Karlsson, K. Æ., Seelke, A.M.H. & Mohns, E. The Ontogeny of Mammalian Sleep: A Reply to Frank and Heller (2003). Journal of Sleep Research, 14, 91-101.
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M.S. (2004) Temperature-Induced Reciprocal Activation of Hippocampal Field Activity in vivo. Journal of Neurophysiology, 91, 583-588.
Karlsson, K. Æ., Kreider, J.C. & Blumberg, M.S. (2004) Hypothalamic Contributions to Sleep-Wake Cycle Development, Neuroscience, 123, 575-582.
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M. S. (2003). Hippocampal Theta in the Newborn Rat is Revealed Under Conditions That Promote REM sleep. The Journal of Neuroscience, 23(4) 1114-1118.
Karlsson, K. Æ., & Blumberg, M. S. (2002). Union of the State: Myoclonic Twitching is Coupled with Muscle Atonia in Infant Rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 116, 912-917.
Ritrýndar fræðigreinar á íslensku
Karlsson, K. Æ., Ingadottir, Þ. S., Halldórsdottir, B., Gíslason, Þ., & Björnsson, E. (2004) Heimamælingar þolast betur en innilggjandi mælingar á svefnháðum öndunartruflunum. Læknablaðið. Vol 90, 311-3.
Karlsson, K. Æ. (2000). Var Wittgenstein atferlishyggjumaður? Hugur. Vol 10-11, 88-100 .
Rannsóknir kynntar á ráðstefnum
Blouin, A.M., Fried, I., Staba, R.J., Behnke, E.J., Lam, H.A., Maidment, N.T., Karlsson, K.Æ., Ackerson, L.C., Wilson, C.L., Siegel, J.M., Hypocretin Release During Wake and Sleep in the Human Brain. Society for Neuroscience 2007, San Diego, CA.
Karlsson K.Æ., Mohns, E.J., Vianna di Prisco, G., & Blumberg M.S. Are Hippocampal Sharp Waves and Startles Causally Linked?
Society for Neuroscience 2005, Washington, DC.
Seelke, A.M.H., Karlsson, K.Æ., Gall, A. & Blumberg, M. The Ontogeny of Sleep-Related Phasic Activity in the Infant Rat.
International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, 2005, Washington, DC.
Mohns, E.J., Karlsson K.Æ., & Blumberg M.S. The Ventrolateral Preoptic Area and Basal Forebrain Play Opposing Roles in the Descending Modulation of Sleep-Wake Cyclicity in Infant rats.
Associated Professional Sleep Societies 2005, Denver, CO.
Karlsson, K. Æ. Mohns, E.J., & Blumberg, M. S. The Neural Substrates of Infant sleep.
Associated Professional Sleep Societies 2005, Denver, CO.
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M. S. Medullary Control of REM Sleep Atonia in Infant Rats.
Society for Neuroscience 2004, San Diego CA.
Mohns, E., Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M. S. Hypothalamic Modulation of Sleep-Wake Cyclicity in Infant Rats.
Society for Neuroscience 2004, San Diego CA.
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M. S. Effects of Brain Temperature on Hippocampal Activity in Anesthetized Infant Rats.
Society for Neuroscience 2003, New Orleans, LA.
Blumberg, M.S., Karlsson, K. Æ. and Kreider, J.C. Hypothalamic Contributions to Sleep Cycle Development,
Society for Neuroscience 2003, New Orleans, LA.
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M. S. Nuchal Atonia and Hippocampal Theta Characterize the Sleep of Rats as Two days of Age.
Associated Professional Sleep Societies 2003, Chicago, IL.
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M. S. Active sleep or REM sleep: Lets call the whole thing off.
Society for Neuroscience 2002, Orlando, Fl.
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M. S. Hippocampal Theta in Neonatal Rats.
International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, 2002, Orlando, FL.
Karlsson, K. Æ. & Blumberg, M. S. Union of the State: An Argument for Developmental Continuity Between Active and REM sleep.
International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, 2001, San Diego, Cal.
Karlsson K. Æ., Bjornsson E, Halldorsdottir B, Ingadottir S, Gislason T.
Patients prefer ambulatory CPAP follow-up compared to in-hospital.
European Sleep Research Society, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey.
Karlsson K. Æ., Kjartansson G, Gunnarsdottir A, Ingadottir S, Gislason T,
Tomasson K. Health related quality of life in untreated sleep apnea syndrome
and after one year of CPAP treatment.
European Sleep Research Society, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey.
Almenn skrif
Karl Ægir Karlsson. Af hverju sofum við? Lesbók Morgunblaðsins 20. Maí 2006.
Fjölvar Darri Rafnsson, Karl Ægir Karlsson & Matthías Gísli Þorvaldsson (2000). Ungir Ökumenn. Reykjavík, Dómsmálaráðuneytið.
Fürsatz, M., Windischberger, C., Karlsson K.Æ., Mayr, W., Moser, E. Valence - dependent modulation of hypothalamic activity. Human Brain Mapping 2008. Melbourne, Australia. |