Ritrýndar fræðigreinar á ensku
Gislason M.K., Coupaud S., Sasagawa K., Tanabe Y., Purcell M., Allan D.B., Tanner K.E.: Prediction of risk of fracture in the tibia bone due to altered mineral density distribution resulting from disuse: a finite element study, Journal of Engineering in Medicine: Proceedings of the IMechE Part H (submitted)
Oddsdottir G., Kristjansson E., Gislason M.: Database of movement control in the cervical spine. Reference normal of 182 asymptomatic persons, Manual Therapy, 2013, Vol 18(3), pp:206-210 .
Gislason M.K., Nash D.H.: Finite Element Modelling of a Multi-Bone Joint: the Human Wrist, in Finite Element Analysis - New Trends and Developments, editor: Ebrahimi F, InTech, September 2012, pp:77-98.
Gíslason M.K., Nash D.H., Bransby-Zachary M., Hems T.E.J., Stansfield B.: Stress Distribution at the Radiocarpal Joint and the Effects of Arthrodesis: a Finite Element Study, Journal of Hand surgery European Volume, 2012, Vol.37 (9), pp.871-878.
Gíslason M.K., Nash D.H., Stansfield B.: Finite Element Model Creation and Stability Considerations of Complex Biological Articulation: the Human Wrist Joint. Medical Engineering and Physics, 2010, 32, pp: 523-531.
Gíslason M.K., Nash D.H., Nicol, A., Kanellopoulus A., Bransby-Zachary M., Hems T.E.J., Stansfield B.: Finite Element Model of the Loading in the Wrist. Journal of Engineering in Medicine: Proceedings of the IMechE Part H, 2009, 223(H7), pp: 849-862.
Rannsóknir kynntar á ráðstefnum
Ugbolue U.C, Gislason M.K., Fogg Q.A., Carter M, Riches P.E., Rowe P.J.: A pilot study to determine the tensile properties of the transverse carpal ligament, 24th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Natal, Brazil, 2013.
Gislason M.K., Nash D.H. : Finite element modeling of a total wrist implant, 5th ANSA and μETA International Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2013.
Lizhang J., Coleman K., Gislason M., Mosler L., Buis A.: Understanding residual limb volume loss-utilising a physical model (Manikin), 13th International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics congress, Hyderabad, India, 2013
Gislason M.K., Nash D.H.: Finite element modeling of total joint replacements: the knee vs the wrist, The 39th Annual Meeting of Japanese Hip Society, Niigata, 2012
Sasagawa K., Coupaud S., Gislason M., Hatem Q., Tanner E., Allan D., Tanabe Y.: A Finite Element Modelling for the Tibia of a Spinal Cord Injured Patient, 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, 2012
Gillespie J, Gislason M.K., Ugbolue U.C., Fogg Q., Hems T.E.J.: Contact force measurement at the radioscaphoid joint following radiolunate fusion: a cadaveric simulation, West of Scotland Orthopaedic Research Society meeting, Glasgow, 2012
Sasagawa K., Coupaud S., Gislason M., Tanner E., Tanabe Y.: Modelling of Tibia Finite Element Mesh for SCI Patient, Simpleware user Meeting, Bristol, 2011
Gislason M.K., Stansfield B., Nash D.H. : Computational modeling of the wrist, Annual UK hand and wrist network meeting, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 2011
Gislason M.K., Nash D.H. : Total Wrist Arthroplasty: a Finite Element Study, 23rd Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium, 2011
Gíslason M.K., Stansfield B., Nash D.H.: Effects of Partial Wrist Arthrodesis on Loading at the Radiocarpal Joints, 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Edinburgh 2010
Gíslason M.K., Stansfield B., Nash D.H.: The importance of the radiotriquetral ligament for proximal row stability in the wrist: A finite element study, 9th International Symposium of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Valencia, 2010 |