Páll Jensson Publications List
1. Stochastic Programming, Models and Methodology. Ph.D. Thesis from IMSOR, Techn. University of Denmark, 1975
2. An Algorithm for Global Optimization. M.Sc. Thesis from IMSOR, Techn.Univ. of
Denmark, 1972
Refereed papers:
1. Discrete and continuous time representations and mathematical models
for large production scheduling problems: A case study from the
pharmaceutical industry, with Stefansson H., Sigmarsdottir, S. and Shah, N. In EJOR (European Journal of Operational Research), Vol 215, June 2011, p 383.
2. Decision making in the cod industry based on recording and analysis of value chain data, with Margeirsson, S., Hrafnkelsson, B., Jónsson, G.R. and Arason, S. Journal of Food engineering. 99 (2) 151-158, January 2010.
3. Procedure for reducing the risk of delayed deliveries in make-to-order production, with Stefansson H. and Shah, N., Production Planning & Control Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Pages: 332-342, 2009.
4. Optimizing site selection for hydrogen production in Iceland, with Ingason, H.T. and Ingolfsson, H. P. , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 (14), p.3632-3643, Jul 2008.
5. Multiscale Planning and Scheduling in the Secondary Pharmaceutical Industry, (with Stefánsson, H. and Shah, N). In AIChE Journal (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) vol. 52, no. 12, p 4133, Dec 2006.
6. Nematodes in cod – Spatial and Seasonal Analysis ( Hringormar í þorski – Útbreiðsla og árstíðasveiflur), (with Margeirsson, S., Jónsson, G.R. and Arason, S.). Yearbook VFI/TFI 2006. Assoc. of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, Reykjavík 2006, p 217 (in Icelandic).
7. Impact of the cost of the time resource on efficiency of economic processes,(with Arnarson, I.). In EJOR (European Journal of Operational Research), Vol 172, Issue 2, July 2006, p 616.
8. Optimal Sequencing of Tasks in an Aluminium Smelter Casthouse, (with Gunnarsson, H.P. and Kristinsdottir, B. P. ). Computers in Industry 56, Elsevier 2005, p 221
9. Relocation of Reykjavik Airport (Framtíðarstaðsetning Reykjavíkurflugvallar), (with Solnes, J. and Thorgeirsson, A. ). Yearbook VFI/TFI 2003. Assoc. of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, Reykjavík 2003.
10. Production of electricity from geothermal low heat. Comparison of methods, (with Thorolfsson, G., Kristinsdottir, B. P. and Valdimarsson, P.). Yearbook VFI/TFI 2001/2002. Assoc. of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, Reykjavík 2002.
11. Optimization Model of Milk Processing in Iceland, Yearbook VFI/TFI 1999/2000. Assoc. of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, Reykjavík 2000.
12. Optimization Models of Aquaculture Operations, Yearbook VFI/TFI 1997/98. Assoc. of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, Reykjavík 1998.
13. Optimization of Raw Material Allocation in Fish Fillet Portioning (with P. Snæland). Yearbook VFI/TFI 1996/97. Assoc. of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, Reykjavík 1997.
14. The Practical Use of Duality in Product Mix Optimization (with P.K.Maack). Yearbook VFI/TFI 1995/96. Assoc. of Chartered Engineers in Iceland, Reykjavík 1996.
15. Daily Production Planning in Fish Processing Firms. European J. of Operations Research, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1988.
16. Computerized Production Management in Fishing Industry. Presented at NORDDATA ´85 (prize winning lecture) and published in DATANYTT (the Scandinavian Journal on Data Processing), No. 10, 1985.
Conference papers:
1. Industrial Engineering Standards in Europe – industry needs versus education (with Rokkjær, Nörgaard, Schinner, Appold, Byrne, Nolan, Polman, Schut, Bayard and Areskoug). Presented at WEE2011 Lisbon Portugal, September 2011
2. Industrial Engineering Standards in Europe (IESE) (with Rokkjær, Nörgaard, Schinner, Appold, Byrne, Nolan, Polman, Schut, Bayard and Areskoug). In Proceedings from IIIS 2. ICEME (International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering), Orlando USA March 2011.
3. On-line Bin Covering Algorithms. Presented at MOPTA 2009 (Modelling and Optimization, Theory and Applications) in Betlehem Pennsylvania August 2009.
4. Profitability Assessment Models. In: Workshop on Fisheries and Aquaculture in Southern Africa: Development and Management. Windoek, Namibia. ICEIDA and UNU-FTP, August 21-24 2006.
5. Multi-scale Planning and Scheduling in The Pharmaceutical Industry, (with Stefánsson, H. and Shah, N). In ESCAPE 15 Proceedings, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, May 2005.
6. Transient simulation of refrigerated and chilled seawater system, (with
Thorsteinsson, J.A., Condra, T. and Valdimarsson, P.). SIMS 2003 in Vasteras,“ (18 -19 Sept. 2003)
7. Modelling of fishing vessel operation for energy-system optimisation, (with
Thorsteinsson, J.A., Kristinsdottir, B.P. and Thorisson, R.). ECOS 2003 in Copenhagen, June 2003
8. Software to Optimise Hydropower Plant Design. (with J. Eliasson and G. Ludvigsson). In Proceedings from Waterpower ‘97, ASCE Atlanta Aug. 5-8 1997.
9. Optimal Design of Hydropower Plants (with J. Eliasson and G. Ludvigsson). In Hydropower ‘97, Broch, Lysne, Flatabo and Helland-Hansen (eds), Balkema Rotterdam 1997.
10. Dynamic Dual Bin Packing using Fuzzy Objectives (with M. Th. Jonsson and T. P. Runarsson). In Proceedings from IEEE/ICEC, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Nagoya Japan 1996.
11. The Use of Duality in Product Mix Optimization (with P. K. Maack). Presented at NOAS 95, Nordic Operations Research Conference 1995.
12. The Impact of Product Mix on Optimal Fishing Quota (with I. Arnarson). Working paper, Dept. of Agric. and Resource Economics, Oregon State University, 1991. Presented at EURO XII TIMS XXXI Joint International Conference, Helsinki 1992.
13. Simulation Model of Factory Trawler Operations (with I. Arnarson). Working paper, Dept. of Agric. and Resource Economics, Oregon State University, 1991. Presented at VI. International Institute of Trade Conference, Paris 1992.
14. An Icelandic Text to Speech System for the Disabled (with R. Carlsson, B. Granstrom, P. Helgason and H. Thrainsson). Presented at Euopean Conference for the Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology, Maastricht 1990.
15. Coordinating Fishing and Fish Processing. Working paper, Dept. of Agric. and Resource Economics, Oregon State University, 1991. Presented at NATO Seminar on OR and Management in Fishing, Portugal, 1990.
16. Object Oriented Programming Approach to OR Problems (with R. Oza and J.P. Yoon). Presented at NATO Seminar on OR and Management in Fishing, Portugal, 1990.
17. Information Technology in Academic Research. In Basic Research in Iceland, Conference Publication No. 2, Science Society of Iceland 1989 (in Icelandic).
18. Production Planning in Freezing Plants. In Proceedings from 50 Years of Fisheries Research in Iceland, Icel. Fisheries Laboratories, 1984.
19. Linear Programming Cases in Agriculture and Fisheries in Iceland. Presented at Nordic OR Conference, Reykjavik 1980.
20. A Simulation Model of the Capelin Fishery in Iceland. In Proceedings from OR in Fisheries, NATO Symposium in Trondheim, 1979: Applied Operations Research in Fishing, Plenum Press, 1981.
Technical Reports and other publications:
1. The Future of Engineering at the University of Iceland, Verktækni 2008
2. Ranking many harbor projects, (with Ólafsson, S.), Working Paper nr W06:02, Institute of Business Research, Univ. of Iceland, Oct 2006.
3. The IIA Model for Profitability Analysis, Technical Report, Invest in Iceland Agency – Energy Marketing, Reykjavik 2001.
4. Control Software for AUV, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, (with Petursdottir, G.) Final Report, Icelandic Research Council 2000 (in Icelandic).
5. Optimization Model of Fisheries Operations, (with Gunnarsson, H.) Final
Report, Icelandic Research Council 2000 (in Icelandic).
6. Kalina. New technology for producing electricity from heat, Technical Report VGK Ltd 2000.
7. Optimizing Production of Capelin, Shrimp and Herring, (with Gunnarsson, H.) Final Report, Icelandic Research Council 1999 (in Icelandic).
8. Fishing Captains Gear Log Software, (with Gislason, B. and Egilsson, S. K.). Technical Report, Engineering Faculty, University of Iceland, and Radiomidun Ltd, 1998.
9. Cover Report on Research Feasibility for Management Tools for Farming and Processing Fish, Technical Report, University of Iceland, 1997.
10. Optimising Stochastic Simulation Model using Genetic Algorithm as a Metaheuristic Search Method, (with Kristjansson, S. H.). Working Paper, Engineering Faculty, University of Iceland, 1997.
11. Optimising Short Term Harvesting Schedules in Fish Farming, (with Kvaran, H.). Working Paper, Engineering Faculty, University of Iceland, 1997.
12. Fish Farm Simulation (with Atlason, H. and Kvaran, H.). Technical Report for the First Stage of the Project Management Tools for Farming and Processing of Fish, Engineering Faculty, University of Iceland, 1997.
13. A Multiple Knapsack Algorithm for Batching and Grading (with J. Hjaltason). Technical Report University of Iceland 1997 (in Icelandic).
14. Optimal Grading of Herring and Capelin (with H. Gunnarsson and G. Reynisson). Technical Report Univ. of Iceland 1997 (in Icelandic).
15. Optimization Model of Shrimp Grading (with S. S. Hannesson). Technical Report Univ. of Iceland 1997 (in Icelandic).
16. Simulation of Document Flow Management in Groupware Systems.Technical Report, Univ. of Iceland and Hugvit International Ltd 1997 (in Icelandic).
17. Strategic Plan for Icelandic Banks’ Data Centre. Technical Report, IBDC 1997 (in Icelandic).
18. Information Systems for Fishing Vessel Captains (with K. G. Bjarnason and K. Gislason). Final Report, Icelandic Research Council 1997 (in Icelandic).
19. Icelandic Alloys Raw Material Storage. Technical Report, Icelandic Alloys Ltd 1997.
20. Strategic Plan for Computing at Alþingi, Parlament of Iceland (with S. Hrafnkelsson and H. Arnthorsson). Report from Parlament of Iceland 1996 (in Icelandic).
21. Computerized Statistical Process Control. Final Project Report.Icelandic Freezing Plants Corporation 1996 (in Icelandic).
22. Information Systems for Fishing Vessel Captains (with K. G. Bjarnason and K. Gislason). Technical Report, Icelandic Research Council 1996 (in Icelandic)
23. Final Report on Algorithms for Batching and Grading of Fish. (with A. Asgeirsson, K. Andersen, Th. Kristmundsson). Univ. of Iceland and Marel Ltd, 1995 (in Icelandic).
24. Optimizing Empty Container Distribution (with H. Sverrisson) Working Paper Univ. of Iceland 1995.
25. Quality Systems at IFPC. Assessment and proposals. Project Report, Icelandic Freezing Plants Corporation 1995 (in Icelandic).
26. The Transport of Fish Products from Iceland (with H. Karason). Techn. Report, Icelandic Seafood Ltd 1995 (in Icelandic).
27. Optimizing Oil Distribution in Iceland (with G. M. Steinarsson). Techn. Report, Esso Iceland Ltd 1995 (in Icelandic).
28. Algorithms for Batching and Grading of Fish. (with A. Asgeirsson). Progress Report, Univ. of Iceland and Marel Ltd, 1994 (in Icelandic).
29. Research on Lake Myvatn. Final Project Report. (with A. Snorrason, G. Stefansdottir og S. Snorrason) Icelandic Ministry for the Environment 1994.
30. Information Technology in Fishing. From Research to Reality. In Velabrogd 1994 (in Icelandic)
31. Optimal Batching of Fish Fillets (with A. Asgeirsson). Techn. Report, Univ. of Iceland and Marel Ltd, 1993 (in Icelandic).
32. Software Industry in Iceland. An Assessment of Export Potential (with I. Hannibalsson and S. Thorgrimsson). Ministry for Industry 1993 (in Icelandic).
33. Research Plan for Lake Myvatn Research 1993 - 1995 (with A. Snorrason and G. Stefansdottir). Icelandic Ministry for the Environment 1993.
34. Research on Lake Myvatn. A Progress Report, Research and Results for 1992 (with A. Snorrason and S. Snorrason). Ministry for the Environment 1993.
35. Economical comparison of concrete and asphalt road pavements Report presented at The Concrete Day Conference in Reykjavik 1993 (in Icelandic).
36. Integration of Data in Fish Processing Firms (with H.B. Ludvigsson et. al.). Technical Report, Univ. of Iceland and Benefish Project Committee 1992.
37. Vessel Information System Manual (With R. Jonsdottir et. al.). Technical Report, Univ. of Iceland and Halios Project Committee 1992.
38. LVP Plant in Lithuania. Feasibility Analysis (with O. Gudmundsson, Th. Sigthorsson and G. Saemundsen). Report from Icelandic Health Company 1992
39. Milk Processing Location using MPL. Working paper, Dept. of Agric. and Resource Economics, Oregon State University, 1991.
40. Location of Dairies in Iceland (with P. Vilhjalmsson). Report from the Icelandic Dairies Association, 1991 (in Icelandic).
41. The Application of Information Technology. In Information is a Resource, Samstarfsnefnd um upplysingamál 1990 (in Icelandic).
42. What is Modern Inventory Management? In Proceedings from Conference on Logistics, Icelandic OR Society 1990 (in Icelandic).
43. Hydrogen Production in Iceland. Transport and Storage Costs. Short Report, Univ. of Iceland 1990.
44. Strategic Plan for Computing at Savings Funds Association in Iceland (with J.R. Hoskuldsson et. al.). Report from SFA 1990 (in Icelandic).
45. Manufacturing Simulation System for Fish Processing (with H. Ingason). Techn. Report, Univ. of Iceland, Engineering Institute 1990 (in Icelandic).
46. Standardization of Software for Fish Processing Firms (with S. Agnarsson, P. Maack, et al.). Report from Icelandic Institute of Technology, 1989 (in Icelandic).
47. Decision Support Systems for Trawler Captains (with K. Jonasson). Techn. Report, Univ. of Iceland, 1988 (in Icelandic).
48. Cost Concepts in Fish Processing (with P. Maack). Techn. Report, Univ. of Iceland, 1987 (in Icelandic).
49. An Analysis of Information Flow in Fish Processing (with P. Maack, et al.). Techn. Report, Univ. of Iceland, 1986 (in Icelandic).
50. Icelandic Silicon Metal Project, Feasibility Analysis (with G.A. Gunnlaugsson). Report from Icelandic Metals Ltd., 1986.
51. Information Technology in Iceland. Editor. Report from Icelandic Research Council, Publication No. 2 1986 (in Icelandic).
52. Notes on Monte Carlo Simulation and GPSS. Comp. Services, Univ. of Iceland, 1983 (in Icelandic).
53. Yearly Production Planning for Dairy Farms in Iceland (with Bjornsson, et al.). Report No. 56 from Icelandic Agricultural Research Institute, 1980 (in Icelandic).
54. Allocation of Hay Reserves Between Regions in Iceland (with S. Adalsteinsson and G. Stefansson). Report from Icelandic Research Council, 1978 (in Icelandic).
55. A Fleet Mix Model of the Icelandic Fishing Fleet. Techn. Report, University of Iceland, 1978 (in Icelandic). |