
Paolo Gargiulo, prófessor

Deild:Tæknisvið / Verkfræðideild 



Personal information

Paolo Gargiulo, Professor
Founder and Director for the Institute for Biomedical and Neural Engineering

Reykjavik University Menntavegi 1, 101 Reykjavik
Email:, Mobile: 8245384
web site:
IBNE | Háskólinn í Reykjavík



1987 – 1992   Qualified at the Technical institute of informatics and electronic “F. Giordani” Naples, Italy

1992 – 2001    Graduated at the University of Naples “Federico II” Degree in Electronic engineers with specialization in Biomedical engineering

1999 - 2001   Master thesis at Research and Development department, University Hospital

          Landspitali: “Research and experimentation of telemedicine applications for seamen in t   

          the North Atlantic”


2005- 2009    PhD study at the Vienna University of Technology - TU Wien “3D Modelling and

          Monitoring of Denervated Muscle under Functional Electrical “Stimulation Treatment   

          and Associated Bone Structural Changes”

Positions and roles

2002-2011     Working at University Hospital Landspitali as Clinical Engineer

Main Development Projects:

  • Design and development of the Icelandic Pacemaker database
  • Telemedicine for seamen in the North Atlantic (Project NATS)
  • Development of 3d printing service for surgical planning

2008- 2013 Consultant work for Med-el Hearing Implant Company

2009 -Working as Assistant Professor School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University

2012- Working at department of science at University Hospital Landspitali

2014- Founding the Institute for Biomedical and Neural Engineering

2014- Promotion to Associate Professor at School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University

2015- Founding the Icelandic Centre of Neurophysiology –High density EEG and postural control study

2015-2016 Member of the Icelandic Ministry of welfare board for health research strategy 2015\2020

2018-2023 Member of the evaluation board for the Icelandic research fund RANNIS (Engineering panel)

2020-Founding the Additive manufacturing and 3d printing center

2020- Promotion to Full Professor at School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University

2022- Visiting Professor position at University of Bologna, Italy

2023-Co-Founding the startup Heilalabs

2024- Visiting Professor position at University of Napoli Federico II, Italy



 - 2007 Co-author in the winning paper at MIMICS Innovation award in WashingtonUSA

- 2013 Young scientist of the year at University Hospital Landspitali

- 2015 1st price poster session in digital health MEIBIOENG2015 (UK Biomedical engineering society, annual meeting)

-2016 1st Price, article at XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016

-2018, 1st price poster session IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) 2018 and the IEEE Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN) 2018. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 4-7 March 2018

-2023 Scientist of the year at Reykjavik University


Main Grant received between 2019-2024 (PI or Project Leader)

2023 Rannis Grant of excellence 239612-051: Assessing postural control using bio signals and VR. 1,2M euro

2023 Cooperation Grant between universities: Advanced Health Education with 3D-Printing & VR/AR. 300 thousand euro

2020: EU grant Perspectives For Future Innovation in Tendon - P4 FIT), P4 FIT — H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020. (Partner)

2019: EU project, H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018-2020, User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair, PI for the Icelandic group. 5.5 M euro


Articles published in peer reviewed Journals:


1987 – 1992   Qualified at the Technical institute of informatics and electronic “F. Giordani” Naples, Italy

1992 – 2001    Graduated at the University of Naples “Federico II” Degree in Electronic engineers with specialization in Biomedical engineering

1999 - 2001   Master thesis at Research and Development department, University Hospital

          Landspitali: “Research and experimentation of telemedicine applications for seamen in t   

          the North Atlantic”


2005- 2009    PhD study at the Vienna University of Technology - TU Wien “3D Modelling and

          Monitoring of Denervated Muscle under Functional Electrical “Stimulation Treatment   

          and Associated Bone Structural Changes”



Paolo Gargiulo is a full professor at Reykjavik University with a distinguished academic background. He studied at TU Wien and completed his PhD in 2009. His primary research interests and expertise lie in medical image processing, neuroengineering, 3D printing, and medical technologies.

At Landspítali University Hospital, he established a 3D printing service that has supported surgical planning for over 300 operations, significantly impacting Iceland´s healthcare system and earning international recognition for his pioneering work in the field.

Paolo Gargiulo is the founder and director for the Institute of Biomedical and Neural Engineering, which encompasses advanced research facilities such as a high-density electroencephalographic system (256-EEG), Postural control platform and Virtual reality system and 3D printing and additive manufacturing center a postural control platform, a virtual reality system, and a center for 3D printing and additive manufacturing.

He has published over 100 scientific articles, books, and book chapters across diverse fields and has presented his work at numerous international conferences and workshops. He has also participated in several EU-funded research projects, including RESTORE, P4FIT and SINPAIN.

In 2023, Paolo received the prestigious Scientist of the Year Award at Reykjavik University and was granted an Excellence Award by the Icelandic Centre for Research to study postural control responses as biomarkers for neurodegenerative conditions.

He is also the co-founder of the startup company Heilalabs, which focuses on studying brain aging and developing predictive evaluation metrics for neurodegenerative diseases.

In 2024 Paolo lab have contributed in developing a new product for the Italian company Espansione Group called MeiboMetrics, which is a groundbreaking AI-powered algorithm for the segmentation and quantitative measurement of meibomian glands. Espansione Group and the Institute of Biomedical and Neural Engineeringhave combined their expertise in eye care and imaging technology, alongside novel capabilities in machine learning and artificial intelligence, to develop a state-of-the-art tool that promises to revolutionize the screening process for meibomian gland dysfunctions.

Kennsluferill í HR

2025-1T-629-URO1Rannsóknarvinna í grunnnámi I
2024-3T-510-MALIMælitækni og lífsmörk
2023-3T-712-MADHApplications of Digital Health
2023-3T-510-MALIMælitækni og lífsmörk
2023-1T-630-INDESjálfstætt verkefni
2023-1T-620-ENGXVerkfræði X



Paolo Gargiulo is a full professor at Reykjavik University with a distinguished academic background. He studied at TU Wien and completed his PhD in 2009. His primary research interests and expertise lie in medical image processing, neuroengineering, 3D printing, and medical technologies.

At Landspítali University Hospital, he established a 3D printing service that has supported surgical planning for over 300 operations, significantly impacting Iceland´s healthcare system and earning international recognition for his pioneering work in the field.

Paolo Gargiulo is the founder and director for the Institute of Biomedical and Neural Engineering, which encompasses advanced research facilities such as a high-density electroencephalographic system (256-EEG), Postural control platform and Virtual reality system and 3D printing and additive manufacturing center a postural control platform, a virtual reality system, and a center for 3D printing and additive manufacturing.

He has published over 100 scientific articles, books, and book chapters across diverse fields and has presented his work at numerous international conferences and workshops. He has also participated in several EU-funded research projects, including RESTORE, P4FIT and SINPAIN.

In 2023, Paolo received the prestigious Scientist of the Year Award at Reykjavik University and was granted an Excellence Award by the Icelandic Centre for Research to study postural control responses as biomarkers for neurodegenerative conditions.

He is also the co-founder of the startup company Heilalabs, which focuses on studying brain aging and developing predictive evaluation metrics for neurodegenerative diseases.

In 2024 Paolo lab have contributed in developing a new product for the Italian company Espansione Group called MeiboMetrics, which is a groundbreaking AI-powered algorithm for the segmentation and quantitative measurement of meibomian glands. Espansione Group and the Institute of Biomedical and Neural Engineeringhave combined their expertise in eye care and imaging technology, alongside novel capabilities in machine learning and artificial intelligence, to develop a state-of-the-art tool that promises to revolutionize the screening process for meibomian gland dysfunctions.

Viðurkenningar og styrkir

-  2007 Co-author in the winning paper at MIMICS Innovation award in WashingtonUSA

-  2008Finalist for Student Innovation award (as supervisor) NýsköpunarverðlaunforsetaÍslands 2008

-  2012 Finalist for Student Innovation award (as supervisor)NýsköpunarverðlaunforsetaÍslands 2013

-  2013 Young scientist of the year at University Hospital Landspitali

- 2015 1st price poster  session in digital health MEIBIOENG2015 (UK Biomedical engineering society, annual meeting)

-2016 1st Price, article at XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016

- 2017 Finalist for Student Innovation award (as supervisor) NýsköpunarverðlaunforsetaÍslands 2017

- 2018 Finalist for Student Innovation award (as supervisor) NýsköpunarverðlaunforsetaÍslands 2018

-2018, Best poster at The IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) 2018 and the IEEE Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN) 2018. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 4-7 March 2018


Main Grant received in 2015-2019


2019: EU project, H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018-2020, User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair, PI for the Icelandic group. 5.500.000 EURO


2018: Innovation fund (nyskopunarsjodur): upgrade of X-RAY micro CT system , project number 181572-0031, 75.000 EURO (CO –PROPOSER)


2017: Rannis Icelandic research fund ((Rannsóknasjodur): grant number 174236-051, title: Modeling of Cranial Muscle Artefacts in EEG Data, total amount: 18.000.000 ISK


2016: Rannis Infrastructure fund (Uppbygging) – 20.650.000 ISK- High Density (256-Channel) EEG system in Iceland for Research, Education and Training- Paolo Gargiulo.151007-0031


2015: Rannis Icelandic research fund ((Rannsóknasjodur)- 13.500.000 ISK- Clinical evaluation score for Total Hip Arthroplasty planning and postoperative
assessment- Paolo Gargiulo. 152368-051



Articles published in peer reviewed Journals:


Selection of Publications

Book: Handbook of Surgical Planning and 3D Printing: Applications, Integration, and New Directions. P Gargiulo, Elsevier 2023


Innovative Diagnostic Approaches for Predicting Knee Cartilage Degeneration in Osteoarthritis Patients: A Radiomics-Based Study. F Angelone, FK Ciliberti, GP Tobia, H Jónsson Jr, AM Ponsiglione, ...Paolo Gargiulo Information Systems Frontiers, 1-23, 2024


Beyond pixel: Superpixel-based MRI segmentation through traditional machine learning and graph convolutional network. Z Khatun, H Jónsson Jr, M Tsirilaki, N Maffulli, F Oliva, P Daval, ...Paolo Gargiulo. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 108398


Aubonnet, M Hassan, A Mheich, G Di Lorenzo, H Petersen, P Gargiulo. Journal of Neural Engineering 20 (2), 026030. 2023. Assessing early-stage Parkinson´s Disease using a moving platform (BioVRSea).


Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine in Italy: Brief State of the Art of the Principal Research Centers. F Camponogara, F Zanotti, M Trentini, E Tiengo, I Zanolla, E Pishavar, ... P Gargiulo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (15), 8245


Symmetry breaking and effects of nutrient walkway in time-dependent bone remodeling incorporating poroelasticity. L Esposito, V Minutolo, P Gargiulo, M Fraldi. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 1-22, 2022.


Towards defining biomarkers to evaluate concussions using virtual reality and a moving platform (BioVRSea). D Jacob, IS Unnsteinsdóttir Kristensen, R Aubonnet, ...P Gargiulo. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1-22. 2022.


Toward predicting motion sickness using virtual reality and a moving platform assessing brain, muscles, and heart signals. M Recenti, C Ricciardi, R Aubonnet, I Picone, D Jacob, HÁR Svansson, P Gargiulo. Front. in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9,132.


Three-dimensional bone mineral density changes in the femur over 1 year in primary total hip arthroplasty patients. MK Gislason, H Jónsson Jr, L Cristofolini, L Esposito, P Bifulco, … P Gargiulo. Clinical Biomechanics 78, 105092


Edmunds, K. J., Petersen, H., Hassan, M., Yassine, S., Olivieri, A., Barollo, F., ... & Gargiulo, P. (2019). Cortical recruitment and functional dynamics in postural control adaptation and habituation during vibratory proprioceptive stimulation. Journal of neural engineering. 16(2), 026037. (


Edmunds, Kyle, Magnús Gíslason, Sigurður Sigurðsson, Vilmundur Guðnason, Tamara Harris, Ugo Carraro, and Paolo Gargiulo. "Advanced quantitative methods in correlating sarcopenic muscle degeneration with lower extremity function biometrics and comorbidities." PloS one 13, no. 3 (2018): e0193241.