
Þórður Víkingur Friðgeirsson, lektor

Deild:Tæknisvið / Verkfræðideild 
Aðsetur:Nauthólsvík, Venus, 2. hæð 


2000. Aalborg University, MSc - Industrial Engineering

2014. Reykjavik, PhD - Project Management

Kennsluferill í HR

2025-1T-755-APGSProject Governance and Sustainability
2025-1T-803-VERKVerkefnastjórnun og stefnumarkandi áætlunargerð
2024-1T-803-VERKVerkefnastjórnun og stefnumarkandi áætlunargerð
2023-3T-872-VSGAVerkefnadrifnar skipulagsheildir og gæðastjórnun
2023-1T-706-INT1Starfsnám í verkfræði I
2023-1T-706-INT2Starfsnám í verkfræði II
2023-1T-803-VERKVerkefnastjórnun og stefnumarkandi áætlunargerð


Main research emphasis is on engineering management in the domain of strategic project management, risk management and decision analysis. Currently working on projects on the economic uncertainty in the Arctic, the “projectification” of the organization, structured decision making based on stochastic and cognitive perspectives and fresh approaches in teaching i.e. experiential learning. 

Tengsl við atvinnulíf

 Board member of some few private companies.

Active participant and consultant in several entrepreneur projects and programs.


Peer reviewed publications:

Fridgeirsson, T.V.; Ingason, H.T.; Jonasson, H.I.; Gunnarsdottir, H. A Qualitative Study on Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on the Project Schedule, Cost and Risk Management Knowledge Areas as Presented in PMBOK®. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 11081. 1 ,

Fridgeirsson, T.V.; Ingason, H.T.; Jonasson, H.I.; Gunnarsdottir, H. A Qualitative Study on Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Project Schedule-, Cost- and Risk Management Knowledge Areas as presented in PMBOK®. Preprints 2023, 2023090012.

Fridgeirsson, T.V.; Ingason, H.T.; Onjala, J. Innovation, Awareness and Readiness for Climate Action in the Energy Sector of an Emerging Economy: The Case of Kenya. Sustainability 2023, 15, 12769.

Fridgeirsson TV, Ingason HT. Why the Basic Axioms of Risk Assessment Can Be Problematic to Identify Risk? – The Development of the VUCA Meter. Austin J Bus Adm Manage. 2023; 7(2): 1059. Austin J Bus Adm Manage Volume 7, Issue 2 (2023)

Ingason, Helgi Thor, Fridgeirsson, Thordur Vikingur et al. "A cross-national comparison of the project governance frameworks in two Nordic countries." Project Leadership and Society (2022): 100075.

Þórður Víkingur Friðgeirsson, Helgi Þór Ingason, Dagmar Ýr Sigurjónsdóttir og Jakob Falur Garðarsson. Innlegg til að marka stefnu fyrir íslenska heilbrigðiskerfið með því að skoða greiðsluvilja, upplifun og væntingar almennings. Icelandic Journal of Engineering (Verktækni), Vol. 1, 2022

Fridgeirsson, T.V.; Ingason, H.T. Gunnarsdottir, H. A Qualitative Study on Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Project Schedule-, Cost- and Risk Management Knowledge Areas. EURAM 2022 Conference ,15-17 June at the ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Switzerland


Fridgeirsson, T.V.; Ingason, H.T.; Björnsdottir, S.H.;  Gunnarsdottir, A.Y. Can the “VUCA Meter” Augment the Traditional Project Risk Identification Process? A Case Study. Sustainability 2021, 13, 12769.

Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson, Haraldur Audunsson and Asrun Matthiasdottir. CDIO approach to write Reference Models for training of decision skills. The 17th International CDIO Conference, Bangkok, June 21-23, 2021.

Fridgeirsson, T.V.; Ingason, H.T.; Jonasson, H.I.; Jonsdottir, H. An Authoritative Study on the Near Future Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management Knowledge Areas. Sustainability 2021, 13, 2345.

Fridgeirsson, T.V.; Ingason, H.T.; Jonasson, H.I.; Kristjansdottir, B.H. The VUCAlity of Projects: A New Approach to Assess a Project Risk in a Complex World. Sustainability 2021, 13, 3808.

Fridgeirsson, T.V.; Ingason, H.T.; H.I.; Kristjansdottir, B.H. An Alternative Risk Assessment Routine for Decision Making; Towards a VUCA Meter to Assess the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity of Complex Projects. In: Cuevas R., Bodea CN., Torres-Lima P. (eds) Research on Project, Programme and Portfolio Management. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham.

Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson , Helgi Thor Ingason,and Steinunn M. Gunnlaugsdottir. The Perceived Quality of the Project Governance Structure in Projectified Iceland, EURAM 2020.  Dublin, Ireland 2020.

Helgi Thor Ingason, Thordur V. Fridgeirsson, Haukur Ingi Jonasson: Project Management in Iceland: Expected Future Trends for Project Management and the Project Management Profession. Icelandic Journal of Engineering (Verktækni), Vol. 1, 2020

Thordur V. Fridgeirsson, Helgi Thor Ingason, Haukur Ingi Jonasson: Project Management in Iceland: Current and Future Importance of Project Management within the Icelandic Economy. Icelandic Journal of Engineering (Verktækni), Vol. 1, 2020

Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson , Helgi Thor Ingason,and Steinunn M. Gunnlaugsdottir. The Perceived Quality of the Project Governance Structure in Projectified Iceland, EURAM 2020.  Dublin, Ireland 2020.

Haraldur Audunsson, Asrun Matthiasdottir and Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STUDENT IN A VUCA PROGRAM, Department of Engineering, School of Social Sciences, Reykjavik University, Iceland. The future of education, Florence Italy, 2020.
Haraldur Audunsson, Asrun Matthiasdottir and Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson. STUDENT´S JOURNEY AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IN AN ENGINEERING PROGRAM. Department of Engineering, School of Social Sciences, Reykjavik University, Iceland. The 16th International CDIO Conference 2020, CDIO 2020, Bangkok, Thailand, June 9-11, 2020
Helgi Thor Ingason, Thordur V. Fridgeirsson, Haukur Ingi Jonasson: Project Management in Iceland: Expected Future Trends for Project Management and the Project Management Profession. Icelandic Journal of Engineering (Verktækni), Vol. 1, 2019
Thordur V. Fridgeirsson, Helgi Thor Ingason, Haukur Ingi Jonasson: Project Management in Iceland: Current and Future Importance of Project Management within the Icelandic Economy. Icelandic Journal of Engineering (Verktækni), Vol. 1, 2019
Helgi Thor Ingason, Thordur V. Fridgeirsson, Haukur Ingi Jonasson: The Evolution of Project Management in Iceland: The Path to a Profession. Icelandic Journal of Engineering (Verktækni), Vol. 1, 2019
Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson, Bara Hlin Kristjansdottir and Helgi Thor Ingason: An alternative risk assessment routine for decision making; Toward a VUCA meter to assess the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of complex projects. IPMA world congress, Mexico 2019. Published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Helgi Thor Ingason, Thordur V. Fridgeirsson and Haukur Ingi Jonasson: Projectification in Iceland measured – a comparison of two methods.  International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. ISSN: 1753-8378. Publication date: 2 September 2019
Yvonne-Gabriele, Schoper, Andreas Wald, Helgi Thor Ingason, Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson: Projectification in Western economies: A comparative study of Germany, Norway and Iceland. International Journal of Project Management. Vol. 36, No. 1 pp.(71-82), 2018
Þ.V. Friðgeirsson og F.D. Steinþórsdóttir: A cross-impact analysis of eight economic parameters in Iceland in the context of Arctic climate change. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2018
Þ.V. Friðgeirsson & M. Bollason. Tilviksrannsókn á innleiðingu straumlínustjórnunar hjá framleiðslufyrirtæki. Verktækni, Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands. The Journal of the Icelandic Engineering Association. No. 1, Vol 23, 2017
T.V. Fridgeirsson, Reference class forecasting in Icelandic Transport Infrastructure Projects, Transport Problems, Scientific Journal, The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland, 2016
Er samræmi á milli þeirrar áhættu sem íslenskir ákvörðunartakar telja sig tilbúna til að taka og raunverulegrar hættu á kostnaðarframúrkeyrslu verkefna? (Does the perceived risk attitude among Icelandic decision makers correlate with the reality of cost overruns?) Verktækni, Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands. The Journal of the Icelandic Engineering Association. No. 2, Vol 2, 2015
T.V. Fridgeirsson, Prerequisites and Decision Making Procedures of an Icelandic Project compared against Norwegian Standards, Iceland Review of Politics & Administration (Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla), 10(1), 17-3, 2015
H. Audunsson, T.V. Fridgeirsson &  I. Sæmundsdottir. Challenging Engineering Students With Uncertainty in a VUCA Situation. Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Kanazawa, Japan
Þ.V. Fridgeirsson, H.Þ. Ingason & H.I. Jonasson. Project Management in Iceland measured - a comparison of two methods. 6th IPMA Research Conference: Impacts of Project Management in Society.September 03-04, 2018, in Rio de Janeiro,  Brasil
Yvonne-Gabriele, Schoper, Andreas Wald, Helgi Thor Ingason,Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson: Projectification in Western Economies:  A Comparative Study of Germany, Norway and Iceland. IRNOP 2017, Boston
Yvonne-Gabriele, Schoper, Andreas Wald, Helgi Thor Ingason,Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson. Economical Weight of Projects in Western Economies. 30th IPMA conference, 5-7  September, 2017
S. Gaultier Le Bris, S. Rouvrais, T. Vikingur Friðgeirsson & L. Tudela Villalonga. Decision Making Skills in Engineering Education. 45th SEFI Conference, 18-21 September 2017, Azores, Portugal
T.V. Fridgeirsson & H.I. Jonasson. The feasibility of Icelandic Projects. Conference: 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM-2016), At Nice, France, July 10-11
T.V. Fridgeirsson, H. Grimsdottir and S.V. Gudmundsson, Impact Parameters for a Stochastic Decision Model Forecasting the Economic Development in the Arctic Region with focus on Iceland, A European Arctic Policy, Madrid, June 10th
T.V. Fridgeirsson. BENCHMARKING ICELANDIC PLANNING & DECISION-MAKING IN PUBLIC PROJECTS, 5th International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business Management 2015, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul Turkey
T.V. Fridgeirsson. The feasibility of public projects in Iceland, 28th IPMA World Congress, Rotterdam, Holland, September 29-October 1
T.V. Fridgeirsson, Reference class forecasting in Icelandic Transport Infrastructure Projects, Conference on International Science, Baden-Wuertemberg Cooperative State University, Discussions Papers No 1/14, Villingen-Schwenningen, April  7-11
Asrun Matthiasdottir, Ingunn Saemundsdottir, Pall Jensson, Haraldur Audunsson, Jonas Thor Snaebjornsson, Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson, EXPERIENCE OF INTERVIEWING STAKEHOLDERS , Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, June 16-19, 2014
T.V. Fridgeirsson and H. Grimsdottir, Requirement Analysis of an open access decision model for strategic planning of the Arctic Region, 2nd China Nordic Arctic Cooperation Symposium, June 2-5, Akureyri, Iceland
An open source decision model for strategic planning for the Arctic region, Thordur Vikingur Fridgeirsson, Hlynur Stefansson, Pall Jensson.  1st China – Nordic Arctic Cooperation Symposium. 4-7 June 2013, Shanghai China
T. V. FRIDGEIRSSON; THE USE OF REFERENCE CLASSES TO FORECAST RISK AND UNCERTAINTY IN ICELANDIC PROJECTS. Proceedings of 5th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation. Reykjavík University, Iceland10-12 June 2009. Vol II pp 118-125.
Fridgeirsson, Thordur Vikingur. Improving the art of Project Management by applying procedures of Risk Management and Decision Analysis. Conference NORDNET 2007 Projects Under Risk, 2007. Icelandic Project Management Association
T. V. FRIDGEIRSSON; THE USE OF REFERENCE CLASSES TO FORECAST RISK AND UNCERTAINTY IN ICELANDIC PROJECTS. Proceedings of 5th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation. Reykjavík University, Iceland10-12 June 2009. Vol II pp 118-125
Fridgeirsson, Thordur Vikingur. Improving the art of Project Management by applying procedures of Risk Management and Decision Analysis. Conference NORDNET 2007 Projects Under Risk, 2007. Icelandic Project Management Association
Fridgeirsson, T.V.. Risk, Decisons and Uncertainty (Áhætta, óvissa og ákvarðanir): Decisons under Uncertainty, JVP Publishing April 2008. ISBN 978-9979-656-70-8

Fridgeirsson, Thordur Vikingur. Management in times of Changes and Agility (Stjórnun á tímum hraða og breytinga), JPV Publishing April 2003. ISBN 9979-775-46-7 8
Reports and chapters:
Deliverable O3: A Decision Skills Framework for Higher and VET students, continuously integrative for educational programme addressing VUCA contexts Version 1.5, May 9th, 2020. DAhoy project report, deliverable O3. Accessible at:
Deliverable O2: Innovative D-SKILLS Training Models for Higher and Vocational Education & Training Students  Version 5.0, 31 October 2019. DAhoy project report, deliverable O2. Accessible at:
Deliverable O1: Towards Reinforcing Decision Making Skills of Higher and Vocational Education & Training Students version 1.0, 21 September 2018
. DAhoy project report, deliverable O1, year_1, September 2018. Assessible at:
Project Governance: Effectice use of capital for infrastructure project (Verkefnastjórnsýsla: Markviss notkun fjármuna til samgönguframkvæmda). Ministry of Transport 2016. ISBN 978-9979-884-64-4.
Handbook for construction managers.
Author in Chapter M22 .Tools used in decision making in construction. Optimisation of Construction Processes (10 pages).

Author in Chapter M23. Diversity Management in Construction, Agile methods (25 pages).

Author in Chapter M22 .Tools used in decision making in construction. Optimisation of Construction Processes (10 pages).
Author in Chapter M23. Diversity Management in Construction, Agile methods (25 pages).
Fridgeirsson, Thordur Vikingur. How to Reduce Cost overruns in Public funded Projects. Chamber of Commerce September 2008. ISBN:978-9979-9795-7-9 8