
Þröstur Olaf Sigurjónsson, stundakennari

Deild:Opni háskólinn 
Aðsetur:Menntavegur 1, 101 Reykjavik, Ísland 
Viðtalstímar:Eftir samkomulagi 


PhD, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
MBA, IESE, Barcelona, Spain.
BA Philosophy, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Cand. Oecon., University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.



Research Experience

Sabbatical at University of Queensland Business School, Australia
Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School.
Associate Professor, School of Business, Reykjavik University.
Assistant Professor, School of Business, Reykjavik University.
Dir. of the Research Institute Public Private Partnership, Reykjavík Univ.
Adjunct, Reykjavík University.

Industry Experience

Management Consulting along faculty positions.
KPMG, Reykjavik, Iceland, Senior Management Consultant.
PWC, Copenhagen, Denmark, Senior Management Consultant.
Shell Oil International, Business Development Specialist, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Kennsluferill í HR

2025-1V-801-EXSIExecutive Simulation



Reviewed Publications


Faigen, B., Mygind, N., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2018). Three Dimensions of Employees Acquiring Shares in Their Firms: Personal Characteristics, Motives and Type of Ownership. Economic and Industrial Democracy. DOI: 10.1177/0143831X18805847.


Sigurjonsson, T.O., Schwarzkopf, D.L. and Bryant, M. (Eds.) (2018). The Return of Trust? Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis. Emerald Group Publishing 2018, 276 p.


Schwarzkopf, D.L. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2018). Discursive Control Using Emotion and Economics During a Financial Crisis. In: The Return of Trust? Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis. Eds. Sigurjonsson, T.O., Schwarzkopf, D.L. and Bryant M. Emerald Group Publishing 2018, p. 29-52.


Bryant, M., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Mixa, M.W. (2018). Governance Mechanisms Post-Crisis. In: The Return of Trust? Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis. . Eds. Sigurjonsson, T.O., Schwarzkopf, D.L. and Bryant M. Emerald Group Publishing 2018, p. 29-52.


Arnardottir A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2018). Restoring Trust Through Improved Corporate Governance and Adherence to Gender Quotas. In: The Return of Trust? Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis.  Eds. Sigurjonsson, T.O., Schwarzkopf, D.L. and Bryant M. Emerald Group Publishing 2018, p. 29-52.


Arnardóttir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson T.O. (2017). Gender Diversity on Boards in Iceland: Pathway to Gender Quota Law Following a Financial Crisis. In: Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: Volume 1: The Use of Different Quota Regulations. . Eds. Cathrine Seierstad; Patricia Gabaldon; Heike Mensi-Klarbach. Palgrave Macmillan 2017, p. 75-101.


Sjöstrand, S.E., Berglund, T., Grönberg, L., Kallifatides, M., Poulfelt, F., Pöyry, S. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2016). Nordic Corporate Governance. An Extensive In-Depth Study of Corporate Governance and Board Practices in 36 Large Companies. Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research.


Mixa, W.M, Bryant, M., and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2016) The Reverse Side Effects of Mark to Market Accounting: Exista and the Saga of Leveraged Paper Profits. International Journal of Critical Accounting (IJCA).


Sigurjonsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A., Vaiman, V. and Rikhardsson, P. (2015). Managers’ Views on Ethics Education in Business Schools: An Empirical Study. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 130(1), p. 1-13.


Sigurjonsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A. and Vaiman, V. (2014). The Role of Business Schools in Ethics Education in Iceland: The Managers’ Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 122(1), p. 25-38.


Murray, B., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Mixa, M.W. (2014). Restoring Trust in Public Institutions and the Financial System. International Journal of Economics and Accounting, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2014.


Sigurjonsson, T.O., Vaiman, V., and Arnardottir, A.A. (2014). The Role of Business Schools in Ethics Education in Iceland: The Managers’ Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 122(1), pp.25-38.


Mixa, W. M. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2013). Lessons not Learned – Iceland’s Financial Crisis Compared to the Nordic Countries. In Hawthorne, C.A. (Ed.), Financial Crises: Identification, Forecasting and Effects on Transition Economies. New York, USA, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. p. 129-146.


Sigurjonsson, T.O., and Arnardottir, A.A. (2012).  Privatization in a Nordic Country – the case of Iceland.  Organization and Management Scientific Quarterly, 1(17), 135-154. 


Vaiman, V., and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2011). Rethinking Ethics Education in Business Schools in the Post-Financial Crisis Epoch: An Icelandic Perspective. In A. Stachowicz Stanusch and Charles Wankel (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teaching Ethics in Business and Management Education. New York, USA (344-358), Information Science Reference.


Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2011). Viðbrögð tengslanets við gagnrýni á fjármálastöðugleika Íslands [Criticism on Financial Stability in Iceland and the Reaction of Defensive Networks]. Tímarit um stjórnmál og stjórnsýslu [Journal of Politics and Public Policy], 1(7), 164-186. University of Iceland.


Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2011). Rekstur einkavæddra fyrirtækja á Íslandi [The Operation of Icelandic Privatized Firms]. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál. [Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics], 8(1). University of Iceland.


Sigurjonsson, T.O.  and Mixa, W.M. (2011) Learning from the „Worst Behaved“. Iceland‘s Financial Crisis and Nordic Comparison. Thunderbird International Business Review, 53(2), 209-224.


Vaiman, V., Sigurjonsson, T.O., and Davídsson, P. (2011). Weak Business Culture as Antecedents of Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(2), 67-83.


Mixa, W.M., and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2010). Áfram á rauðu ljósi – Fjármálahrunið á Íslandi og reynsla Norðurlandanna Íslandi [Against a Red Light – The Financial Crisis in Iceland and the Nordic Countries’ Experience]. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál [Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics], 7(1), 21-40.


Vaiman, V., Davídsson, P. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2010) Revising a Concept of Corruption as a Result of the Global Economic Crisis – The Case of Iceland. In A. Stachowicz Stanusch (Ed.), Organizational Immunity to Corruption. Building Theoretical and Research Foundations. Katowice, Poland (363-372), The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Science.


Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2010) Privatization and Deregulation: A Chronology of Events. In R.Z. Aliber and G. Zoega (Eds.), Preludes to the Icelandic Financial Crisis. London, UK (26-40), Palgrave Macmillan.



Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings


Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2018). Directors´ Assessment of Changes in Board Key Functioning and Dynamics in the Wake of Gender Quota. The 18th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM).


Wendt, S., Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T.O., and Arnardottir A.A. (2018). Is More Really Better? Environmental Uncertainty, Performance Measure Variety and Organizational Performance. The 18th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM).


Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2017). Corporate Governance and Board Directors’ Selection Process in a Nordic Country, Nordic Corporate Governance Network Conference, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, June 7-9.


Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2017). Gender Quota in Corporate Boards, International Corporate Governance Society, Rome, August 30th – September 1st.


Arnardottir, A.A., and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2016). Selection of Female Board Directors in the Weak of Gender Quota. IE Business School, October 21st.


Sigurjonsson, T.O., and Arnardottir. (2016). The Board and Business Ethics. Copenhagen Business School, October 5th.


Bryant, M., Mixa, M.W. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2016). The Role of a Hedge Fund: Accounting, Regulation and Wrongdoing Contributing to Financial Collapse in Iceland. International Conference of Critical Accounting, New York, April.


Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2015). Gender equality and diversity in corporate boards in Iceland: added focus on CSR. Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Copenhagen.


Arnardottir, A.A., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Terjesen, S. (2015). Women on Corporate Boards in Iceland: Opening up Governance Through Gender Quota. Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver. Awarded the best AOM symposium.


Faigen, B., Arnardottir, A.A., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Mygind, N. (2015). Employee Ownership in an Icelandic context: An initial empirical exploration. The 7th Nordic Corporate Governance Network Conference, Copenhagen June 1-2.


Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2015). Board members’ selection process post gender quota legislation. Gender Diversity on Company Boards and in Leadership positions, Reykjavik, May 29.


Bryant, M., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Mixa, M.W. (2014). Restoring Trust in Public Institutions and the Financial System, the case of Iceland 2008 to 2012. International Conference of Critical Accounting, New York, 16-17 April.


Candi, M., Saemundsson, R. and Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2014) Aspiration Levels and R&D Search in Young Technology-Based Firms. Strategic Management Society´s 2014 SMS Annual International Conference, Madrid, September 20-23.


Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2014). Demand from industry for better ethical training and the initial steps of a university answering to that call.  Baseline measures and structuring of interventions. Academy of Management, August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US.   


Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A.  (2014). Environmental uncertainty, performance measure variety and perceived performance in Icelandic companies. 12th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, 11-13 June 2014, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.


McKenna, B., Sigurjónsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A., Biloslavo, R., Bulut, C., Bagnoli, C., Ray, S., Ronney, D., Zacher, H., Kupers, W., Dibben, M., Macklin, R. And Gosling, J.  (2014). The Relationship between Concern for Environmental Sustainability and the Capacity for Wisdom and Other Factors among Postgraduate Business Students: An International Comparison.  Irish Academy of Management Conference. University of Limerick: 3-5 September 2014.


Arnardottir, A.A. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2014). Two Nordic Sagas: Business Ethics and Business Education and Selection Process of Board Directors in Era of Gender Quotas.  Workshop ECS Troyes. May 13, 2014.


Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T. O., and Arnardottir, A. A. (2014). Environmental uncertainty, performance measure variety and perceived performance in Icelandic companies. The 12th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 11-13 June 2014.


Sigurjonsson, T.O., Arnardottir, A.A., Vaiman, V. and Rikhardsson, P. (2013). Managers’ perception of the role of business schools in ethics education. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23.


Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Arnardottir, A.A. (2013). Strategy archetypes adopted by Icelandic Companies, their fit with performance measures and effects on financial performance. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23.


Arnardottir, A.A., Hreinsson, S. and Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2013) Work and family balance among Icelandic employees with young children. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Iceland, August 21-23.


Sigurjonsson, T.O. (2011). The effect of defensive social networks on policy discourse. Nordic Corporate Governance Network, Conference Helsinki May 4-6.


Sigurjonsson, T.O. and Vaiman, V. (2011). The Role of Business Schools in Ethics Education: Evidence from Iceland. The 18th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, October 26-28, 2011 - St. Johns University.



Research Seminars


Board diversity: Lessons from Iceland.  Aarhus University, Denmark.  May 30th 2018.


Endurreisn trausts með bættum stjórnarháttum og kynjakvóta. Erindi á málstofu á Hrunið þið munið: Endurreisn trausts? Fyrirtæki, stofnanir og traust almennings í kjölfar efnahagsáfalls, Háskóli Íslands, 2018.


Selection Process of Board Members Following Law on Gender Quota. Troyes, France. Research Seminar May 13, 2014.


Governance Issues and the 2008 Financial Crisis. Bond University, Queensland, Australia, Research Seminar June 14, 2013.


Against a Red Light – the Financial Crisis in Iceland and a Nordic Comparison, Reykjavik University, School of Business Research Seminar, January 19, 2011.


The Loss of Governance as a Control Mechanism, Reykjavik University, School of Business Research Seminar, 1. Dec, 2010


Research Activity On Unstable Structures - Constructing ‘financial stability’ in Iceland, 2006, Copenhagen Business School Research seminar, April 10, 2010


Constructing Financial Stability in Iceland 2006, Reykjavik University, School of Business Research Seminar, 12. April 2010



Other Publication and Research Activity



Sigurjonsson, T., (2008). Einkavæðing, frumkvæði og áhættusækni - einkavæðing íslensku bankanna (e. Privatization, Initiative and Risk Taking – the Privatization of the Icelandic Banks). Research in Social Science, IXI. Reykjavik: University Publishing.


Sigurjonsson, T., and Davidsson, P., (2008). Samfélagsábyrg nýsköpun íslenskra frumkvöðla (e. CSR of Icelandic Entrepreneurs). Research in Social Science, IXI. Reykjavik: University Publishing.


Hockerts, K, Morsing, M., Hansen, J.E., Midttun, A., Halme, M., Sweet, S., Davidsson, P., Sigurjónsson, T. CSR-Driven Innovation, Towards the Social Purpose Business (2008). Copenhagen Business School.


Sigurjonsson, T, (2007). The Icelandic Privatization. Research in Social Science VIII, pp. 531-545. Reykjavik: University Publishing.


Case Writing


Currently: Icelandair: Series of cases in co-operation with Icelandair and IESE, with Professor Pascual Berrone and Jordan Mitchell.


2011; Straumur Bank: The Forever Changing Landscape (A, B and C), with Professor Ahmad Rahnema, IESE, Barcelona, Spain and Jordan Mitchell.


2009; Teymi and Iceland’s Currency Devaluation, with Professor Ahmad Rahnema, IESE, Barcelona, Spain and Jordan Mitchell.




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