Journal Articles and Book Chapters
1. L.Leifsson, S. Koziel, Y.A. Tesfahunegn, and A. Bekasiewicz, “Fast Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Optimization Using Space-Mapping-Corrected Multi-Fidelity Models and Kriging Interpolation,” In S. Koziel, L. Leifsson, and X.S. Yang (Eds.) Recent Advances in Simulation-Driven Modeling and Optimization, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2015.
2. L. Leifsson, S. Koziel, and Y. A. Tesfahunegn, “Multi-objective aerodynamic optimization by variable-fidelity models and response surface surrogates," Accepted, AIAA Journal, 2015.
3. S. Koziel, Y.A. Tesfahunegn, and L. Leifsson, “Expedited Constrained Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Shape Optimization by Means of Physics-Based Surrogates," Submitted, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015
4. S. Koziel, Y.A. Tesfahunegn, and L. Leifsson, “Variable-Fidelity CFD Models and Co-Kriging for Expedited Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Design Optimization," Submitted, Engineering Computations, 2015.
5. S. Koziel, Y.A. Tesfahunegn, and L. Leifsson, “Cost-Efficient Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Optimization by Variable-Fidelity Models and Design Space Reduction," Submitted, Aerospace Science & Technology, 2015.
6. L. Leifsson, S. Koziel, S. Hosder, and Y.A. Tesfahunegn, “Multi-Objective Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Shape Optimization Using Multi-Fidelity Surrogates," Submitted, Computers & Fluids, 2015
7. H. Shah, S. Hosder, S. Koziel, and Y.A. Tesfahunegn, “Multi-fidelity robust aerodynamic design optimization under mixed uncertainty”, Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 45, pp. 71-29, 2015.
8. Y.A. Tesfahunegn, F. Rosa, and C. Gorla, “The effects of the shape of tooth profile modifications on the transmission error, bending, and contact stress of spur gears,” Proc. IMechE, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 2010, 224 (C8), 1749-1758.
Refereed Conference Papers
1. S. Koziel, Y. A. Tesfahunegn, and L. Leifsson, and S. Koziel, “Rapid Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Design Using Co-Kriging and Space Mapping," Accepted, AIAA Aerospace Science and Technology Forum (AIAA SciTech), San Diego, CA, Jan 4-8, 2016.
2. A. Amrit, A. Thelen, J. Ren, L. Leifsson, S. Koziel, and Y. A. Tesfahunegn, “Application of Multifdelity Optimization Techniques to Benchmark Aerodynamic Design Problems," Accepted, AIAA Aerospace Science and Technology Forum (AIAA SciTech), San Diego, CA, Jan 4-8, 2016.
3. Y.A. Tesfahunegn, S Koziel, L Leifsson, and A Bekasiewicz “Surrogate-based Airfoil Design with Space Mapping and Adjoint Sensitivity,” Procedia Computer Science, vol. 51, pp. 795-804, 2015.
4. I.M. Jonsson, L. Leifsson, S Koziel, and Y.A. Tesfahunegn “Shape Optimization of Trawl-doors Using Variable-fidelity Models and Space Mapping,” Procedia Computer Science, vol. 51, pp. 905-913, 2015.
5. Y.A. Tesfahunegn, S. Koziel, and L. Leifsson “ Adjoint-Enhanced Multi-Level Optimization: Investigation of Algorithm Parameter Settings,” 16th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, June 2015.
6. Y.A. Tesfahunegn, S. Koziel, J.-R. Gramanzini, S. Hosder, Z.-H.Han, and L. Leifsson “Application of Direct and Surrogate-Based Optimization to Two-Dimesnsional Benchmark Aerodynamic Problems: A Comparative Study,” 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting , 2015.
7. Y.A. Tesfahunegn, S. Koziel, and L. Leifsson “ Surrogate-Based Airfoil Design with Multi-Level Optimization and Adjoint Sensitivity,” 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting , January 2015.
8. L Leifsson, S Koziel, Y.A. Tesfahunegn, and S Hosder “Multi-Objective Aeroacoustic Shape Optimization by Variable-Fidelity Models and Response Surface Surrogates,” 56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, January 2015.
9. H. Shah, S. Hosder,S. Koziel, L. Leifsson, and Y.A. Tesfahunegn “ Multi-fidelity Robust Aerodynamic Design Optimization Under Mixed Uncertainty,” 17th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference, January 2015.
10. L. Leifsson, S. Koziel, Y. Tesfahunegn, S. Hosder, and J.-R. Gramanzini, “Aerodynamic Design Optimization: Physics-based Surrogate Approaches for Airfoil and Wing Design,” 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, National Harbor, Maryland, Jan. 13-17, 2014.
11. S. Koziel, L. Leifsson, and Y. Tesfahunegn, “Simulation-Driven Aerodynamic Shape Optimization with Automated Low-Fidelity Model Setup,”accepted, AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition (AVIATION), Atlanta, Georgia, June 16–20, 2014.
12. Y. A. Tesfahunegn, F.Rosa, and C.Gorla, “The Influence of Profile Modifications on Root Stress,” Proceedings of MPT2009-Sendai, JSME International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions, May 13-15, 2009, Matsushima Isles Resort, Japan, pp.407-412.
13. Yonatan A., F.Rosa, and C.Gorla, “Influenza della forma delle modifiche di profilo sull’Errore di Trasmissione,” Organi di Trasmissione, Vol.4,April 2009, pp.84-88.
Conference, Workshop and Seminar Presentations
1. Y.A. Tesfahunegn, S Koziel, L Leifsson, and A Bekasiewicz, “Surrogate-based Airfoil Design with Space Mapping and Adjoint Sensitivity,” International Conference On Computational Science (Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3, 2015).
2. Y.A.Tesfahunegn, “Simulation Driven Design,” Brown Bag Talk Series (Verkin Tala) at Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland, 27 May, 2015.
3. Y.A. Tesfahunegn, L. Leifsson, and S. Koziel “ Aerodynamic Shape Optimization by Physics-Based Surrogate,” Poster presentation organized by Rannis, Reykjavik, Iceland, 12 March, 2015.
4. Y.A.Tesfahunegn, “How Things Fly,” Presentation at Hörðuvallaskóli Primary School 7- 9th grade students, Kopavogur, Iceland, 26 February, 2015.
5. Y.A.Tesfahunegn, “Simulation Driven Design,” Presentation at Össur, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13 February, 2015.
6. Y.A.Tesfahunegn, “How Things Fly,” Presentation at International School of Iceland for 4- 8th grade students, Garðabær, Iceland, 26 January, 2015.
7. Y.A. Tesfahunegn, S. Koziel, and L. Leifsson “ Surrogate-Based Airfoil Design with Multi-Level Optimization and Adjoint Sensitivity,” 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting , Science and Technology Forum ( Kissimee, Florida, Jan 5-9, 2015).
8. Y.A.Tesfahunegn, S.Koziel,L. Leifsson and F.Rosa “ Optimization of Gear Tooth Surfaces By Physics-Based Surrogates” Third International Workshop on Advances in Simulation-Driven Optimization and Modeling (ASDOM) (Reykjavik University, Iceland, August 8-10, 2014).
9. Y.A.Tesfahunegn, S.Koziel, and L. Leifsson “ Aerodynamic Shape Optimization by Physics-Based Surrogates” Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Conference (Copenhagen, Denmark , June 19-20, 2014).
10. S. Koziel , L. Leifsson, and Y.A. Tesfahunegn “Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using Space Mapping,” Second International Workshop on Advances in Simulation-Driven Optimization and Modeling (ASDOM) (Reykjavik University, Iceland, August 9-10, 2013).
11. Yonatan A. Tesfahunegn, F.Rosa, C.Gorla, The Influence of Profile Modifications on Root Stress,” MPT2009-Sendai, JSME International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions, May 13-15, 2009, Matsushima Isles Resort, Japan.